"OK, let her go."

Someone quickly untied Tang Fang.

Tang Fang was overjoyed. She threw herself directly into Ren Dong's arms. "President Ren, thank you for saving me. You still love our children."

"We've let go, Mr. Ren. You can go. This little beauty can only be handed over to us." Tang Wang said.

Ren Dong doesn't want to go. In fact, he has called the police. The police should arrive soon.

At this time, Tang Fang quickly stretched out her hand and covered her stomach. "My stomach hurts... My stomach hurts so much."

Ren's father and mother immediately became nervous. "How's the stomachache, a dong? Hurry up and take Tang Fang to the hospital for an examination. Tang Fang is a pregnant woman and can't have an accident."

Tang Fang also pulled Ren Dong, "president Ren, the baby in my stomach won't have an accident. He hasn't been born yet. He hasn't called you dad yet."

Ren Dong took a look at Lin buran, then picked up Tang Fang, turned and went out. Ren's father and mother followed him out.

They're all gone.

Tang Wang carried the bag full of money. The weight in the bag made him very satisfied. Now his eyes fell on Lin buran's beautiful little face. "Do you see that your husband left with Xiao San and the child, and you were abandoned."

Lin buran looked at Tang Wang. "Are you with Tang Fang?"


Tang Wang was frozen and forgot to react for a moment. Their plan was perfect and seamless. How did she know?

"How do you know? Who told you?" Tang Wang asked flustered.

Lin Bu ran scratched his lips. "Just now I was just suspicious. I thought about it. I drank a glass of milk last night. Someone must have tampered with my milk. I can only think of Tang Fang."

"Tang Fang's play just now hit the key. It was good, but the trace was clumsy and very serious. However, I had no evidence and just doubted. Until just now, I've confirmed your current attitude. You are with Tang Fang!"

Tang Wang flew into a rage. It turned out that he had been beaten by the routine. It's unreasonable.

"Boss, she already knows that she can't stay alive today. If she doesn't, she will suffer from infinite."

Tang Wang swam on Lin buran's beautiful little face. "Anyway, they are all dying people. Serve your brothers before you die. It must be a good taste, a famous fashion designer or a rich wife of a listed company, ha ha ha."

These people immediately surrounded Lin buran and wanted to rush up immediately.

Lin buran turns the rope. The rope on her hand has become loose.

At this time, Tang Wang couldn't wait. He untied his belt. "Wait a minute, let me go first."

"Good boss."


Suddenly there was a loud noise. It turned out that the door of the warehouse was kicked open.

Tang Wang was so excited that he almost softened. "Who the hell is it!"

Tang Wang turned his head and saw that the warehouse door was kicked and cracked, and the dust was flying outside. A foot wearing heavy black boots stepped in first, then a black windbreaker, and finally a handsome and wild face came into sight. Zhang Han came.

Lin buran looked at Zhang Han for a moment. Why did he come? Didn't he say he would come back in two days?

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