Cannon Fodder Strategy

The vain money worshiper (13)

"What are you doing!" Lily stood up and stared at her coldly. Mi Xiangting was startled when she looked at her like this. She was obviously afraid that she would hit her. She quickly took the basin and put it in front of her chest. She looked at Lily with cold eyes and felt a little angry and aggrieved:

"Tonight you and Fu Ying are eating in the back. Don't think it's great just because Fu Ying helps you. Even if the teacher makes you stand, you will run away." Just because Lily and the others ran away, she was left standing outside the classroom alone. The teachers who came and went stared at her as if she had made some mistake.

She was not the one who made the mistake, but she was the only one who was punished in the end. The head teacher clearly saw Fu Ying and the two skipping class, but at the end of the night, he didn't mention it at all.

Mi Xiangting couldn't help crying when she thought of tonight's incident. After the evening self-study, she lay down in the classroom and happened to meet Zhou Zhan who came to find Le Lily. With Zhou Zhan's comfort, she told Zhou Zhan what happened tonight as if she was complaining, and Zhou Zhan sent him away again. Mi Xiangting felt better when she came back. But she originally felt that she had been wronged, and when she came back, she saw Lily and Sun Mingming sitting on the balcony chatting happily about something. She remembered that when she sued Lily tonight, Sun Mingming and others teamed up to deal with it. In her own situation, Mi Xiangting suddenly felt that these people were talking bad about her. She endured it again and again, but finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

These people said bad things about her, but they acted like nothing was wrong. She just pushed Lily, and she seemed to want to eat people. Mi Xiangting felt that she could no longer stay in the dormitory: "You bullied her." Too many people!"

"You are crazy." Sun Mingming couldn't help but cursed. It was like poking a hornet's nest. Mi Xiangting started to argue loudly: "Who are you calling crazy? Don't think that your dad has money and power. It’s amazing, everyone is born from parents, it’s just your virtue!”

"It's you I'm talking about. Are you crazy? We're talking about skirts. When you came back, you said you were speaking ill of you. How happy are you to speak ill of you? Who do you think you are?" Sun Mingming has never met him before. Someone had quarreled with her like this before. She was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses and started to curse: "The whole world is sorry for you. They all say bad things about you. Do you have persecutory delusion? That's a disease. That's it." rule!"

The two of them were quarreling with each other more and more fiercely. Finally, several girls in the dormitory also joined in: "I've already seen that you don't like me, what's wrong!"

They didn't stop until the lights in the dormitory were about to go out. When the teacher who patrolled the dormitory heard the commotion and came over, he separated the girls who were so noisy that their faces turned red. Mi Xiangting hid in her bed. I cried until I was sobbing.

"Is it annoying?" The lights were not turned off at this moment, Sun Mingming shook the quilt in his hand and snorted. The phone rang in the dormitory. A girl reached out to pick it up and handed it to Lily: "Lily, it's for you."

The call was from Le's father. Lily answered the phone and asked, "Dad. Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"What on earth did you do in school? I paid to send you to school so that you can study hard, not for you to find a wild man and follow other people's bad example and be vain!" Le's father said with anger in his voice. He yelled furiously: "At a young age, you learn to dress up like a monster from immoral people. Why are you so shameless? What did you buy those silk scarves for? The task of students is to study hard, not Fooling around with men! It’s not easy for your dad to make money. He wakes up all day long and works in the dark. The family is frugal and frugal. The money saved is given to you. It’s good for you. Why don’t you buy some scarves? Your mother is not like that at her age. Did it!"

Le's father's voice was loud. Through the phone receiver, the phone was buzzing. Those who were close in the dormitory could clearly hear it, and everyone was silent. They could only hear Mi Xiangting's cries as she was still gasping for air.

"Teaching you self-respect and self-love all the time, giving you money to save, you are good, but you can learn as much as you are bad, fooling around with men for no reason, you have looked at other people, and you have forgotten what your own home is like. Come on! Can people in Beijing think highly of your background? Your father is not a rich man, but they are treating you like a shameless woman! You don’t have the money to buy what others do, and you are young, so how can you use it? Wearing those?”

Lily listened quietly to Le's father's angry voice on the other end of the phone, with a cold expression. Le's father also said these words in the later period. Not only did he say it, but after knowing that Zhou Zhan was having trouble with Le Baihe over this matter, he said this to her every day. Later, when Zhou Zhan and Le Baihe broke up, Le's father also seemed to He gave up on talking about her, and became angry with Le Baihe from then on. Le Baihe even ignored him.

Today I bought a silk scarf and met Zhou Zhan and Mi Xiangting when I came back. I think it was Mi Xiangting who must have said something to Zhou Zhan. Zhou Zhan called back and told Zhou's father, and Zhou's father told Le's father. , so Le’s father called to the dormitory at this time.

Le Mu's helpless voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "Okay, I don't know what the matter is, so I'm so angry. If you have something to say, please say it..."

"Get away!" Le's mother became Le's father's punching bag at this time, and she didn't bother to scold Lily: "It's all your fault. If you didn't dote on her, how could you dote her like this."

He cursed for a while, then turned around and said: "I will call your class teacher tomorrow. If your grades drop, you will see how I deal with you later! I will only give you 400 yuan for living expenses next month, one day." Ten yuan is enough for you to spend."

After Le's father finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a bang.

"Lily..." Sun Mingming from the upper bunk called Lily in a low voice. Lily put the phone down and ignored her. She directly put on her shoes, opened the dormitory door first, then walked to Mi Xiangting's bed and pulled her She pulled down the mosquito net hanging on the bed. Before Mi Xiangting could recover, she grabbed Mi Xiangting's arm and pulled it hard against the bed.

Mi Xiangting was still crying sadly on the bed. She didn't expect Lily to do this. The bed in the school dormitory was a single bed. Lily pulled hard and she was pulled out of the bed, causing pain. Mi Xiangting screamed in pain, and before she could say anything, Lily pushed her out of the door. She came to her senses and shouted: "What are you going to do..." Before she could finish her words, Lily pushed her out of the dormitory door. Outside, he closed the door with a bang, pressed his shoulder against the door panel, locked the lock from the inside, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Open the door!" The lights in the dormitory are about to go out now. The teacher has to patrol the room later. If he sees himself still outside, he may be scolded. Mi Xiangting was just pulled off the bed by Lily, her arms and legs were She fell in several places, and the pain was severe now. She patted the door panel a few more times, and then Lily sneered a little: "I want you to calm down!"

"What's wrong?" When several girls in the dormitory saw this scene, they couldn't help asking. Lily stretched out her hand to brush her hair: "It's okay. Mi Xiangting is shameless. She may be interested in Zhou Zhan and always looks for me. Asking about Zhou Zhan, Zhou Zhan and I are neighbors and grew up together. In order to please Zhou Zhan, she always went to Zhou Zhan to talk about my affairs and talked nonsense to Zhou Zhan. Zhou Zhan called me back. At home, my dad just thought I was buying things randomly and said he was going to deduct my living expenses."

The original owner didn't have much living expenses, but in this day and age, if you want to buy food in the canteen, you have to pay a piece of it, let alone if you want to eat better food. In the past, the girl's family would always have some snacks for a thousand yuan a month. She would also spend some money on shampoo, soap and various daily necessities every month. Occasionally, she would also have to buy one or two skirts. With the amount of money deducted, according to what Le's father said, eating might be a problem.

It's better to find a part-time job by yourself, without spending Le's father's money, than being scolded by Le's father like this.

Sun Mingming had heard something just now. When Lily mentioned it, she was also very angry with Mi Xiangting, but she felt more guilty: "The scarf is just the one on my skirt, right? Your dad won't give it to you. What about living expenses? How about I give you money for this dress?"

"No need." Lily shook her head, "I'm going out to find a part-time job on the weekend." Sun Mingming was silent for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "My mother has a few friends who are willing to spend money on clothes and jewelry. Lily, you You have good taste and good craftsmanship. When I go home next weekend, I will help you ask if any of my mother's friends want their skirts altered. I will collect them for you. Then you can charge whatever you want. I have them altered during my usual breaks. You can also make some money as a subsidy.”

This is a good idea, but it just makes Sun Mingming more troublesome. When she heard Lily say this, she quickly waved her hand: "Originally, this matter was my fault. It would be best if I could help you." Several people were talking, while Mi Xiangting was still knocking on the door outside.

The lights in the dormitory were turned off and everything was quiet. Then I heard the noise here. The teacher who patrolled the dormitory was also a little impatient. Seeing that Mi Xiangting was still outside, he came over to give her a few words. She She was crying so much that she couldn't speak clearly. It wasn't until the teacher knocked on the door that someone in the dormitory opened the door and let Mi Xiangting in.

Mi Xiangting couldn't stop crying all night. After her self-study class the next morning, the head teacher called Lily to the office.

"Last night, Mi Xiangting said that you drove her out of the dormitory, right?" The head teacher had a headache. He had taught for many years. It was normal for girls to have minor conflicts at this age, but there were very few quarrels in No. 1 Middle School. Got to be so big. Most of the students in No. 1 Middle School are quiet and introverted. There was such a big fuss last night that the teacher who patrolled the dormitory called him last night to tell him that Mi Xiangting came to the office again this morning and asked to change dormitories.

It has been a month since school started, and the accommodation situation for the students living on campus in the class has already been arranged. Where can I find a dormitory for Mi Xiangting now? (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~~~~~~~

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