Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 185: Hao Cang Island Special Training Begins

Zhang Xibao stretched and rolled over from the bed, feeling a phantom pain all over his body.

"Damn Zhan Nian, this 3.0 optimization has strengthened those monsters by a little bit!"

Zhang Xibao fought hard all night to reach the fourth floor last night, and the boxer man on the third floor alone fought for half the night. After being optimized, that guy was like a Hulk possessed, and almost demolished the castle on the third floor.

"Huh? Where's Qian Chengjin?"

Zhang Xibao saw the empty bed board on the opposite side, and then glanced at the locked dormitory door, which meant that he was still in the room.


The bathroom door opened, and Qian Chengjin looked at Zhang Xibao poking around, and then came out of the bathroom covered with a quilt, with big dark circles on his face.

Zhang Xibao stared and asked curiously, "What's the matter, you slept in the bathroom last night?"

"Woooooo... Brother Bao, you were so scary last night, I was scared!" The little fat man was about to grin and cry again when he disagreed.


Zhang Xibao stopped Qian Chengjin from crying, and patted him: "Being stunned starts when there are tears and doesn't flick..."

"Ahem...Brother Bao likes to sleepwalk. I was embarrassed last night. I'm leaving for special training today. You can catch up on sleep on the road later."

The two went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then gathered on the playground as agreed.

Bai Weiwei's original words were: "For this training camp, it is enough to bring yourself!" 』

More and more people gathered in the playground, forming small groups spontaneously.

Qian Sanshao also came with his roommate.

Qian Chengjin said anxiously to Zhang Xibao: "My brother is staring at me, what should I do?"

Zhang Xibao looked up at the sky, and opened his mouth slightly: "Stare back, be fierce! Imagine yourself as a vicious dog..."

Qian Chengjin opened his eyes, stared fiercely at Third Young Master Qian, bared his four canine teeth, and rushed towards Third Young Master Qian with a whining sound.


When Qian Sanshao's scream came, Zhang Xibao lowered his head in bewilderment, and found that Qian Chengjin beside him had disappeared, then turned his head to look, and saw that Qian Chengjin bit his teeth on Qian Sanshao's arm.

Third Young Master Qian kicked Qian Chengjin away, his eyes filled with disbelief: "Qian Chengjin, what's wrong with you?"

"Why do you need to be vaccinated against rabies?"

While talking, Qian Sanshao took his roommate away from Qian Chengjin.

"It really works!" Qian Chengjin said to Zhang Xibao in surprise.

Zhang Xibao came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Not bad, not bad, your expression is a bit exaggerated, and I called you like a vicious dog, not to really bite people, but you have already taken the first step to success, haven't you?"

While speaking, a black spot appeared in the blue sky, accompanied by a loud rumbling sound.

"Transportation plane!" Someone shouted excitedly.

In the next second, the small black spot grew bigger and bigger, and a pitch-black armed transport plane slowly approached the playground.

Zhang Laodao, Wei Huohu, Bai Weiwei and the others also came.

Zhang Laodao was wearing a cyan robe as usual, while Tail Fire Tiger and Bai Weiwei were both wearing black Black Dragon Society uniforms.

"Students line up in two teams and enter the transport plane in order!"

With Bai Weiwei's order, fifty students lined up in two teams and began to board the transport plane with the assistance of members of the Black Dragon Club.

Tail Huohu and Bai Weiwei boarded the plane last.

Zhang Laodao waved his hand, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, released his precious gourd boat, and galloped westward on the big gourd.

"Look, Master Zhang's rare treasure gourd is so handsome!" Many students lay on the portholes and looked towards the sky.

Qian Chengjin also looked up at the sky enviously, smacking his tongue in amazement.

"Damn it, it was pretended by Zhang Laodao!" Zhang Xibao muttered softly.

"Brother Bao, Master Zhang's strange treasure is really amazing, if only I had such a treasure to take me flying!"

When Zhang Laodao in the sky completely disappeared, Qian Chengjin came back to his senses and sighed softly.

"What's there?"

Zhang Xibao curled his lips: "In the future, Brother Bao will take you flying, it will be much cooler than him..."

Qian Chengjin only thought Zhang Xibao was making a joke.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fear of being exposed, Zhang Xibao really wanted Fang Rui to turn into a phoenix and fly on his back. Wouldn't it be more comfortable than a group of people crammed into the narrow belly of the plane like sardines?

"Everyone, sit tight and fasten your seat belts!"

Tail Huohu walked through the aisle, checking the situation of the students one by one, and after finding nothing abnormal, he signaled to Bai Weiwei at the nose of the plane: "Take off!"

chug chug...

The propellers began to accelerate, and the transport plane took a run-up, then looked up and rushed into the sky.

"Anyone who feels uncomfortable raises their hands and reports immediately. Our special training is a military-style management. Weihuohu and I are in charge. Shut up now!"

Bai Weiwei said a few words, and the belly of the aircraft fell into silence, only the sound of the propeller chug.

"Okay, let's sleep for a while, I will call you when we get to the place."

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin began to close their eyes and meditate.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Xibao suddenly opened his eyes.

Bai Weiwei yelled into the belly of the plane: "Everyone cheer up, Hao Cang Island is coming soon, and the transport plane is ready to land!"

The transport plane began to dive downwards. Dozens of people endured the intense inertia, all of them gritted their teeth and said nothing. Only a few students looked normal. Zhang Xibao took a glance and wrote down the faces of these people.

The transport plane landed.

"Get off the plane, hurry up!"

The students unfastened their seat belts and stood in two rows, and began to get off the plane in an orderly manner.

After getting off the plane, the students did not enter the foreign land immediately, but were subjected to very strict inspection.

Food, tents, treasure pills, weapon treasures, and especially space treasures are all not allowed to be brought into Haocang Island.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his arms, and let the people from the Beishi Foreign Land Administration Bureau inspect, anyway, the Tongtian Treasure House was bound in his body, no matter how hard he checked, he couldn't find it out.

"Prepare to enter the foreign realm!"

Tail Huohu led the team forward, with the students following behind, and Bai Weiwei registered and numbered the found items.

"These things will be returned to you after the special training is over. After entering the foreign land, the special training will officially begin! Master Zhang Xuangan, Wei Huohu, and I will be fully responsible. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Fifty people shouted in unison.

"Very good, very energetic, I hope you can do the same after you go to the island!" Bai Weiwei nodded.

Tail Fire Tiger entered the foreign land first, and waited on the huge stone altar on Haocang Island, and then a classmate entered the foreign land.

This was Zhang Xibao's second time entering Haocang Island. He overlooked the entire island and saw that a large open space had been cleared in the eastern part of Haocang Island, where the special training should be conducted.

After the students entered, the soldiers in dragon uniforms began to carry the armament boxes into the foreign land. There were big black boxes, and I didn't know what was inside them.

Sure enough, Tail Huohu led the team to the east open space.

"The task of the first day is to complete the infrastructure of the camp."

Bai Weiwei stood in front of everyone and issued the first order.

"If you can't finish before sunset, you will have nothing to eat, and you will all be hungry!"

"If you can't finish before sunset, you will have no place to sleep, and all of you will sleep in the mud!"

"Now let's start grouping, and Tail Fire Tiger will lead you to start working. Do you have any opinions?"

Bai Weiwei stood on the stage and looked around.

"I have!"

A classmate suddenly spoke up.


A member of the Black Dragon Society standing next to him kicked him out of the team.

"Do you know why you were beaten?" Bai Weiwei looked at the man.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the classmate was kicked, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Although this foot hurts, it is extremely insulting.

"Because you didn't raise your hand to report!"

"Now, do the motion again and say your question!"

The classmate got up angrily, raised his hand to report, and questioned Bai Weiwei: "We are here for special training, not coolies!"

"This is also part of the special training. As I said, the special training has already started when you pass the entrance of the foreign world. Now return to the team and start working!

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