Lu Lu pretended to sigh, "the last officer is very charming. As soon as I leave, people can't wait to become a regular leader."

Shangguan Mo Dang immediately reached out and pinched Lu Yu's soft and beautiful little face. "You came up with this idea. I don't want to separate from you."

Lu Yi thought he was getting a bargain and began to sell well. "I know, my husband is the best."

That's pretty much the same.

"Wife, you sit here and I'll blow dry your hair."

"OK, thank you, young master."

Lu Zhen sat down. Shangguan Mo helped her blow her hair with a hair dryer. She had soft and beautiful black hair. Her long hair shuttled through his fingertips, and his heart settled down with softness.

Only by her side can he feel this way.

Today, I was lucky to be served by the young master himself, so Lu Zhen enjoyed it very much. His movements were also gentle, but his hair was almost dry. Lu Zhen found that his hands began to be dishonest.


Lu Yu knocked off his big hand and gave him a coquettish look in the mirror. "Shangguan, young master, be serious."

Shangguan Mo put down the hair dryer. "They all say that men are not bad and women don't love. Does his wife like serious people?"

Lu Yu found that Shangguan Mo had gone bad. "You've been playing with Zhang Han in recent days. Has he broken you?"

Inexplicably, Zhang Han looked innocent --? What's none of my business?

Shangguan Mo came up to Lu Yu's little face and kissed, "I blame my wife for her beauty. I can't stand it."

With that, Shangguan Mo picked up Lu Yu horizontally and threw him into the soft big bed.

Lu Zhen was frightened and quickly wanted to get up. "Shangguan Mo, don't mess around. This is my boudoir. My family is outside."

Because this is her boudoir, Shangguan Mo couldn't help it. He hasn't tried in her boudoir yet.

Shangguan Mo put his hands on her side and circled her overbearing in his arms. "As long as you keep your voice down, your family won't hear it."


Shangguan Mo bowed his head and a warm kiss came.

Lu Yu was dizzy when he was kissed. The clean and clear masculine breath on his body had dominated her facial features. The small hand that wanted to refuse also slowly grabbed his shirt. This man always makes people unable to refuse.

"Wife, I miss you these days. Do you miss me?" Shangguan Mo asked softly in a low voice.


Lu Yi felt that her ears were going to be pregnant and said that women's sex would harm the country. How did she think that men's sex would also harm the country?

Lu Yi closed his eyes and nodded again and again, "think."

"You see, we were newly married, but suddenly separated. Should you as a wife compensate me?" he induced step by step.

Lu Yi nodded, "yes."

Shangguan Mo lifted his thin lips, his fingers fell on the buttons of her pajamas and slowly untied them, "call me."

Lu zhe hugged his neck and shouted in a sweet, charming voice, "husband"


"Kiss a good husband"


"My husband"

"En en!"

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