After Lin buran's deception, Ren's father and mother found it hard to trust her again. With the children in Tang Fang's belly, they quickly stood in line, "Tang Fang, don't get excited and don't hurt the children in your belly. We believe you."

"You have deceived us once. Do you want to deceive us again? We are not monkeys you play with. Don't spread the kidnapping to others. We will sue you for slander."

"Yes, you said Tang Fang planned the plot. Do you have any evidence? What's your evidence?"

Lin Bu ran looked at Ren's parents, and then his eyes fell on Ren Dong's face. "Ren Dong, what about you, don't you believe me?"

Ren Dong was also shocked, but he felt that Tang Fang did not have such a great ability to plan all this, which sounded very absurd.

"I don't believe anyone. If you accuse Tang Fang, please show your evidence." Ren Dong said.

Tang Fang was very flustered at first, but now Ren's family are on her side, which undoubtedly gives her confidence.

Although she doesn't know how Lin buran was rescued, her brother certainly won't show any tricks, so there's no evidence. She can say it at will.

"I know you hate me, hate my relationship with president Ren, and hate that I am pregnant with president Ren's child. It's all my fault. Can I kneel down and admit my mistake?" Tang Fang immediately wanted to kneel down for Lin buran.

Ren's father and mother grabbed Tang Fang and stopped, "don't kneel. You haven't done anything wrong."

"Uncle and aunt, I know you love me, but if I can offset my resentment, I am willing to do anything."

Tang Fang was already in tears when she said, "although she doesn't love president Ren and has her own true love, president Ren is her husband after all. She must have resentment in her heart. I'm wrong, I..."

These words suddenly poked the pain in Ren's father and mother's heart. They immediately blushed and began to accuse Lin buran, "why didn't we find you so vicious and selfish before? We all regret knowing you!"

Lin buran never spoke. She said that difficulties are the most test of human nature. She has been completely abandoned by Ren's family.

Of course, this is also her own problem, but in the future, she doesn't owe the family anything. She's clear with each other.

At this time, his confidant came over and whispered in Zhang Han's ear.

What are they talking about?

Tang Fang has been staring at the movement of Lin buran. When she sees someone coming, she doesn't know what she's talking about. Tang Fang has a bad hunch, but what she's best at is self deception. She thinks Zhang Han is not a big man. At most, it's Lin buran's little lover. She shouldn't be able to turn out any waves.

"Ren Zong, uncle and aunt, you must believe me." Tang Fang said coquettishly.

Zhang Han looked at Tang Fang's affectation and whispered, "Miss Tang, it seems that you have stepped into the gate of Ren's house. Congratulations."

Tang Fang is a little embarrassed.

"But did you tell Ren's family about your family? Your parents are Lao Lai. Seeing that the business at home is not working, they swept away the hard-earned money of all the workers. They have already been blacklisted. You also have a brother named Tang Wang. Your brother has been thinking too much. He robbed homes since childhood. He once forced a girl to go to jail. Now he is on the road Gangsters can do anything bad. Have you told anyone about this? "


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