Tang Fang's legs are soft. It's all over!

At this time, I heard Tang Wang's voice, "it's Tang Fang. My sister ordered me to do it!"

"My sister has long wanted to be a rich young grandmother at the gate of Ren's family, but because the stumbling block is miss, my sister came up with the idea to plan a kidnapping and get rid of Miss directly."

"King Han, in fact, I'm innocent. It's all my sister's idea. I'm just thinking about it. Catch my sister and let me go quickly."

Tang Wang has explained everything. Ren Dong, Ren's father and mother looked at Tang Fang in great shock. They didn't expect that a girl so weak on the surface planned an amazing conspiracy to play them around.

"Tang Fang, are they all true?" Ren Dong looked at Tang Fang with a gloomy face.

Tang Fang shook her head. "No, it's not true. He's talking nonsense. I haven't done anything. You can't listen to one side of him."

"Tang Fang, OK, you want to kick my brother away now, don't you? It's not so easy. I've recorded every call we have. I'll listen to you now."

Tang Wang then opened a recording, in which Tang Fang's vicious voice quickly came, "this plan can't have any contingency. I want to die quickly, so no one can stop me from becoming Mrs. Ren, brother. Then we will prosper, and all the money of the Ren family can be enjoyed by us."

Tang Fang's face turned white. She never thought that her stupid brother had calculated herself.

Lin Bu ran looked at Tang Fang. "Tang Fang, now there are human and material evidence. What else do you want to say?"

Tang Fang looked at Ren's father and mother for help, and pulled Ren's father and mother's sleeve like a life-saving straw, "uncle and aunt, you want to save me..."

Ren's father and mother pushed Tang Fang away, "you've done your own evil. Take it on your own. You're still willing to speak to us!"

Tang Fang's legs softened and collapsed directly on the ground.

"My child... But I still have your Ren family's child in my stomach. Don't you want it?" this is the only magic weapon Tang Fang can hold in her hand. She immediately reached out and stroked her stomach.

Sure enough, Ren's parents showed a reluctant expression. This is the blood of their Ren family and their baby grandson

Lin buran had expected that Ren's father and mother would not give up the child. She faintly took back her eyes, "let's go back to the room."

She turned and went into her ward.


In the ward.

Zhang Han looked at Lin buran. "Guess what the Ren family will do. Will they cover up Tang Fang? After all... It seems that in their eyes, your life is worthless compared with their grandson."

Lin buran saw the ridicule and ridicule in Zhang Han's eyes. She glanced at him, then turned around and didn't intend to ignore him.

At this time, a piece of bed collapsed, and Zhang Han's clean and fragrant masculinity lingered, "this is your vision of picking men. You don't need me to do it. Your marriage was defeated by an out of class junior. Ranran, you really need to look at your eyes."

He knelt on the hospital bed on one knee, and his tall and handsome body bullied him from behind. It seemed that he held her in his arms. Lin buran avoided his breath. "Didn't you do it? Your repeated provocation and humiliation to Ren Dong has crushed him. You are still so mean. You have done everything you can and pretended that you haven't done anything."

Zhang Han was not angry at all. He leaned over and kissed Lin buran hard. "Do you know what I like most about you? I like what you look like now."

"Really?" Lin Bu dyed his lips. "Don't you love my face and my appearance as a double?"

Zhang Han was stiff and disobedient by Lin buran.

Yes, he just regards Lin buran as a shadow and a double. How can he like a double?

Zhang Han changed the topic, "Tang Fang looks very annoying. I'll solve her for you."

"How to solve it?"

Zhang Han picked a sword eyebrow, "you don't care about this."

Lin buran observed a moment of silence for Tang Fang for three seconds.

At this time, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and Ren Dong appeared by the door.

From Ren Dong's point of view, now Zhang Han and Lin don't dye intimately snuggle together. They don't know what they are talking about. His sudden intrusion seems rash and embarrassing.

Zhang Han narrowed his eyes. "President Ren, knock before you come in. Don't you understand this?"

Ren Dong, "now it seems to be my wife. Do I still knock when I enter my wife's ward door? Instead, it's you. Is it appropriate for you to share a room with my wife?"

Zhang Han said with a casual smile, "now I know she is your wife. Why didn't you say she was your wife when you left your wife in the crematorium with Xiaosan and Xiaoye?"

Ren Dong immediately tightened his fist. At that time, he was too angry. He was sure that the police would immediately rush to save Lin buran. How did he know that it helped Zhang Han and gave Zhang Han a chance to save the United States.

Lin buran looks at Zhang Han and Ren Dong. In this minute, they have come and gone for several rounds. There is a war of words and smoke everywhere.

At present, Zhang Han has the upper hand.

Zhang Han is a man who is naturally crazy and has nothing to fear.

"Ren Dong, do you have something to talk to me?" Lin buran broke the deadlock.

Ren Dong nodded, "yes."

"OK, let's talk."

Ren Dong came in.

At this time, Lin buran and Ren Dong both looked at Zhang Han because he had not left here.

Lin Bu ran said in a voice, "Zhang Han, do you want to avoid it? We want to talk about things."

Zhang Han put his hand in his trouser pocket and didn't want to go. "I'll sit in here and listen to what you talk about that I can't listen to."

Lin buran was speechless. "Zhang Han, please go out and give us some freedom and private space."

Zhang Han's face was a little ugly. This woman really didn't know what to do. She was so cruel to herself in front of her ex husband!

But looking at Lin buran's unhappy look, Zhang Han didn't say anything. He walked out slowly, "give you three minutes. If you have something to say, I'll watch outside. Don't play tricks under my eyes!"

Zhang Han closed the door.

Lin buran, "..."

Ren Dong looked at the direction of Zhang Han's disappearance. "It's been said outside that how terrible and terrible Zhang Han is. Of course, I've learned his means, but... He seems to listen to you very much."

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