Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 184 You Have To Be Stunned


Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the dormitory was awkward.

Zhang Xibao simply lay down on the bed and took a nap to recharge his energy, so that he could deal with the optimized version of "Swordman 3.0" at night.

Qian Chengjin packed his things silently, not daring to breathe, for fear of disturbing Zhang Xibao to sleep.

In the afternoon, Bai Weiwei came back, full of anger, and knocked on the door of one dormitory.

"Get up, don't sleep, go to Room 1002 of the main building to gather in half an hour, and hold a training camp mobilization meeting. Those who are late or don't come, just plan to drop out of school. Don't take my words as wind!"

"Yo, Miss Bai is back?" Zhang Xibao jumped up and smiled at Bai Weiwei.

"Well, thank you this time."

Bai Weiwei glanced at Qian Chengjin, and the little fat man shivered in fright.

"I didn't do anything, Sister Bai has a real temper!" Zhang Xibao gave a thumbs up.

After Bai Weiwei left, Zhang Xibao washed his face, he was in good spirits, and turned to look at Qian Chengjin: "To the main building together?"

"Okay...Okay!" Qian Chengjin hurriedly agreed.

Those who are late and those who do not come will be expelled from the school, so everyone obediently arrived early.

The location is in the tallest building in the school, a huge conference room on the tenth floor.

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin came early and occupied a seat near the front.

Before the meeting started, Zhang Xibao folded his arms and glanced at the seating layout of the venue.

The principal is in the main seat, and the name of the deputy is Henry Zhang, which looks familiar...

"Huh? Old Taoist Zhang!" Zhang Xibao sucked his teeth, feeling a little guilty.

Tail Huohu and Bai Weiwei sat on the left and right, and the others were just optional foils.

At the beginning of the meeting, all the speakers introduced themselves, followed by a long period of non-nutritive clichés. Zhang Xibao was very relaxed in his chair. Based on his experience, he could basically ignore the above.

After speaking, the leader left the table, and only Zhang Laodao, Wei Huohu and Bai Weiwei were left at the speaking table. Zhang Xibao sat up straight, knowing that the main event was coming.

Zhang Laodao was resting with his eyes closed, his tail was expressionless, and Bai Weiwei took the microphone: "Everyone, the meeting has officially begun!"

"There are a total of 50 students who participated in the outstanding freshman training this time. It is no exaggeration to say that the 50 of you are the best of the best in the summer."

"This training camp is actually organized by the Five Dragons Association. The purpose of the organization is very simple, to discover the potential of each of you, so that you can grow into excellent supernatural beings in the shortest possible time."

"Students, life in Qingbei is completely different from before. In the past, you learned a lot of theories. Now you will practice under our leadership. When necessary, there will be actual combat training. Death is not far from you. Now there are people who want to quit. Students can report to me after the meeting, once you enter the special training camp, unless you are seriously injured, disabled or die, you are not allowed to quit halfway!"

"For this training session, Master Zhang Xuangan Zhang will teach you the cultivation of clear qi and the use of strange treasures. Xingxiu Taihuohu will be your training instructor, responsible for teaching you fighting skills and the use of cold weapons, and I, Fang Ritu, will be in charge of teaching Your knowledge of the use of various thermal weapons, team coordination and so on.”

Bai Weiwei gave Wei Huohu the chance to speak, and Wei Huohu's language was relatively concise. He stood up and announced solemnly: "This special training will last for three months, and the place will be in the foreign land with the strongest fresh air——Beishi Hao Cangdao, you will be assessed after the special training, and those who fail will be kicked out of the special training class and relegated to the normal class."

"Students, you may be used to being at ease, and you can't imagine what kind of crisis Daxia is facing. Although this special training seems to encourage seedlings, it is really helpless. So after the meeting, each of you must Sign a life and death certificate!"

Zhang Laodao waved his hand, he had no desire to speak, the meeting ended quickly, and Bai Weiwei sent everyone a document.

Taking advantage of the time to distribute the documents, Zhang Xibao asked Bai Weiwei in a low voice: "Sister Bai, I thought the special training was only for one month, and it was just going through the motions like military training. Why did life and death status come out, what's going on?"

"After signing the document, I'll explain it to you." Bai Weiwei handed over a document and a pen.

Zhang Xibao was not in a hurry to sign, but picked up the document and read it carefully, and then picked up Qian Chengjin's document and read it again. After finding nothing wrong, he signed his name.

"Brother Bao, you're from Beishi, right? Is that Haocang Island dangerous?" Qian Chengjin trembled as he pinched his brow, sweating profusely.

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "It's not dangerous!"

"Oh, that's good, that's good..."

Hearing what Zhang Xibao said, Qian Chengjin signed his name with confidence.

The little fat man lowered his voice and said, "I heard that the special training before was really amazing!"

Zhang Xibao smiled and asked, "Afraid you will come?"

"No way, my father urged me to come..." Qian Chengjin sighed and said no more.

At the end of the meeting, the students left one after another.

Zhang Xibao walked slowly, waiting for Bai Weiwei to catch up.

"What's the matter, Miss Bai?" Zhang Xibao asked.

While checking the signing of the documents, Bai Weiwei said, "Special training, it is impossible for you people to receive assembly line training like those in the ordinary class. For example, you are like the mutated seeds that pop out occasionally in the wheat field. The big ones are full but few in number, and the others are normal ears of wheat, you just need to water and fertilize on time, and harvest on time, and you have to be carefully cultivated to become good seeds.”

"Otherwise, how do you think the Four Saints and the Twenty-Eight Constellations came out? Faced with the eyes of other countries, Daxia gathered the power of the whole country to create the Four Saints!"

"That's it..."

Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands and asked, "Then when will my point reward be issued?"

Bai Weiwei rolled her eyes: "As soon as the special training is over!"

Bai Weiwei stomped on her leather boots and left. Zhang Xibao held his chin and muttered to himself: "Hao Cangdao, isn't it a coincidence?"

He was going to leave tomorrow, and he might have a hard time in a foreign land. Zhang Xibao ate a delicious dinner, and then took a hot bath in the dormitory.

When Zhang Xibao came out of the bathroom wiping his body, he found two unexpected guests in the dormitory.

The third young master of the Qian family, the other person is probably his roommate.

The third young master of the Qian family glanced at Zhang Xibao and said nothing. Zhang Xibao was wiping his hair while listening to their conversation with his ears closed.

Qian Chengjin sat on the stool, and Qian Sanshao stood in front of him, grabbing his collar: "From now on, you will hand in 10,000 points to me every month, you know?"

Qian Chengjin muttered, "Why has the price doubled again?"

"Why do you think it's doubled again? Can it be compared to before? Why don't I buy pills or make friends? Who can spend those points in the past!"

Qian Sanshao sprayed Qian Chengjin with spit all over his face.

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it, three..."

Just as Qian Sanshao stretched out a finger, Qian Chengjin said fearfully, "Okay, okay..."

After succeeding, Qian Sanshao led his roommates away swaggeringly, with the treasure pill that Qian Chengjin was going to give Zhang Xibao during the day still under his arm, and Qian Chengjin sat on the stool and sighed.


Zhang Xibao sucked his teeth and continued to brush his hair. In this matter, Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer.

After a while, Qian Chengjin asked melancholy: "Brother Bao, if someone keeps robbing you, what will you do?"

Zhang Xibao shrugged: "No one dares to rob me, usually I rob others!"

Qian Chengjin was speechless, but still asked persistently: "What if, I mean, what if there is one? And it's useless to find teachers and parents..."

Zhang Xibao pointed to the mop in the corner of the room: "See that? Stab it in your brother's ass, and he won't dare to ask you for points anymore."

"But I dare not..." Qian Chengjin shrank his neck.

"Oh, that's hopeless..." Zhang Xibao waved his hands.

Qian Chengjin wanted to cry, but he sighed repeatedly, which made Zhang Xibao a little annoyed.

Zhang Xibao pulled a chair and sat down: "Actually, you have been wrong since the first time you compromised."

"Maybe it's from a toy, maybe a coin, and then you start to compromise, the other party's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, your weakness creates the illusion for the other party, making the other party think that you are determined, when this illusion becomes If you become a fixed mind, your occasional resistance will not only be ineffective, but will be suppressed even more intensely!"

"Brother Bao, you are so right!" Qian Chengjin dragged the stool and leaned over: "My younger brother is like this. He always opens his mouth to ask me for money, but he dare not ask my sister for money. blackmail!"

"I'm knocking, your family's rank is low enough!" Zhang Xibao raised his forehead.

Qian Chengjin looked at Zhang Xibao expectantly like a puppy: "How can I solve it, Brother Bao, teach me!"

Zhang Xibao continued to point to the mop in the corner, and said to Qian Chengjin: "Now, take the mop and go to the next door to find your brother, and bravely say No to him, and things will turn around. If you don't dare, don't follow Brother Bao Damn, Brother Bao is not your brother..."

Qian Chengjin fell silent.

As time passed by, Zhang Xibao glanced at the phone and reminded: "Are the lights going to be turned off soon?"

Qian Chengjin took a deep breath, silently picked up the mop and left the dormitory door.

Zhang Xibao started counting down: "Three, two, one"


Qian Chengjin's roar came from next door.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Then came Qian Chengjin's miserable cry.

After a while, Qian Chengjin came back with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and the mop in his hand was gone.

Qian Chengjin walked back to the stool slowly, and then began to sob.

"I'll knock, a man won't flick his tears easily!" Zhang Xibao twitched the corners of his mouth.

"It's just not to the heart!"

Qian Chengjin grinned and cried loudly: "Brother Bao, you lied to me, things didn't turn around at all!"

"No, things have begun to turn around..."

"Tomorrow is the special training. I guess your younger brother would not dare to dispose of you. The injury on your face is actually not serious, and you will be healed after taking some treasure pills."

Zhang Xibao patted Qian Chengjin on the shoulder and pinched the tip of his little finger: "You have proved to Brother Bao that you are still so bloody. In three months, Brother Bao asked him to pay you back 180,000, making you a A confident man!"

Zhang Xibao rubbed Qian Chengjin's hair: "Okay, don't cry, you have to be stupefied! Otherwise, how can girls like it?"

"Girls don't have to like it, as long as others don't bully me!" Qian Chengjin wiped his nose and said forcefully.

"All right, all right, follow Brother Bao, you must be a master!"

The two talked for a while, the little fat man finally stopped crying, and Zhang Xibao lay down peacefully.

The optimized version of "Swordman 3.0" starts!

into the night.

Knock kah kah kah...

Zhang Xibao's bed board shook for a while.

Qian Chengjin woke up suddenly and stretched his neck to look at Brother Bao. He swallowed and asked tentatively, "Brother Bao?"

"Bro, are you asleep?"

Qian Chengjin's eyes shone brightly in the dark bedroom.

Knock kah kah kah...

Zhang Xibao jumped on the bed like a fish, accompanied by faint moans.

"Brother Bao, don't scare me, I'm cowardly!" Qian Chengjin tightened the quilt, only showing his head, looking at Zhang Xibao vigilantly.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao seemed to be hit by an invisible force, flew up out of thin air, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Nimma, hateful... Zhan Nian, hateful!"

Zhang Xibao got up from the ground, muttered something indistinctly, lay down on the bed again, and fell into a deep sleep again.

After a while, Zhang Xibao's bed board turned on the vibration mode again.


Qian Chengjin jumped off the bed trembling, ran into the bathroom under the quilt, and locked the door.

So special and scary wow!

Brother Bao, don't you have any eccentricities?

Qian Chengjin shrank his neck.

The bathtub in the bathroom is unused, let's make do with the bathtub tonight...

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