At this time, the maid brought the boiled soup and medicine, "master, here's the fever medicine. I'll feed Miss Lin."

The maid wants to give Lin butan medicine.

But Zhang Han stretched out his hand and took the antipyretic. "I'll come. You can take it back."

The maid was slightly surprised. Zhang Han was born in a rich family and was born with a golden spoon when he was young. Now his life is more extravagant. Servants are waiting on him in all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation. He hasn't served others himself.

This is the first time the maid saw her master serve others. The sun really came out in the West.

Zhang Han sat by the bed. Lin buran was still in a coma. He handed a spoon of traditional Chinese medicine to Lin buran's lips and ordered, "open your mouth and drink the medicine."

Lin buran, who was in a coma, didn't respond at all.

Zhang Han sipped his thin lips, and then fed the traditional Chinese medicine directly to Lin buran's mouth.

But Lin buran didn't swallow the medicine at all, so the black traditional Chinese medicine immediately flowed down from her lips and into her white pajamas.

"Paper! Get the paper quickly!"

"Here you are, master."

Zhang Han took over and clumsily wiped the drug stains for Lin buran. Her pajamas were not dirty, otherwise she would be unhappy when she woke up and throw his face again.

Zhang Han carefully wiped her face and lips. When he was sure it was clean, he continued to feed the medicine. "Lin buran, open your mouth quickly, or I'll hold your mouth and pour it down. This is the consequence of toasting and not drinking!"

Lin butan didn't respond.

Zhang Han reached out and pinched her face and really poured it into her mouth.

Lin butan, who was in a coma, couldn't swallow. He vomited all the medicine juice directly, and vomited it on Zhang Han.

Zhang Han looked at a large stain on his shirt and his face was black. He wanted to strangle Lin buran.


Lin butran choked and began to cough violently. His beautiful little face coughed red.

The servants around them waited carefully. They were surprised to see Zhang Han tossing around here. He couldn't serve people at all. He was completely torturing the unconscious Lin buran.

But how many women can't get such sweet "torture"?

"Master, let's come."

"No, this bowl of medicine is cold. Go and boil another bowl."


Zhang Han went in and changed into a clean dress. The maid also brought the boiled new drug juice. Zhang Han reached out and continued to feed Lin buran and drink medicine. It means that he is more brave than ever.

However, looking at Lin buran, who was tossed over again and more pale, Zhang Han's tone softened. He whispered, "Ranran, you should be good, drink the medicine obediently, so that your disease will get better."

"I know I'm not good today. I shouldn't have taken you to see such a cruel and bloody scene. You don't understand. Qiuniang's child... Can't be mine."

"Hurry up and get better. I promise you I'll let you see your brother when you're good. Is that ok?"

Zhang Han took a sip of the medicine juice, and then fed it mouth to mouth to Lin buran's mouth.

He pried Lin buran's teeth open and fed them strongly.

With a thump, Lin buran swallowed it, but the medicine was too bitter. In her coma, she twisted her eyebrows.

Zhang Han was reluctant to leave. He pressed Lin buran and kissed her. Her mouth was so sweet, like eating some candy.

The maids watching were stunned. How did the good medicine feeding turn into a kissing play?

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