
Members of the Black Dragon Society were building watchtowers, and low-level tasks such as building walls and tents were left to the students.

Fifty students put on camouflage uniforms and were temporarily divided into five groups. Zhang Xibao's group was assigned to transport logs.

Tailed Huohu led the two groups to the forest, and there was a hill-like pile of wood in front of the forest.

The diameter of the wood is 30 centimeters, the length is about 6 meters, and each one is stacked into a pyramid shape.

"Your task in the morning is to transport fifty pieces of wood from the forest to the camp. Finish it early and rest early. Let's do it!"

Tail Huohu pointed to the piles of wood, and took the lead to carry five of them to the camp.

The students began to carry the wood in silence.

The wood is fresh, improvised sawn in the forest, so it is heavier than dry wood.

Zhang Xibao carried one on his left shoulder and one on his right shoulder, walking with ease.

Qian Chengjin also carried one, and walked behind Zhang Xibao panting.

"Fifty roots, isn't this exhausting?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at the little fat man: "Move it, it's good for your health, at least it's clean, isn't it? It's much better than your brother and the others digging dirt in the pit!"

"Hey, Brother Bao, I feel really better after you say that!"

Thinking of Qian Sanshao digging a hole with an engineering shovel, making his body covered in mud, Qian Chengjin was overjoyed.

The students who moved the wood transported the wood to the camp, and the students who dug the pit immediately erected the wood in the deep pit, backfilled the soil and compacted it.

Rows of wooden fences are taking shape.

Zhang Xibao carried two sticks at a time, and his efficiency was twice that of ordinary people, so he spent two hours, and after walking twenty-five times, he completed the morning task.

Like Zhang Xibao, a short-inch boy completed the task in more than two hours. The only difference was that he was out of breath, and Zhang Xibao didn't even break a sweat.

The two came to Bai Weiwei to register one after another.

Bai Weiwei told the two: "You have completed the tasks in the morning, now you can choose to rest, or you can choose to continue to work and get the usual points for the special training assessment."

"Report, what's the use of ordinary time?" The short-inch boy raised his hand and asked.

Bai Weiwei replied: "Usually points can be counted into your total grades. There will be an assessment at the end of this special training. The three students with the highest scores can get the school's point subsidies and treasure rewards."

"Sister Bai, if you say that, I'll be excited!" Zhang Xibao grinned.

"Be serious!"

Bai Weiwei told Zhang Xibao with a straight face: "Don't be so hippie!"

"Yes!" Zhang Xibao beat his chest as a military salute.

The short-inch boy glanced at Zhang Xibao, and asked Bai Weiwei for instructions: "Report, I have an earth-type ability, and I can help students who dig holes and build walls!"

"Oh? Demonstrate!" Bai Weiwei pointed to the uncompacted soil.

The short-inch boy squatted down and inserted his fingers into the soil.


Puff puff!

The soft soil became firm.

"That's right, what's your clean energy reserve?" Bai Weiwei asked again.

The short-inch boy replied: "Not much, but enough to finish the morning's work!"

This answer is also the old Versailles.

Bai Weiwei nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, your name is Qin Yun, right? The classmate who came to help build the wall will give you 1 point."

The short-inch boy had a happy expression on his face, he glanced at Zhang Xibao, and then went to the fence to help.

Zhang Xibao asked: "Report, how can I get more points if I continue to carry the wood?"

Bai Weiwei replied: "Fifty pieces of wood, one point!"

"Report, isn't it? So few!" Zhang Xibao frowned.

Bai Weiwei's answer was: "Usually, it's very precious!"


Zhang Xibao stopped grumbling, turned and left.

Zhang Xibao possesses dual-element abilities, one fire-type and one earth-type, but the earth element is still far from the power of the strange fire. If the different fire is a giant, the newly activated earth-type ability is a baby, so Zhang Xibao chose Continue to carry the wood.

"Isn't it just fifty for one point?"

Zhang Xibao twisted his neck and wrist: "Master Bao is going to be serious!"

Zhang Xibao walked towards a member of the Black Dragon Society who was building a sentry tower.

"Stop, what are you doing?" The member of the Black Dragon Society asked vigilantly when he saw Zhang Xibao approaching.

"Report, are there any iron chains?" Zhang Xibao asked the man.

The man was puzzled for a moment and asked, "Soldier, what do you want chains for?"

Zhang Xibao replied: "Report, move the wood!"

"Give it to him!" A man on the sentry tower who looked like an officer pointed to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao got two wrist-thick iron chains as he wished.

When he came to the forest, Zhang Xibao piled up the wood in the order of 3, 2, and 1, and then tied them with chains, forming a triangular pile of wood.

"I knock, what is that man doing?" The classmate who came to move the wood looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously.

"No, no, it's not like moving six at the same time, is it?" The students looked at each other in blank dismay.

Someone pouted: "Pretend to compare, let me see how he can carry six sticks?!"

After Zhang Xibao finished a pile of wood, he did the same thing, using another chain to tie up six pieces of wood.

Under the shocked eyes of his classmates, he carried a pile of wood in his left hand and a pile of wood on his right shoulder, and ran steadily towards the camp.


"A ruthless man with twelve roots!"

There were only wide-eyed eyes and the sound of gasping for air.




It's like the sound of an elephant stepping on the ground.

The ground trembled, and so did the walls and sentry towers.

The soldiers on the sentry tower looked towards the forest suspiciously.

"Fuck!" The officer couldn't help but swear.

The members of the Black Dragon Society on the ground were very curious, and they climbed up the guard tower to look in the direction the officer was looking at.

I saw the boy who asked them for the iron chain just now, holding six logs in his left hand and six logs on his right shoulder, running quickly towards the camp.

"Is this a monster?"

"Is this still a human?"

"Master Tail Fire Tiger only carries five at a time!"

"Nonsense, Mr. Taihuohu obviously didn't use his full strength!"

bang bang bang!

Zhang Xibao piled the wood in the camp, wrapped two chains around his arms, and continued running towards the forest without delay.

Wei Huohu stared blankly at Zhang Xibao's back, found Bai Weiwei, and said, "Get rid of a group that moves wood, Zhang Xibao moves more than a group alone!"

"How many can you carry at most?" Bai Weiwei asked curiously.

Tail Fire Tiger sucked his teeth and said, "Ten at most! These woods are all wet wood, and the density is very high. Moving ten is my limit!"

"Why is this kid so active all of a sudden?" Wei Huohu looked at Zhang Xibao's back indifferently.

Bai Weiwei shrugged: "I told him that fifty pieces of wood would add one cent to the usual share..."

"I'll go, how many points should I give him?"

Tailfire stroked the forehead: "According to his speed, we may have overfulfilled the task in the morning, and arrange for Senior Zhang to give a lecture in the afternoon..."

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