Lin buran looked up at Zhang Han, "you can go and find them. No one forced you to stay here."

Zhang Han narrowed his eyes. "Ranran, are you proud of your pet?"

"Yes, so you'd better not spoil me, or I'll kick my nose and face. It's possible to ride on your head."

Zhang Han smiled angrily. He hugged Lin butran and pressed her against himself. "Woman, your success has aroused my curiosity. I have always pressed women. No woman has dared to ride on my head."

Said Zhang Han's evil spirit and hooked his thin lips, "should you try to ride on... Me before riding on my head?"

"..." he drove for a while and almost threw Lin buran out of the car. Lin buran reached out and pushed him, "I haven't taken a bath yet."

"Why don't you wash? Are you waiting for me and want to take a bath with me?"


"Wash together." Zhang Han stretched out his hand and wanted to hold her horizontally.

Lin Bu ran refused, "you wash it first. There is still a little left in my design draft. Others are still waiting for me to hand it in."

"Ranran, although I gave you the freedom to work, you must understand what your first priority is to serve me, okay?"

Lin Bu ran was helpless. She put her soft body together and kissed Zhang Han's handsome face. "Go wash first and give me some time. I'll be fine right away."

Zhang Han held her. Her body was soft and warm, and her hair was still with a faint pleasant aroma, which made people infatuated. "This is what you want to send me? Am I so easy to send in your heart?"

Lin buran looked at him without further action.

"Ranran, you're a smart woman, aren't you? The love between men and women is a matter of willingness. I've wasted a lot of time on you, which is enough to show my sincerity. If you cooperate a little, everyone will be better. Otherwise, there will be pain in the future." Zhang Han said, half coaxing and half threatening.

Lin buran had already recognized the reality. Although she was very resistant to every intimate contact with Zhang Han, she had to bow to the reality.

Lin buran hugged his neck and kissed his thin lips.

Zhang Han raised his hand, sat her on his lap, put her legs around his fine waist, and then hugged and kissed her.

Her kisses are green and astringent, and there are no superfluous skills. This experience is taught by him. Men like clean and pure girls under the bed. They are taught a little by themselves, like drawing on white paper, full of their own impressions.

Zhang Han clasped the back of her head and deepened the kiss.

Soon Lin buran felt his lips numb. It was obviously her initiative, but he had turned away from the guest. Even in love, he had taken the initiative and was overbearing.

Two small hands touched his chest and pushed him away. "OK, you go to take a bath first."

Zhang Han pulled her clothes, his eyes filled with lust, and even his voice was hoarse. "Not enough, wait a minute."

Lin buran felt a little out of control and quickly refused, "but you promised me just now. I should satisfy you. You let me finish the work first. I agreed to hand in the manuscript within the specified time."

Zhang Han frowned at her chattering voice, "then don't linger, I'll be fine soon."

"..." then a string of melodious mobile phone rings, and Lin buran calls. It's the studio urging him.

Lin buran's eyes lit up. It seemed that she met a straw. She went to get her mobile phone, "I'm calling. Let me answer the phone..."

Zhang Han's strong healthy arm hooped her and forbade her to move. "If you dare to answer the phone, I'll let them all listen to your voice and let them know how they are famous in men..."

Lin butran immediately covered his mouth with his little hand and forbade him to talk nonsense.

He is so shameless that he can say anything.

Zhang Han looked at her and possessed her little by little in her eyes.

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