This request was not too much. Lu Zhen couldn't refuse. She nodded, "OK."


Lu Zhen was in a good mood. As long as she thought that Shangguan Mo would be saved, she ate two bowls of rice.

After dinner, Lu Hanting looked at his wife, "Wan Wan, you seem to have a mind."

Xia Xiwan whispered, "don't let Lu Peng hear me."

"What's the matter?"

"The broken intestine grass in Shangguan Mo's body is hopeless. Just now I observed Shangguan Mo's face. Unexpectedly, he has poisoned the five internal organs and will die soon."

Lu Hanting's face changed, "what should I do? She likes Shangguan ink so much. If Shangguan ink dies, she will..."

"In fact, Shangguan Mo is not hopeless. Only one person can save him."


"The only detoxifying herb in the world is the fairy grass growing in our Lanlou. Unfortunately, when I returned to Lanlou with three children, it was frozen by my mother. Only fairy grass can save our lives, so we have used up the only fairy grass. However, there is fairy grass in the flowing blood. Therefore, only three drops of heart blood can save Shangguan ink."

"Three drops of heart blood?"

"Yes, but if you take out three drops of heart blood, you will die. This is life for life."

Lu Hanting was silent at once.

Xia Xiwan sighed. She didn't expect her daughter's love road to be so rough.

Her second son had left a prophecy that once a teenager missed his life, he would disappear.

This sentence seems to have doomed the end of Lu's life.

"Mommy" at this time, Lu Zhen's voice came from outside.

Xia Xiwan immediately sorted out his emotions, "I'm here."

Lu ran over and touched his round belly. "Mommy, I've already had dinner. I want to go back to shangguanmo."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"I'm afraid he won't see me."

Xia Xiwan couldn't beat her daughter, so she could only say, "OK, I'll let the driver take you back."

"Well." Lu Zhen nodded hard, and then waved his little hand, "Daddy and Mommy, I'm leaving."


Lu zhe got on the bus. The driver had opened the door. At this time, she stopped and looked back at her father and mother.

Xia Xiwan said, "what's the matter? Is there anything else?"

Lu Yi suddenly ran over and hugged Xia Xiwan. She whispered, "Mommy, I'm sorry..."

"How can you say sorry?"

Lu Tuo dropped Yu Jie and covered up the wet water in her eyes. She rubbed in Mommy's arms and said with great attachment, "I just suddenly thought that I haven't had a chance to be filial to you and let you worry about me all the way. I'm really a terrible daughter."

"Ho Ho, we are your parents, as long as you can be safe and happy."

"Daddy, Mommy, and brothers, I love you."

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