Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 182 The Old Vested Interests

A boring day started with sword refining, and Zhang Xibao took out his precious sword embryo to continue refining.

Zhan Nian said that he not only needs to be tempered with different fires, but also needs to be sharpened with fresh air, and he will use the perseverance like dripping water to pierce the stone to create the blade bit by bit.

Is there a simpler and more efficient way to ask?

There really are!

"Tongtian Dabaojian" records that sword embryos can be tempered with continuous fire from the center of the earth. Although it is slower than different fires, it does not take much effort.

Using the legendary dragon-slaying stone to sharpen the blade is much faster than Zhang Xibao sharpening it with fresh air.

But Zhang Xibao is poor!

I have never heard of Dragon Slaying Stone, let alone got a piece.

The fire in the center of the earth is relatively not that difficult, just find an active volcano, but it is not realistic to do it now, after all, he can't fish out the sword embryo after throwing it in.

Zhang Xibao thought for a second, let's infuse the sword embryo with fresh air first, to achieve the unity of human and sword, and then talk about it when the sword is controlled for thousands of miles.

beep beep

There was a call, Zhang Xibao took out his mobile phone and looked, the caller was Bai Weiwei, the person in charge of Qingbei Admissions Office.

"Moses, Moses?" Zhang Xibao clicked to answer.

"Moses, you are big!"

A crisp female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Zhang Xibao, we agreed to report three days in advance, get ready to come to school tomorrow, let's meet at the gate at eight o'clock!"

Is Bai Weiwei hyperthyroid?

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xibao muttered: You are a pretty girl, why are you always so angry?

The last time when the supernatural being escaped from the prison in the imperial capital, after Master Bao solved the land 9 by himself, Bai Weiwei beat Huohu all the way.

Last time, Bai Weiwei almost made the girl from the Admissions Office of the Shanghai City cry in anger.

"Okay, ready to go to school..."

Zhang Xibao found Zhan Nian: "I'm about to enter school, and I'm going to participate in a special training camp for outstanding freshmen in Qingbei. It will last for a month. I will leave the sword embryo at home. You can take care of the chinchilla and fungus for me. By the way, Watering my flame phoenix tree or something..."

Zhan Nian raised his head: "It's okay, but why participate in that thing, isn't it good to play the "Swordman 3.0" I made for you?"

"Good guy, 3.0 is out, you are really capable!"

Zhang Xibao explained: "If you don't participate, you can't do it. If you don't participate, you won't be rewarded, and I have agreed to it."

"Okay, but you have to promise me one thing..."

A cloud of clear light popped out from Zhan Nian, and the light sank into the center of Zhang Xibao's eyebrows.

"I've updated version 3.0 to Shuling. You have to pass the level every night during the month you went to attend the training."

"Oh, yes, I will buy everything you need in advance. The house has been rented for half a year, and the utilities have been paid in advance. Generally, no one will bother you."

Zhang Xibao told the fungus and Chinchilla again, telling them to listen to Zhan Nian's words.


"I dare not listen to Zhan Nian's words! Do I dare, dare? 』

Chinchilla rolled his eyes, and scolded Zhang Xibao in his heart for being dishonest, for not taking himself out to play, and for not watching it, did he not dare to lie on the sofa and watch TV recently?

In the evening, Zhang Xibao packed materials such as admission notices and living supplies to prepare for the start of school the next day.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xibao went out with excitement.

The house he rented was near the school, so he didn't need to take a taxi, just strolled there.

Along the way, many luxury cars were driving towards the school, Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, thinking that he must not be the only one participating in the special training camp, maybe the people sitting in these cars are his future classmates.

Sure enough, Bai Weiwei was standing at the door with her arms crossed and waiting, behind her stood a row of volunteers in charge of reception, looking like a big sister from Qingbei.

A few teenagers got on and off those luxury cars, and people who looked like bodyguards were carrying their luggage for them. The volunteers in charge of hospitality led the way and led several teams to the school.

Zhang Xibao wandered over with a travel bag half as tall as a person on his back.

Bai Weiwei asked in surprise: "Zhang Xibao, did you walk here?"

"Yes, yes, the aftershock in Beishi a while ago shook all the houses in my community, and I came here begging all the way!"

Zhang Xibao asked with a smile: "All right, when will the 100,000 points that Qingbei promised to give me be distributed?"

"Hehe... I've never seen a beggar with such a rosy face. What kind of food do you beg for every day, abalone or lobster? Don't think I don't know that the Beishi Appreciation Bureau awarded you 2 million in cash."

Bai Weiwei chuckled: "Besides, what Qingbei promised is double the reward from Shanghai, the points are 60,000, not 100,000!"

"Ah? Is that so? I probably remember wrongly..." Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the place where you live to put down your things first, don't worry about the registration..."

Bai Weiwei waved the small flag in her hand, Zhang Xibao raised her leg to follow, and the two walked into the school.

"Your dormitory is in Tianzilou—A 8001 dormitory." Bai Weiwei introduced as she walked.

"Tianjia 8001?"

Zhang Xibao asked curiously: "Is there any meaning to this?"

"That's true. Tian represents the school's assessment of the potential of the students. A represents your ranking within 100 in Daxia. 8001 is the best room in the freshman dormitory, with the most fresh air."

Bai Weiwei spoke slowly, and finally added: "There is no absolute fairness in this world."

"I'm an evil vested interest now?" Zhang Xibao frowned.

"You can't say that."

Bai Weiwei looked back at Zhang Xibao with some surprises: "Every dormitory inside has its own magic circle that gathers fresh energy, but the one in 8001 is a little stronger, and it doesn't mean that other people's rooms are bad."

"So it's like this..." Zhang Xibao nodded.

"The dormitory is for two people, and you have a roommate. I'm not in charge of this. I'll know who you are with in a while."

The two of them talked, boarded the elevator in Tianzi Building, and came to the 8th floor.

Bai Weiwei pointed to a dormitory at the east end and said, "8001, that's the one."

Zhang Xibao pushed the door in with his travel bag on his back, and Bai Weiwei stood outside the door waiting.

There were people in the room, and another roommate had already arrived. A middle-aged man who looked like a butler was making his bed, and two bodyguards were carrying bags into the room.

That roommate was wearing a famous brand and looked like a wealthy young man. He was sitting on Zhang Xibao's bed playing with his mobile phone.

Zhang Xibao pushed the door open and came in. The roommate didn't even raise his head, but the housekeeper and bodyguards took a glance and went on with their work.

Zhang Xibao took off his backpack and asked politely: "Hello classmate, let me give way, I have to put something."

Young Master Kuo finally looked up at Zhang Xibao, then glanced at the backpack in Zhang Xibao's hand, and said, "Oh, I'm knocking, where did this poor man come from, living in a dormitory with me?"

"Ouch, classmate, you smeared royal jelly on your little mouth!" Zhang Xibao almost laughed out loud.

He now has more than 7 million points in his net worth, which is equivalent to less than 800 million in cash, and there is still a balance of more than one million in his card, so he is poor!

Bai Weiwei walked in with a blank expression on her face, and muttered to herself: "Which idiot arranged this list of dormitories? It's so weird. The logo on the clothes seems to be the Qian family?"

"Hey, just right!"

Kuo Shao saw that Bai Weiwei was wearing a volunteer uniform, and waved: "So who, I will pay double the accommodation fee and let this person move out. I want to live in a dormitory by myself."


Zhang Xibao chuckled: "I pay ten times more, if you move out, I also want to live in a room by myself!"

The butler looked at Bai Weiwei for a long time, then lowered his head and said softly to Young Master Kuo: "Master, this is Lord Xingxiu!"

Kuo Shao tactfully closed his mouth, the butler patted him on the shoulder, turned his head and said to Bai Weiwei: "Lord Xingxiu, this child is the third young master of the Qian family, and he has been sleeping poorly since he was a child. See if we pay more money, can he be alone?" Live in a dormitory?"

"Want to live in a private room? Yes!" Bai Weiwei nodded.

While the housekeeper and Qian Sanshao were still smiling, Bai Weiwei said again: "8021 at the end of the corridor is still vacant, move there!"

"No, no, how can we let us move?" The housekeeper shook his head repeatedly.

"Although I don't know the dormitory list arranged by some fool, but within three minutes, either you move out voluntarily, or I throw you out!"

Bai Weiwei's whole body trembled, and the housekeeper and the third young master trembled in fright.

Qian Sanshao said stiffly: "Do you dare to hit me?"

"Do you think I dare, little brat?" Bai Weiwei gritted her teeth and said every word, her knuckles creaking.

"A good man doesn't fight with a woman, move!"

Several people packed up their things, but Qian Sanshao said harshly before leaving: "I will sue you!"

Bai Weiwei snorted unhappily.

Clap clap!

"Oh, Sister Bai is so domineering and mighty!"

Zhang Xibao applauded to tease Bai Weiwei.

"Come on, I feel that I have lowered my composure when communicating with these people. Hey, I am also a star, why is my life so hard, and I have to deal with these idiots?"

Bai Weiwei seemed to be transformed into Lin Daiyu, hugging her chest in self-pity and shaking her head.

Zhang Xibao asked her while putting things down: "Who is this kid?"

"Vested interests!"

Bai Weiwei curled her lips: "The four major families in the imperial capital, the third grandson of the old man of the Qian family, I heard that he has the best talent and is most loved by the old man."

"No, I'm so angry, I'm going to shave the logistics director, you clean up first!"

Bai Weiwei left Zhang Xibao who was packing up, and angrily ran to find that director

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