Qingqing felt a burst of joy. Shangguan Mo and Lu Yu, who usually have such good feelings, quarreled so badly.

"OK, Shangguan Mo, you said that. You don't ask me to come back!"

With that, Lu opened the door of the room and left here as quickly as possible.

Lu Lu is gone.


There was a loud noise inside. Shangguan Mo was furious and kicked over a lot of things.

Although Qingqing is happy in her heart, she is also very suspicious. Shangguan Mo and Lu Yu quarreled after quarreling. Is there anything fishy in it?

Qingqing walked into the room and saw Shangguan Mo standing in front of the French window with his waist crossed. The room was in a mess. His handsome eyebrows and eyes were covered with a layer of cold haze. His fine chest was panting up and down. It should be caused by his anger just now. He wrote that strangers should not be near after the quarrel.

Qingqing stepped forward and asked timidly, "master, what happened to you and Miss Lu? Why did you quarrel suddenly?"

Shangguan Mo ignored her.

Qingqing thought she was used to it. She was used to being regarded as air. She twisted her eyebrows. "Master, don't be angry. I think Miss Lu loves you so much that she can't stand other girls around you. I also know that Miss Lu doesn't like me very much."

"However, Miss Lu's love is too overbearing, depressing and suffocating. She has too much control over you. Normal people can't stand her control."

"If you indulge her all the time, I think Miss Lu will only make it worse..."

Shangguan Mo looked back at Qingqing and raised his thin lips expressionless, "what are you and where are you qualified to criticize her?"

Qingqing, "..."

Shangguan Mo took his coat and left here.

Qingqing was speechless for a while. Unexpectedly, her provocation only resulted in Shangguan Mo's satire. Shangguan Mo's meaning is obvious. She can't compare with Lu Yu at all.

However, Qingqing is also relieved. Shangguan Mo and Lu Zhen don't seem to be pretending. It seems that they really quarreled.


Lu zhe didn't come back for several days, and Shangguan Mo didn't come back. Qingqing made soup and gave it to Shangguan Mo every day.

She thought the opportunity was excellent and she could take advantage of it.

But shangguanmo didn't give her a chance to get close at all. She heard that shangguanmo lingered in the bar every night and got drunk outside.

Qingqing rushed to the bar immediately. Standing outside the luxury box, she saw Shangguan Mo, who was playing cards with Zhang Han and several princes and grandchildren.

Shangguan Mo was smoking with a cigarette in his hand. He couldn't see the look on his face, but his frown could be seen in the smoke.

Qingqing can't help but be a little crazy. She has never seen Shangguan Mo smoke. Unexpectedly, Shangguan Mo who smokes is still so handsome.

That kind of clean, clear and meaningful masculinity reveals a bit of decadent indulgence, which is really hook people.

Zhang Han is also there. He is also smoking. There is a miasma in it.

"Brother in law, you really broke up with Lu Yu. How can you be willing to give up the little princess?" Zhang Han asked with a smile.

Shangguan Mo glanced at Zhang Han unhappily.

Zhang Han quickly changed his mouth, "OK, good points. You and Lu Yu have been together for several years. What a good relationship should be weak. In my opinion, men shouldn't knock a flower to death. There are many beautiful women outside. You can order casually tonight and your brother-in-law will pay the bill."

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