Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 183 Bai Weiwei Going Crazy


"Where are people?"

Zhang Xibao tidied up the dormitory, waiting for no one to come, he lay on the bed and squinted, Bai Weiwei hadn't come back yet.

Just when Zhang Xibao felt hungry and wanted to go to the cafeteria to experience the school dishes, the door opened.

Tail Fire Tiger walked in.

Isn't this my tiger brother? Zhang Xibao sat up.

"Student Zhang Xibao, I'm Wei Huohu. I came from Beishi just like you. We are still alumni. Bai Weiwei can't make it. Please ask me to take you to dinner first."

Tail Huohu sighed and waved to Zhang Xibao.

"Ahem... hello senior!"

Zhang Xibao saw that Weihuohu's expression was wrong, and asked tentatively: "Where is Miss Bai, is there anything wrong?"

Tail Huohu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Bai Weiwei beat the logistics director, who took her to sue the principal, who was almost beaten again, and she is preparing to be punished at the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club!"

"Well, she asked me to come and show you around schools..."


Although Zhang Xibao didn't understand the inside ways, he was shocked.

Why is Bai Weiwei so tough? Said to cut the logistics director, really cut it! Could it be related to the dormitory list?

Tail Huohu murmured: "Why is such a big man like the logistics director still crying? Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhang Xibao tentatively asked, "What's going on?"

Tail Fire Tiger waved: "I'm hungry, let's talk while eating!"

Wei Huohu took Zhang Xibao to the cafeteria. In order not to attract other people's attention, the constellations have a special place to open a small stove, and the food is also richer. Zhang Xibao is lucky.

Tail Huohu ordered all kinds of meat and vegetables, and also ordered twenty palm-sized steamed buns. This is also a person who can eat.

When Wei Huohu walked back to the dining table with half a bag of steamed buns, Zhang Xibao came back with half a bucket of rice in his arms. The two looked at each other, whispered to each other that they were really delicious, and then silently put the steamed buns and rice in front of them.

Just now when I went to cook, Zhang Xibao said he wanted 20 bowls of rice. The chef in the cafeteria smiled and said: You can take the bucket away! Unexpectedly, Zhang Xibao really took the rice bucket away, and the canteen master almost dropped his jaw on the ground!

"Actually, the whole thing has something to do with you..."

Tail Fire Tiger bit off half of the steamed bun in one bite, took two mouthfuls of vegetables, and swallowed them without much chewing.

While chopping the rice, Zhang Xibao listened intently to Tai Huo Hu's words.

"You must have met the third young master of the Qian family. His grandpa is quite capable, and the headmaster also sold his face."

"You are the number one scholar in this year's summer! Parents must hope that their children can share your fairy spirit, and then the principal raised a word with the logistics director, saying that he will arrange Sanshao Qian to be in 8001, a dormitory with you. "

Tail Huohu chewed the remaining half of the steamed bun, and continued: "That's what happened. Then Bai Weiwei went to the logistics director. The logistics director was definitely not satisfied with the principal's support, and then he took Bai Weiwei to confront the principal. Bai Weiwei again I almost hit the principal, and the principal is a member of the Yellow Dragon Society, so he will be punished."

"According to the ranking, it's not a big problem for Third Young Master Qian to live in the same dormitory with you. You can blame him for being unlucky. He got shot at Bai Weiwei. After all, hey..."

Wei Huohu didn't say the last word, but just sighed, Zhang Xibao felt that there was something else going on here.

After the two wolfed down their meal, Weihuohu took Zhang Xibao to register and sign in. After finishing the work, the two walked around the campus. I have to say that the environment here is very good...

Tail Huohu walked side by side with Zhang Xibao, and glanced at Zhang Xibao: "Do you want to help Bai Weiwei? Do you know where the breaking point is?"

Zhang Xibao blurted out: "Help, I will help if I can, but how can I help?"

Bai Weiwei has a bad temper, but she is absolutely upright and kind. Zhang Xibao wants to help her from the bottom of his heart, it has nothing to do with pleasing XingXiu or taking the opportunity to sell favors.

Wei Huohu nodded: "You are the one who broke the game. This year, three direct descendants of the Qian family are going to school in Qingbei, two boys and one girl. If he enters 8001 to be your roommate, the Qian family's face will be saved, and Bai Weiwei will apologize to the principal, and this matter will be over."

"Where's the logistics director?"

"I want to hit him..."

Zhang Xibao readily agreed, not to mention that the young master of the Qian family wanted to live in, even if the old man of the Qian family came in person, Master Bao would be able to handle it for him.

"Tsk tsk tsk...this shit is so complicated!" Zhang Xibao shook his head.

Tail Huohu nodded in agreement, feeling that Zhang Xibao had a bad temper with him.

In the afternoon, Tail Huohu brought over a fat man wearing glasses.

The little fat man looked at Zhang Xibao curiously, and greeted him a little shyly: "Hi, classmate Zhang, my name is Qian Chengjin, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me."

As he said that, the little fat man handed Zhang Xibao a box. Zhang Xibao thought it was a hidden weapon, and slowly opened a crack, and found two bottles of treasure pills inside.

Zhang Xibao was stunned.

What about getting off the horse? This is not according to the script!

Zhang Xibao looked suspiciously at the little fat man who looked harmless to humans and animals.

Oh, got it, got it, sugarcoated, huh?

The corruption of money!

Zhang Xibao silently put Baodan aside, looked at Taihuohu, his eyes seemed to ask: What's the matter?

Wei Huohu pointed to the empty bed, and said to Qian Chengjin: "Okay, that's your bed, and you two will be roommates from now on, get along well and don't fight."

Qian Chengjin started to make his own bed in a desperate manner, not at all like the young and old of the Qian family!

The third young master has a bunch of people serving him, so why should the youngest make his own bed!

Zhang Xibao became more and more curious.

Tail Huohu called Zhang Xibao out of the dormitory, and said to him, "Bai Weiwei's business is over."

"That's good!"

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Is this really the eldest son of the Qian family?"

"Hey, this kid has the same personality as dough. His grandfather doesn't like him, so he has no servants to serve him. Don't bully him. He is really timid."

Tail Huohu waved his hand and left, just like what Bai Weiwei said, it's quite disgusting for Tangtang Xingxiu to do these things.

Zhang Xibao pushed the door and walked in, the sound of the door hitting the bumper made Qian Chengjin tremble, Zhang Xibao had a strange expression on his face, this guy really wasn't just pretending to be timid.

" name is Zhang Xibao, and we will be roommates from now on."

Zhang Xibao pointed to the box on the bed: "Take it back, Baodan, I'll give this as a gift when we meet for the first time, it's too precious."

Qian Chengjin waved his hands again and again: "No, no, little gift, please accept it quickly, and we will get along well in the future."

"You don't get paid for nothing, I don't want your treasure pill, and I will treat you well, don't worry!" Zhang Xibao put the box on Qian Chengjin's bed.

"OK then!"

Hearing what Zhang Xibao said, the little fat man sighed with relief.

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