Xia Xiwan smiled softly, "fool, we love you too."

Lu Yi took a puff of his red little nose and waved, "then I'll really go."

"Let's go. We'll all stay here during this time. We can meet at any time. Don't make it look like a parting."

Lu Yu got on the luxury car and disappeared.


Shangguan Mo returned to the villa. His handsome face was calm all the time. The maids in the villa dared not say a word. They all felt that the master was in a bad mood. They didn't want to hit the muzzle of the gun.

But there is one person who thinks her chance is coming, she is Qingqing.

Qingqing walked over, "master, dinner is ready. You can have dinner."

Shangguan Mo sat on the sofa. He didn't look at Qingqing. His thin lips pursed and didn't speak.

"Master, what's the matter with you? Why are you in a bad mood when you come back from the outside? What about Miss Lu? Why didn't Miss Lu come back with you?" the green, soft and weak voice line is like a sparrow, which can't be rejected by men. She's putting on the words of official ink.

Unfortunately, Shangguan Mo didn't eat this set. He still didn't speak and regarded Qingqing as air.

Qingqing didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, she was secretly happy. She felt that Lu Lu ran away and wouldn't come back, so she could take advantage of it.

"Master, let me make you a cup of coffee."

Qingqing quickly made a cup of coffee and handed it to shangguanmo.

Shangguan Mo lifted his eyelids and looked at Qingqing lightly, "I don't want to see you now. Go away."


Qingqing immediately showed her fear, like a wounded deer. She bit her lower lip and said timidly, "yes... Sorry, master, I didn't mean it. Don't be angry. It's all my fault. I'll go now..."

Qingqing turned to leave. Before she left, her hand tilted and her coffee spilled directly on her official ink trousers.

"Ah, master, I'm sorry. I'm too stupid. I'm always so clumsy. Let me wipe it for you." Qingqing quickly took out two paper towels and wiped them on the official ink trousers.

But it didn't succeed, because Shangguan Mo grabbed her wrist.

Qingqing looked up. Now the two people were close enough to see Shangguan Mo's beautiful face, which was palpitating.

Qingqing trembled with Yujie, "master, what's the matter with you, isn't it... I made you angry, Qingqing didn't mean to..."

Shangguan Mo didn't speak. At this time, a joking voice suddenly came from his ear, "it seems that I'm back at a bad time. I'm going to disturb your good deeds!"

Shangguan Mo looked up and Lu Zhen came back.

Lu Zhen just entered the door. Now her eyes fell on the two people and looked at them jokingly.

Shangguan Mo stretched out his hand and threw Qingqing away directly.


Qingqing didn't stand firm and fell down on the soft carpet. She was very embarrassed.

"Master, it hurts..." Qingqing's eyes are full of tears. She looks up at Guan Mo pitifully.

But Shangguan Mo had already got up. He was afraid of Lu Zhen's misunderstanding.

"Ho Ho, are you back?" Shangguan Mo came to Lu Ho's face.

Lu Yu looked at him with a smile, "yes, I thought someone would be very sad if I didn't come back. It seems that I'm amorous. Someone is very good!"

Lu Yi accentuated the words "very good".

Shangguan Mo just frowned, and even a handsome face changed from Yin to Qing. He went to pull Lu Yu's small hand, "Yu Yu, I..."

"Don't call me, you continue to kiss me with others!" said Lu Yu upstairs.

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