Lu Zhen's footsteps stiffened and quickly turned back. She saw her father and mother. At this time, Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan were looking at her with a worried face.

"??? ???."

"Daddy, Mommy." Lu zhe couldn't help it any more. She took back her little hand from Shangguan Mo's palm, and then rushed to Xia Xiwan.

She threw herself into mommy's arms.

Xia Xiwan reached out and hugged Lu Dan, gently stroking her daughter's long hair, "Dan Dan, daddy and Mommy have been looking for you. Are you all right?"

Lu Zhen nodded hard, "OK, Mommy, I'm doing well."

"Ho Ho, you go home with mommy first." Xia Xiwan said.

Lu Hanting looked at the opposite Shangguan Mo, "Shangguan young master, we'll take our daughter back first. We'll talk about anything later."

Shangguan Mo pursed his thin lips and looked at Lu Yu.

Lu Yi looked back. Her white eyes were red. "Can I go home with my parents first?"

She's still going home.

"Don't worry, I will come back. I won't lie to you." Lu added.

Shangguan Mo didn't speak. There were all her relatives here. He couldn't take her away at all.

"Ho Ho, let's get on the bus." Lu Hanting opened the rear door.

Xia Xiwan got into the car with Lu Yu's little hand, and the luxury car sped away.


Lu Zhen is brought home. Lu Hanting and Lu Chenyi are in the downstairs living room. Xia Xiwan and Lu Zhen are talking in the upstairs room.

Xia Xiwan looked at her daughter painfully. This was the longest time her daughter had left them. "Pang Pang, you have lost weight during this time. Is Shangguan ink bad for you?"

"Without Mommy, Shangguan Mo was very kind to me. You know, I almost killed him before, but he not only didn't blame me, but also deeply loved me. We have already expressed our intention to be together formally. Mommy, I hope you, daddy and big brother can accept him. He is a very good person."

Xia Xiwan looked at the love and firmness in her daughter's eyes and said slowly, "since you are the person you like, we don't doubt his character, but your identity is very different, and you are destined to choose a very difficult road."

"Mommy, I know, but I'm bound to go this way."

Xia Xiwan nodded, "well, since it's your decision, daddy, mommy and your big brother will fully support you."

Xia Xiwan and Lu Hanting have always been enlightened parents. They will let Lu make their own decisions for every choice on the road of life. Their role is only appropriate guidance and 100% support.

"Mommy, but there's a tricky thing. At that time, I won the flattery of the shark people and put the broken intestines grass on Shangguan ink. Now the broken intestines grass in his body has not been cleared at all, but it often happens. Although he didn't tell me the specific situation, I think his physical condition must be very bad."

Xia Xiwan thought, "in fact, I'm also very strange. It's reasonable to say that those who fall in the heartbroken grass will die. It's not easy for Shangguan ink to live for five years."

"Mommy, what can you do to treat the poison of heartbroken grass?"

"You must catch the mackerel who used flattery to you first. There are many kinds of broken intestines. I need to know what kind of broken intestines he has. Analyze the toxicity inside, so that I can see if there is a way to treat the poison in Shangguan Mo's body."

Lu Zhen's eyes lit up. She never doubted mommy's medical skills. She had seen hope.

"OK, Mommy, I'll tell Shangguan Mo now and let him check it for me." Lu Zhen turned and left.

"Ho ho!" Xia Xiwan grabbed Lu Ho's hand.

"Mommy, what's the matter?"

Xia Xiwan doted on Lu Yu's head. "My daughter has really grown up and doesn't want to stay. You only have Shangguan ink in your eyes. Don't you have us? We're leaving as soon as we meet. Stay and have a meal with daddy and Mommy."

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