Zhang Han narrowed his narrow eyes, and then said, "OK, have you scolded enough? Just the meaning. Don't give you a face, you'll kick your nose and face."

Ren's father and mother, "..."

Tang Fang, "..."

These three people are stupid at the same time. It's really a junior three every year, but I've never seen such a rampant junior.

Ren Dong didn't have any accident. Zhang Han he knew was so crazy, so proud, and looked arrogant.

"You... You..." Ren Ma trembled.

"What are you? You shouldn't scold Ranran. On the contrary, you should also thank Ranran. If Ranran hadn't, I would have trampled you like ants at your feet. How could you have the opportunity to beep in front of me?"

Ren's father and mother, "..." almost fainted.

Tang Fang enthusiastically held Ren's father and mother. "Uncle and aunt, don't be sad. For such people are not worth it, my baby and I will always be with you and will be filial to you in the future."

With Lin buran's comparison, Ren's father and mother immediately accepted Tang Fang, "good child, or Hello, ah Dong, you quickly divorced him, and then married Tang Fang. I want to have grandchildren."

With the support of Ren's father and mother, Tang Fang died. She smiled like a flower. "Uncle and aunt, I'll have a second baby when I have this baby. Open more branches and leaves for the Ren family."

This undoubtedly met the greatest hope of Ren's parents. They patted Tang Fang's hand and wanted to recognize Tang Fang immediately.

Lin butan looked at Tang Fang's performance coldly, and then said, "Tang Fang, do you have anything to say to you?"

Tang Fang said, "what did you say?"

Tang Fang looked at Lin buran suspiciously. She shouldn't have known something. It's impossible!

Lin Bu ran hooked his lips, "tell me how you drugged my milk, how you kidnapped me with those gangsters, where you learned your acting skills, when you stared at the office, or your dream of wealth and glory, and your Phoenix dream of marrying into the office as a young grandmother."

As soon as these words fell, the scene was silent.

Ren's father and mother looked at Tang Fang in shock. They all looked at Tang Fang with cold eyes and shot at Tang Fang's face.

Tang Fang's heart sank. She secretly said that it was bad. As expected, Lin Bu ran knew.

How did she know?

She must have no evidence.

She can't admit it. If she admits it, it's over. She's one step away from success.

Tang Fang immediately showed an expression even more unjust than Dou E, "what are you talking about? I can't understand you at all. Is your adultery exposed, so you want to throw dirty water on me. I'm pregnant with president Ren's child, and you want to kill me."

Then Tang Fang pulled Ren's father and mother, "uncle and aunt, you have to believe me. Ah, my stomach hurts a little."

Tang Fang knew that her biggest chip was her belly, so she moved the baby out again.

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