Zhang Han reached out and pinched Lin's face. "Go back to the room and have a rest. Wash incense and wait for me tonight. I'll deal with things first."

With that, Zhang Han went upstairs and entered the study.

"Miss Lin, I'm your servant girl Xiaoqing. The room has been arranged. Please follow me." Xiaoqing said.

Lin Bu ran ignored these women. She turned around and followed Xiaoqing upstairs. Even when she got upstairs, she could still feel the eyes of those women falling on her, like needles. They all wanted to pierce countless blood holes in her.


Lin buran stayed in the room without going out. She began to complete her own design drawings. This time, Zhang Han gave her a certain range of freedom, which did not affect her work.

Lin buran has heard the noise of those women outside. They are jealous of her and are too jealous. Lin buran takes it lightly. They all say that the place with women is the battlefield. There is such a big harem here. It's a bloody storm.

Lin buran scratched her red lips. It doesn't matter. She came out of the bloody storm. She's never afraid of the bloody storm. She just wants the bloody storm to be more violent!

Soon in the evening, Xiaoqing knocked on the door, "Miss Lin, it's dinner time. You can go downstairs for dinner."

Lin Bu ran shook his head. "I'm not hungry. You eat."

The beauties downstairs soon learned that Lin buran couldn't have dinner downstairs. Everyone said sarcastically.

"A married woman fortunately entered King Han's house and asked her to come down for dinner. She also shook her face and sang high-profile!"

"She doesn't eat what we eat, so that the cook doesn't need to keep anything, so she's hungry at night."

Lin buran has been doing design. During this time, she is busy dealing with Ren's family. She has accumulated a lot of work, so she is busy late at night.

Late at night, Zhang Han also came back. He stood at the door and let the maid take off his shoes. "Where's Miss Lin?"

"Miss Lin is upstairs. She hasn't come out all day today." the maid said truthfully.

Zhang Han picked a sword eyebrow. "Didn't she come out all day? She didn't eat?"

"No, Miss Lin said she had no appetite."

"Open a small stove for Miss Lin and a cook. All three meals will be delivered to her room according to her preference."

The maid was stunned. She worked here for so long. It was the first time she saw this man give such a honor to anyone.

At this time, Zhang Han had already stepped upstairs and opened the door of Lin buran's room.

At this time, Lin buran sat cross legged on the soft carpet with a sketch pen in her white fingers. Her long black hair was tucked behind her ears and draped over her slender fragrant shoulder. She was wearing a long Beige cardigan and was lowering her head to make a design.

There was a dim yellow light in the room, which plated her with warmth, and the years were quiet.

Zhang Han leaned against the door and looked at it for a while. He felt that the wind and frost all over his body had been baptized at the moment. His thin and cool lips couldn't help hooking up and was in a good mood.

However, Lin butran was busy designing and didn't notice him coming. Zhang Han had to go in and close the door.

Zhang Han sat beside Lin buran, with a deep voice and a little smile, "what do you draw? I didn't see it when I came in?"

Lin buran still focused on the design and didn't look up. "Oh, King Han, are you back?"

Is she perfunctory?

Zhang Han also smiled angrily. He put his hand around her soft waist. "Other women don't know what to do to serve me. You're good. You're cold to me, and you want me to stick my hot face to your cold ass."

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