What is she doing?

Shangguan Mo couldn't help but think of the conversation between Lu Chenyi and those big guys outside the bar box today. Lu Chenyi seemed to intend to arrange some blind dates for his sister.

There are too many children and grandchildren of those big men. Who doesn't want to be the fast son-in-law of the Lu family?

Shangguan Mo Dang was not calm. He had a picture in his mind. Many young talents came to Lu's house with a bride price. Lu Yu was embracing both sides and choosing a son-in-law.

Damn it.

He can't wait to die.


At this time, Lu Yu was in her room. It was still a manual job to go to the bar today. She felt tired when she came back, so she went into the bathroom and took a rose petal milk bath.

After wiping her long hair with a towel, Lu Yu picked up her mobile phone. There were many missed calls on it, all from Shangguan mo.

She was taking a bath just now and didn't hear it.

What is he doing with so many calls? Is something wrong?

Lu Zhen was a little uneasy. She quickly called back.

However, the phone was not connected.

Why doesn't he answer the phone?

Lu Yu is a little worried.

At this time, there was a sudden movement in my ears, like from the window. Who is it?

Lu Zhen was surprised. She opened the window and saw a familiar figure of JUNBA.

Shangguan Mo came and was climbing her window.

My God?

What is she doing?

"Shangguan Mo, why did you turn the window in the middle of the night?" Lu Yu asked in a surprised whisper.

Shangguan Mo's skill was very good, and his movements were very agile and flexible. He climbed up at once, jumped easily with his hands on the windowsill and jumped in directly.

"You are my wife. I turned the window to see my wife in the middle of the night." Shangguan Mo smiled.

Lu Yi threw the towel in his hand on his handsome face. "Just now you scared me to death. I thought it was a thief."

There was a smell after bathing on her towel, as well as the body smell on her. Shangguan Mo deeply sniffed the towel, and then hugged her from the back. He buried Jun's face in her long hair and rubbed it. "No thief, there is a flower picking thief. Wife, you smell so sweet."

How did Lu Yu think he changed his taste when he came? "Shangguan Mo, be serious. It's in our house, but in my room. My father, mother and brother are outside and will come at any time."

In this way, Shangguan Mo restrained a little, but he still held Lu Yu and said, "what did your father and your big brother tell you today?"

"Didn't say anything. Daddy and big brother seem to be out on business today. What's the matter?"

Shangguan Mo was surprised to think of his father-in-law Lu Hanting's frown on him and the blind date said by the president's eldest brother. These two people didn't arrange his wrong in front of Lu Yu.

Shangguan Mo said, "I met your father and your big brother in the bar today. They seem to be very dissatisfied with me."


Lu Yu covered his mouth and smiled. "My father and my big brother are smart people. Don't worry. They have their own considerations. However, shangguanmo, you should be good to me and love me. Otherwise, my father and my brothers will not let you go."

"Yes, my wife is the biggest." Shangguan Mo swore.

Lu Yi turned around and hugged shangguanmo. The two talents were separated for a few days. It was time to live for years. Originally, they were the newly married couple, and now they were forced to separate.

"Did Qingqing take the bait?" Lu asked.

Shangguan Mo nodded. "I think she's shaken and worried. People are in a mess when they're in a hurry. I believe she'll show her feet soon."

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