Shangguan Mo thought of his body. He was dying soon. He shouldn't be greedy too much.

Lu Yu is still young. How could he have the heart to trap her around him? Now it's enough. He's very happy.

Lu Yi also thought of his condition. The broken Intestines on him

At this time, the driver in front suddenly braked, and the luxury car immediately stopped, "young master, someone is blocking the road in front."


Lu Zhen looked up and saw a presidential bulletproof car in front. Don't guess. Her eldest brother Lu Chenyi came!

This is Huaxi. This is his eldest brother's territory. It seems that his eldest brother already knows that she is still alive.

"Ah Mo, it's my big brother." Lu zhe whispered.

"Yes." the officer nodded his head and then pulled the door.

"Ah Mo!" Lu zhe grabbed Shangguan Mo's sleeve. "Don't conflict with my big brother later. I'll tell my big brother."

Shangguan Mo scratched his lips and smiled, "you are full of your big brother. Do you care more about your big brother than me, or do you think your big brother is weak in your heart?"

Lu Zhen shook his head, "no, because my big brother knows I like you, so my big brother won't hurt you..."

Shangguan Mo's eyes were soft. He reached out and rubbed Lu's long hair, "OK, listen to you."

Shangguan Mo opened the door and got out of the car hand in hand with Lu Yu.

Ahead, Lu Chenyi also came out. Tonight, the president wore a black windbreaker with a clean white shirt inside. His facial features were carved like heaven's work. As the eldest son of the Lu family, he had outstanding temperament, and his gestures were filled with alienation and dignity.

"Big brother." Lu Yu shouted.

Lu Chenyi looked at Guan Mo, then looked at Lu Yi, "sister, you've been out for a long time. Your parents are worried about you. Come here, I'll take you home."

Lu Zhen felt guilty. As a daughter, she really failed. She worried her parents again and again. Now she has no ability to accept happiness.

At this time, she felt her palm tight. It turned out that Shangguan Mo curled up her fingers and grabbed her little hand.

Lu Yu's eyes were red. "Brother, I can't go home with you now. Tell daddy and mommy that I'm fine. Later, I'll go home with shangguanmo to see daddy and Mommy."

Lu Zhen's meaning is obvious. She wants to take Guan Mo home to see her parents.

What kind of relationship can parents see?

Lu Chenyi's eyes fell on the handsome face of Shangguan Mo, "Shangguan young master, my sister has been very clear about your intentions. Is your love for my sister to let her break off the relationship with her family? If you are sincere, you should let my sister go home first and talk about the things between you two later."

Shangguan Mo had no emotional ups and downs, but said faintly, "you can rest assured that you are here."

Then Shangguan Mo looked at Lu Yu, "Yu Yu, let's go."

Lu Yi nodded and was ready to follow Guan Mo and leave.

But then a Rolls Royce phantom luxury car sped in, the door opened, and Lu's husband and wife Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan arrived.

Xia Xiwan had not seen her daughter for a long time. She couldn't help shouting, "婳 婳!"

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