Zhang Han deliberately punished her, but he didn't expect her to spit out on the spot. He reached out and patted her on the back, "Ranran..."

Lin butran pushed him away. "I've seen it. Can I go back?"

Before Zhang Han spoke, Lin buran turned and left.

But after two steps, Lin buran softened and fainted directly.


Lin buran heard Zhang Han's roar at the last moment when he fainted. He must be very angry now.

Great, she finally doesn't have to face him.

Lin Bu ran hooked his lips and closed his eyes at ease.


Lin buran began to have a fever. She was hot all over and burned to 42 degrees at once.

She had nightmares. The first half of her suffering flickered in front of her like an accelerated film. She saw her gambling addicted father, Zhang Han with a ferocious face, and Ren Dong

She felt very painful, like the pain of breaking her leg that year, the pain of being robbed by Zhang Han that year, and more like the pain of meeting the devil not long ago.

All her suffering comes from this man, who is in and out of her dreams.

Lin butran was in pain. She was eager to wake up because she didn't want to see him, but when she woke up, he was there again. He was all over the world and there was no escape.

Zhang Han stood by the bed and looked at Lin buran at the moment. She was in a coma. Her whole little face was red, and the beads of sweat kept rolling down. She shook her head in pain and talked nonsense. She didn't know what she wanted to get rid of.

"What's wrong with her?" Zhang Han looked at the doctor with a gloomy face.

The doctor touched the cold sweat and said in fear, "King Han, the patient has a high fever, which has reached 42 degrees."

"Do I want you to talk nonsense? Don't I know she has a high fever? I ask you to treat her immediately. I want her to get better and I want her to wake up quickly!" Zhang Han roared, his face gloomy and terrible.

The doctor was so frightened that he took a few steps back, "Han Wang, don't worry. The patient's physique is weak. During this period, his mood fluctuates greatly, which makes him anxious. He fainted with a high fever. I've cooled the patient, but it takes a process to reduce the fever. Please wait patiently."


"Get out!" Zhang Han hurried directly.


The doctor waited for this sentence. He didn't look back and rolled away.

Zhang Han sat by the bed. He looked at Lin buran, who was still dizzy. He just took her to see Qiu Niang. Look at her advice. Why is it so useless!

"Lin buran, wake up quickly. Don't think you can get rid of me. I tell you, it's useless. Even if heaven and earth, I'll find you. You can't get rid of me."

Lin buran is doomed not to hear his words and give him any response.

At night, Lin buran's body was no longer hot, but cold.

Her body was as cold as ice, her little face was pale, and her teeth were trembling in a coma.

This time, she had a high fever, which was both cold and fire.

"Add more quilts."


The maid added a lot of quilts to Lin butran. Lin butran was pressed down thick and showed his head.

But it's no use. She's still cold.

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