"Come here."

Shangguan Mo covers his ears and listens.

Lu Yu whispered his plan in his ear.

Shangguan Mo frowned, "No."

"It's a good plan. You must listen to me this time."


"No, but," Lu zhe reached out and hugged Shangguan Mo's neck, "I really want to find out the poison of heartbroken grass in those years, so my mommy can save you. Your body can't drag any longer. We don't have time."

Shangguan Mo thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "OK."

"That's good"

At this time, the earth was spinning. Shangguan Mo had picked up Lu Yu horizontally. Lu Yu was surprised, "what are you doing? Let me down quickly."

"My wife, today is our wedding day. You forgot the next link. We're going to have a wedding night."

Lu Yu blushed and said, "I hate it"


After a long time, Lu Yu lay soft in Shangguan Mo's arms. She didn't want to move at all.

Shangguan Mo touched her soft hair and suddenly said, "wife, do you want to... Have a child?"

give birth to a child?

This mentioned the taboo in Lu Yu's heart, because her uterus had been damaged and she could no longer be pregnant.

And now shangguanmo's body matters. She doesn't have time to regulate her body to get pregnant.

"Wife, I know I shouldn't mention the topic of having children, because my body is here. If I can't cure it, I can't accompany you and the baby. However, I still want to have a child with you and a child of both of us, like your girl and my boy. That's the inheritance of our blood and the witness of our love."

Lu Yi could see that Shangguan Mo really wanted a child, otherwise he would never have spoken to her at this time with his character.

If he had ten thousand, he would have children.

However, she didn't have time to tell him about her body, and she didn't know how to speak.

"I haven't thought about having children yet, husband. We've just got married. I want to spend some time in the world of two people first, and then concentrate on treating your body. I'll think about the children later." Lu Yu politely refused.

The light in Shangguan Mo's eyes darkened quickly. It seemed that she didn't want to be angry.

Shangguan Mo hooked his thin lips, "OK, I'll talk about the child later. Go to bed first."

"Well." Lu Zhen closed his eyes in Shangguan Mo's arms.

Lu zhe has fallen asleep, but Shangguan Mo is not sleepy. He greedily looks at Lu Zhe's sweet sleeping face. In fact, he really wants to have a baby with her.

But she didn't want to.


Qingqing has always wanted to find a chance to get close to shangguanmo, but shangguanmo is either not at home, or she sticks to Lu Yu like glue as soon as she comes home. She has no chance to start at all.

Early in the morning, she suddenly heard a fierce quarrel in the room. Shangguan Mo and Lu Yu were quarrelling.

They quarreled.

Qingqing stood by the door and looked. Lu Yu in the room said willfully, "no, you have to fire that Qingqing maid today. I'm upset when I see her. Besides, you can't have any female secretaries around you. No women are allowed. They are all replaced by men."

Shangguan Mo frowned and looked a little unhappy. "That's enough, Lu Yu. I find you've been making trouble more and more recently."

"I'm making trouble for nothing? Well, I'll go home now. I don't want to come back any more."

Shangguan Mo said impatiently, "well, go, I won't pick you up, so you'll never come back."

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