Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 187 Xiaowei Came Up After Scratching

"Student Zhang Xibao, why don't you take a break?"

Tailed Huohu looked at the piles of wood, and tentatively opened his mouth.

"Report, I'm not tired, thank you!" Zhang Xibao wiped off his sweat, and slowly wrapped the iron chain around his arm.

"How many times?" Tail Fire Tiger asked again.

Zhang Xibao replied: "Report, 49 times!"

Tail Fire Tiger thought for a while: "If you come again, stop it. The whole 600 pieces will give you 12 points. If you move too much, other students will have nothing to do, and the task plan will be disrupted. I hope you understand a bit……"


Zhang Xibao didn't talk nonsense, he planned to take a rest after another visit.

Tail Huohu nodded in satisfaction, and his affection for Zhang Xibao doubled in his heart.

The first rule of the special training ban is never to contradict your superiors.

Wei Huohu's words were already very obvious, and there was a sense of pleading, he would accept what he got, and Zhang Xibao was not stupid, and the 12 points had already made the others lose their exhaust gas.

Because Zhang Xibao moved too fast, the students on the digging side couldn't keep up with the progress, so the students who moved the wood were transferred to a group, but they still couldn't keep up with Zhang Xibao's speed.

Tail Huohu returned to Bai Weiwei's office and sighed: "Hey, it was so embarrassing just now..."

Bai Weiwei asked, "Did he agree?"

Tail Huohu nodded: "I agree, this kid is a clever man, I really hope he can join our Dong Qinglong in the future!"

"What will happen in the future, the organization will make its own arrangements."

Bai Weiwei put aside the plan and added 12 points after Zhang Xibao's name on the personnel list.

After a while, Zhang Xibao came.

"Report, mission completed!"

Zhang Xibao asked for instructions: "What do I need to do next?"

Bai Weiwei grinned, Zhang Xibao felt a little bad.

"In view of your excellent performance, I will assign you an easy task, go to the logistics department to help cook!"

Before Zhang Xibao could speak, Bai Weiwei waved her hand.

"I happened to be a little hungry. It seems that Bai Weiwei gave me a small prescription to make up for me."

Zhang Xibao walked towards the back-up area of ​​the camp talking to himself.

logistics area.

"Student Zhang Xibao, right?"

A chef in a dragon uniform came up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

Because of moving the logs, Zhang Xibao became famous in the camp.

"Hi sir, what's your name?" Zhang Xibao saluted.

"Hey, there are not many people in the back kitchen, so don't pay attention to these things, just call me Brother Wei."

"Are you hungry? You can eat steamed buns just out of the pan..."

So, Zhang Xibao began to light the fire for Brother Wei, who was in the kitchen, while holding the steamed buns in his mouth.

The fire source is compressed natural gas, and it only needs to be lit, without any effort at all.

Boxes of cold white boxes were brought in, with the words: Frozen Beef written on the boxes.

Brother Wei lifted the lid of the box, smiled and said to Zhang Xibao: "Don't eat too many steamed buns, these are big meat, let's eat stewed meat for lunch today!"

Zhang Xibao took the initiative to help Brother Wei clean the meat. He picked up a piece of meat and looked at it carefully, and asked curiously, "Is this not ordinary beef?"

Brother Wei glanced at Zhang Xibao unexpectedly, and nodded: "Boy, you have a good eye, this is our internally domesticated alien beef!"

Brother Wei explained: "You guys are the hope for the future. After doing heavy work, you have to eat these exotic animal meats that are full of energy and blood. It's good for your health!"

"It turned out to be like this..."

Zhang Xibao nodded, and chatted with Brother Wei about cooking.

"Brother Wei, this exotic animal meat is not easy to stew, you have to use a pressure cooker to soften it!" Zhang Xibao chattered while washing the meat.

"Hey, boy, it sounds like you've eaten it before!"

Brother Wei chuckled: "But what you said is correct, that is, the conditions of the camp do not allow it, otherwise Brother Wei will show you something!"

"That's what I heard."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, thinking that I may have eaten more exotic animal meat than you have ever seen...

The pieces of meat were poured into the five cauldrons, and Brother Wei poured in all kinds of instant food seasonings, closed the lid, and told Zhang Xibao, "Let's stew it. When they finish their work, it's almost time for us to have dinner."

"You are staring at the pot here, and I will move the ingredients for the afternoon."

Brother Wei left Zhang Xibao alone in the logistics area.

Zhang Xibao looked at the gas-burning flames and thought how long this would have to simmer?

He lifted the lids of the five pots again, and tasted the flavors inside. The broth was bland and tasteless. Can the meat made with instant food seasoning be delicious?

Isn't this ruining the meat of different animals?

I have to show Master Bao a hand!

Zhang Xibao took out the Tongtian Ding from the Tongtianbao Curry, and took out the oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, Chinese prickly ash, aniseed grass fruit and other things that he carried with him.

He poured out all the water in the five pots, fished out the meat again, and started to stew the meat.

Zhang Xibao added water to the tripod, threw all kinds of seasonings into the tripod, and added the meat of different animals, covered the tripod, and fired a dozen of different fires.

After a while, the little smell came up after a scratch!

The smell of the exotic beast meat came out from the gap in the lid of Tongtian Cauldron, and the smell was just two words: fresh and bright!

The scent drifted into the camp along the wind, and everyone looked towards the logistics area one after another.

"Is Shao Wei cooking today? It tastes good!"

The members of the Black Dragon Society looked at each other with surprises in their eyes.

The strange fire and Tongtian cauldron came out, and the meat of the strange beast was quickly stewed.

Zhang Xibao scooped up a piece of meat and tasted it: "That's right, it's amazing!"

He quietly poured the stewed meat back into the five-mouth cauldron, covered it to keep it warm, and sat back on the small bench to pretend to be looking at the pot.

Brother Wei came back, sniffled, and said to himself in doubt: "The guys from the Blue Dragon Society have improved the instant sauce package, why is it so delicious?!"

Sitting on the small bench, Zhang Xibao gave Brother Wei a silly smile, and gave him a thumbs up: "Brother Wei is amazing, this exotic meat is really delicious!"

Brother Wei thought I was a badass, so I did three steps: put the meat in it, put the water in it, put the instant seasoning in it...

Haunted, today's meat is too delicious!

Before Brother Wei could think about it, the chants to prepare for dinner sounded in the camp.

"Okay, get ready to cook!"

Brother Wei first scooped up a big pot full of meat for Zhang Xibao, and said, "This is for rewarding you today. You can take as much steamed buns as you want. I'm going to give them food."

"Let me deliver it for you first!"

Zhang Xibao helped Brother Wei carry the pot, Brother Wei smiled and didn't refuse Zhang Xibao's kindness, but just gave him a thumbs up.

The camp lunch is a bowl of meat per person, two oranges, and unlimited steamed buns.

The students were starving after working all morning, smelling the smell of meat, even the young masters of the family who were used to delicacies from all over the world began to gobble it up.

"Woooooo... Brother Bao, this meat is so delicious!" Qian Chengjin ate deliciously while holding the bowl.

Then he was stunned to see Zhang Xibao coming out with a basin full of meat.

"Report, why does he have more meat than mine?"

A classmate was unconvinced, and pointed to Zhang Xibao's big basin and questioned him.

Brother Wei rolled his eyes: "Why do you say that? Originally, you planned to move the wood for a day, but now you only need to move it for half a day. If you get a bargain, you'll be a good boy. Eat your meat honestly!"

That classmate wanted to say something more, Wei Ge took out a big iron spoon, looked at the reflection on the spoon, and said to himself: "I am Prince Wei from the logistics department, and I can be regarded as your officer. Can any classmate help me think about it?" What's the first prohibition?"

The first prohibition of the special training: "Never contradict your chief!" 』

Beep again, I'm afraid I'm going to be beaten...

The classmate swallowed, squatted down and continued to eat...

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