Cannon Fodder Strategy

The vain money worshiper (12)

Fu Ying obviously didn't expect Lily to ask such a direct question. He stared at her for a long time. Lily was also looking back at him, her black and white eyes staring at him steadily.

Lily thought about it and didn't want to beat around the bush with him. She knew Li Yanxi's character anyway. If Fu Ying was really him, instead of waiting for him to trick him and finally join him, she would be better off taking the initiative to make things clear. Thinking about it, whether it was when he was in the starry sky or later when he entered the mission and forced himself into desperation, instead of waiting for him to take action like a hunt later, it would be better for him to make a good deal first, at least to take the initiative.

There was a look of regret in his eyes, as if he had missed something fun. He reached out and held her hand without letting go. He said nothing, and his attitude was self-evident.

When they returned to school, the evening self-study had just ended, and there was noise again in the quiet campus. The two held hands, and Fu Ying walked her back to the dormitory downstairs. The door of the dormitory building was open. Fu Ying loosened his hand and motioned for Lily to go in. The two held hands before, but now they let go, and the remaining warmth in their hands was blown away by the night wind. Lily tightened her hands, waved to him, turned around and ran upstairs, turning around to look When he did, he was still standing there, with his hands in his pockets, looking at her with a smile.

In the night, his shadow was stretched extremely long by the street lights. When he saw Lily turning her head, he didn't move even while he was standing. Lily resisted the urge to turn around and run towards him, and hurried upstairs back to the dormitory.

It was not long after class ended, and the classroom was still some time away from the dormitory building. Sun Mingming and others did not come back. Lily took out the key and opened the door, and did not close the door after entering the dormitory. After thinking about it, I ran to the balcony to look. The balcony of their dormitory is facing the door of the dormitory building downstairs. Standing on the balcony, you can have a panoramic view of the scenery downstairs.

But when she went out to look, she didn't see Fu Ying again. Probably gone back already.

After just standing there for a while, the person was already gone. Lily felt a little disappointed. She glanced several times in a row, but there was no figure to help Ying. She was running very fast. She took her head back from the glass window. Before she could turn her head, a warm body pressed against her back. An arm was around her waist, and he grabbed her shoulder with one hand. He easily pulled her away. She turned around and Lily started. Before she could scream, she had been pushed to the corner of the balcony. The young man's tall and thin body was pressed against hers. He stretched out his hand to block her between himself and the corner of the balcony window, forming a half-hug with her. mode, Fu Ying’s smiling voice sounded:

"What are you looking for?"

I thought everyone had run away, but unexpectedly he followed me upstairs. Lily's heart almost jumped into her throat, and her body was extremely tense. Only when she heard his voice did she relax. After thinking about it, she became a little angry: "Why did you run up here? You scared me!"

He curled his lips and smiled: "I came up after you, and you just left when you wanted to?"

There is an aunt guarding the door downstairs in the dormitory. She was clearly staring at Fu Ying when Lily went upstairs. I don't know how he managed to come up. Lily's heart softened, and before she could speak, she heard the footsteps coming from downstairs of the dormitory. Apparently the students have already finished their evening self-study. The fast runner has returned. Although relationships in high school are not as strict as in junior high school, if a boy breaks into the girls' dormitory, there is still something to be said for him. In addition, the two of them skipped class together, which is the same thing as skipping class with Fu Ying. If someone caught him taking him back to the dormitory to 'fool around', it would be another matter.

Thinking of this, Lily reached out and pushed him. He said hurriedly: "Go back first and I'll tell you tomorrow."

Fu Ying stood in front of her. He was obviously thin, but she pushed him several times, but he didn't move at all. Instead, he put his hands on the glass window and stared at her with his head lowered: "What do you want to say to me tomorrow? "

At this point, he paused: "Can't you say it now?"

Lily shook her head. There were more and more noises downstairs. When more people came back later, he would be easily seen when he wanted to go out: "Go back quickly. We'll talk about it in class tomorrow." He was urged again and stretched out his hand. She let go of Lily and took a step back: "Okay then." She originally thought that he was not easy to get rid of, but she didn't expect that he would give up so easily. Lily breathed a sigh of relief and saw that he looked like he was about to leave. I took a small step to see him off.

This man was turning around to leave a moment ago, but as soon as she followed, he immediately turned around, spread out his arms, and Lily plunged into his arms. Fu Ying stretched out his arms and hugged her waist. The waist was soft and slender, like a willow branch. He closed his arms and picked her up like a child, making her back touch the window sill. There was a window outside. , Lily's dormitory building is on the sixth floor. Looking down from a high place, Lily instinctively hugged him tightly, exclaiming softly and taking a breath.

"Tell me what you want to talk about first." The glass behind him felt pressed by the two people's weight, and the window frame made a "click" sound, while his upper body fell towards him. Lily's hair stood on end, and she held him tightly with both hands and feet: "Put me down first." Fu Ying looked at her and smiled. He had managed to sneak up to the dormitory building, how could he leave so easily.

"Don't make trouble."

Seeing that Lily refused to speak, he reached out and touched her creaking nest. With a slight movement of his fingers, Lily couldn't help but struggle. When she struggled, the window shook violently, which startled her, and she hugged him tighter. Tighter. The young girl's body was slightly thin and slender. Seeing whether she was smiling or not, and looking a little angry, Fu Ying's eyes were filled with smiles:

"You want to tell me if it's about my girlfriend?" He brought his face closer, and the warm breaths of the two of them intertwined. Lily nodded randomly, fearing that he would lose her grip, and Afraid that the glass window would not be able to withstand the torment, and also worried that Sun Mingming and others would come back and see her, she glared at Fu Ying, almost certain that he was Li Yanxi. Even if he had no memory of the past, he was still using various methods in an endless stream. He even came up with such childish and rogue methods.

When Lily asked him before, he didn't say anything, so he just waited here. He was very close. When he saw Lily nodding, he took a step back and let go of the arm that was originally holding her waist. She jumped to the ground and her feet hit the floor. She was relieved at the same time, but she was about to get angry. , Fu Ying had returned to his previous desolate young appearance, and said goodbye to her: "Then I'll leave first, see you in class tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, while Lily was silent, he lowered his head and quickly kissed her forehead, then waved his hand, turned around and walked out of the dormitory, disappearing.

She didn't know what method he was going to use to get out. Lily touched her forehead and stood for a while, then turned and stared outside the balcony. About two or three minutes later, Fu Ying's figure appeared downstairs in the dormitory, looking up and rushing towards him. He waved from upstairs and quickly left the girls' dormitory.

When Sun Mingming and others came back, Lily had been sitting on the balcony for a while, and Mi Xiangting was not among them. When Sun Mingming saw Lily, he had a somewhat embarrassed look on his face:

"I'm sorry, Lily, what happened today has something to do with me." Today Lily was also helping her change her dress, so she didn't have dinner. She originally felt embarrassed and gave her a bag of cookies, but she didn't expect that Mi Xiangting I reported Lily directly during class, causing her to stand in the corridor as a punishment.

"I think the worst thing is Mi Xiangting. You can't tell at ordinary times that she is so annoying." Sun Mina snorted. She had a baby face and curled her lips: "You have learned how to complain, don't My face, it must be because before I looked at it, you clearly gave us something but not her, so I feel unbalanced."

When a girl of this age doesn't like someone, the most she can do is say it behind his back, but she won't do anything prankish.

Lily shook her head: "It has nothing to do with you, it's just that I wanted to change my skirt as soon as possible."

Speaking of the skirt, Sun Mingming suddenly became excited: "Everyone in the class today said that my skirt is beautiful. I will go back and show it to my mother this time. Lily, your craftsmanship is so good. It's great. I really want to do it." Thank u."

She stood up and spun around in a circle. Her excitement about the dress had not subsided. Several people praised her for a while. Suddenly, Sun Mingming sat over and winked at Lily:

"What's going on between you and Fu Ying?"

Originally, if Sun Mingming and others had not inexplicably improved their relationship with Baihe, just because of the relationship between Fu Ying and Baihe tonight, which would have seemed a bit fishy to anyone with a discerning eye, I am afraid that several girls in the dormitory would have disliked Baihe a long time ago. But now the friendship between the two of them has come out of nowhere. Sun Mingming is very fond of Baihe. When he looks at the relationship between her and Fu Ying, he feels a little embarrassed: "Fu Ying was a big celebrity in No. 1 Middle School when he was in junior high school. My father When he sent me to No. 1 Middle School to meet the principal, he asked me to pay attention."

"I've never seen him talking to anyone. Are you dating?" The girls all stared at Lily with excitement on their faces.

Lily nodded, but before she spoke, the girls looked excited and were about to speak. The door to the dormitory was suddenly opened. Mi Xiangting, who had a stern face, stood at the door of the dormitory and saw several people talking. At that moment, she was stunned for a moment, and her expression became even more gloomy.

"Humph." She snorted, her eyes still a little red, and she looked suspiciously around the girls, biting her lip. When Sun Mingming saw her coming in, they curled up their lips and went away, obviously not wanting to talk to her. Lily was still sitting on the edge of the balcony. Mi Xiangting changed her shoes and went out to get hot water from a basin. Seeing Lily still sitting on the edge of the balcony without saying a word, she suddenly put the basin in her hand on the table. Throw: "Are you talking bad about me?"

A familiar figure standing downstairs in the girls' dormitory outside the window stood for a while and left. It seemed to be Zhou Zhan. But why did Zhou Zhan come to the girls' dormitory? Lily stood up and lay down on the balcony to look. Mi Xiangting couldn't help but push her: "Speak." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: First update~! Thank you all for your monthly votes in the past two days. Now it is doubled. If you have monthly votes, please vote for me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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