Hearing this, Ren's parents' face suddenly changed. The Ren family has always been a scholarly family. Their basic standard for their daughter-in-law is their innocence. Tang Fang, in her twenties, looked at a simple and clean female college student who had just entered the workplace. They never thought about this.

"Tang Fang, he... Is what he said true?" asked Ren's parents.

Tang Fang's head exploded with a bang. She didn't expect that her family background, which she tried to hide, was shaken out by Zhang Han one by one. She immediately denied, "no, it's not."

"What's the truth?" Zhang Han looked at Tang Fang's panic denial with a smile.

"It's a long story about my parents. At that time, I was young and didn't know much about the specific situation. However, I didn't have the brother Tang Wang. I was the only child. President Ren, uncle and aunt, you should believe me. He planted and framed me."

Tang Fang insists that she doesn't have a brother. Her brother can't be exposed. This not only becomes a stain on her, but also involves the kidnapping of Lin buran.


Zhang Han let out a low smile from his throat. Then he waved his hand and immediately pressed a man over.

This man is Tang Wang.

Tang Wang had already been beaten. Looking at his bruised face, he was very embarrassed. He knelt in front of Zhang Han and begged for mercy, "King Han, please forgive me, please."

Zhang Han looked down at Tang Wang. "Now you shouldn't ask me. You should ask your sister. Look, your sister is right ahead. She didn't recognize you just now. She said she didn't have a brother. She was an only child."

Tang Wang looked at Tang Fang, "Fang Fang, I'm your brother. Why don't you recognize me? Please hurry up and ask King han to let me go."

Tang Fang's heart has sunk to the bottom of the valley. Her brother has been arrested. It seems that the kidnapping has been helped, but she can't recognize it. Once she recognizes it, it's all over.

"Who are you? I don't know you. My stomach is uncomfortable. Let's go, uncle and aunt. They don't know what play to play there. Let's not waste time." Tang Fang wanted to take Ren's father and mother away.

Tang Wang was worried, "Fangfang, you can't go. Do you want to die? I'm your brother?"

"When you were in high school, you fell in love with a senior. When you were in college, you seduced a professor for a scholarship and followed others for more than a year. Later, you met a rich second generation and ate, drank and played with others."

"This Ren is always your latest goal. You want to marry into a rich family and be a young grandmother, so you have a one night stand while president Ren is drunk. You forget that I helped you contact the hospital to repair your hymen."

"My good sister, kiss sister, don't pretend. I don't know who you are. Save me quickly. I don't want to die!"

These words fell and the scene was silent.

Tang Fang was as pale as death. She tightened her fist and wanted to strangle Tang Wang. He killed her.

"Uncle and aunt, these are not true. Listen to me..." Tang Fang is still dying.

Ren's father and mother were trembling with anger, "Tang Fang, you are such a person!"

"Tang Wang, if you want to live, tell everyone who kidnapped me with you." then Lin buran said.

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