Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 188 My Zhang Xibao's Biggest

"There is a half-hour break after the meal, and I have class in the afternoon, so I have to prepare in advance!"

Tail Huohu announced, and went to eat too, today's meal is really delicious...

The other two groups had set up their tents, Zhang Xibao and the others rested in the tent for half an hour after eating.

Half an hour later, the call for assembly sounded on time.

Each of the fifty students received a futon with a number on it.

Bai Weiwei ordered: "According to the order, sit down on the square!"

Everyone knew how powerful Bai Weiwei was, so they found their place in silence, and sat on the futon obediently.

Fifty people sat in a semicircle around the square.

Zhang Xibao sat cross-legged on the futon, watching the members of the Black Dragon Society arrange the venue nervously and efficiently.

They moved a huge futon in the center of the square, and began to surround the square with formation materials to arrange the formation, and finally burned a huge stick of sandalwood beside the square.

The white mist of the incense condensed and did not disperse, diffused in the square, Zhang Xibao sniffled and found the fragrance was light and pleasant, probably this incense was used for the students to focus their minds.

Zhang Laodao walked slowly towards the square, with a fairy-like demeanor, his sleeves fluttering, and he looked like a big boss.

The students all paid attention without saying a word.

"Now, Daoist Zhang will send you "textbooks"."

After Bai Weiwei finished speaking, Zhang Xibao stretched his neck to look around, but found no textbooks.

Zhang Laodao began to walk towards the classmate number 1, stretched out his index finger, and a gleam of light entered the brow of that classmate.

One of Zhang Laodao's classmate and another classmate clicked over.

When it was Zhang Xibao's turn, the gleam of light disappeared into his mind, and Zhang Xibao instantly understood, and four words popped out of his mind: enlightenment.

Zhang Xibao felt that there were a lot of things in his mind, such as some complicated formulas, diagrams of the acupoints of the human body, and the analysis of various terms for practicing clear qi...

After all the fifty students ordered it again, Zhang Laodao sweated slightly on his forehead.

It seems that giving empowerment to fifty students is much more strenuous than it was when the college entrance examination was done to clear the Qi.

Zhang Laodao took out a snow-white Huaqing Pill, swallowed it into his stomach, and let out a mouthful of foul air.


Zhang Xibao swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

Huaqing Dan!

It seems that Zhang Laodao's baby gourd has condensed a lot of pills...

So greedy!

Zhang Xibao refrained from looking at Zhang Laodao, and carefully looked up the knowledge that had just been poured into his head.

"Daozhang Zhang gave you the empowerment just now. This knowledge is the knowledge of clear qi that the Five Dragons Association has deliberated since the recovery of the spiritual energy. It is also the knowledge of clear qi that you will learn systematically. It is strictly forbidden to spread it to the outside world. Anyone who violates it will be held accountable by the Black Dragon Association. !"

"Do you understand?" Bai Weiwei looked around at the crowd.

Everyone shouted: "Understood!"

When Zhang Laodao recovered almost, he sat down on the big futon and cleared his throat: "Old Daoist Zhang Xuangan, temporarily serving as your preaching teacher for the past three months, the preacher who teaches karma and solves doubts, teachers, you are Don't you want to say hello to the old Taoist?"

"Hello teacher!" The crowd shouted again.

"All right."

Zhang Laodao sat up straight: "The class is starting now, and whispering is strictly prohibited!"

"Since the revival of spiritual energy, the clear air between heaven and earth has increased sharply, and various weirdnesses have appeared one after another, but there have been people with supernatural powers since ancient times."

"You can imagine the world's clean energy as a fish pond. The water stock is limited, and a group of fish can barely survive. They have to endure hunger, thirst and crowding. After the spiritual energy is revived, the water flow inside the pond increases sharply, and the fish begin to grow. As a result, supernatural beings began to spring up like mushrooms after rain.”

"You should have learned about supernatural beings a long time ago. They are divided into old and new factions. I won't repeat them here. Let's talk about what Qingqi is."

"Qing Qi is the source gas of the world. It surges like a tide. It is the source of power for strange treasures and supernatural beings. Without energy, the car cannot run. Without clear Qi, strange treasures cannot be used, and neither can supernatural people. strength."

Zhang Laodao paused, and when he saw someone raised his hand, Lao Dao nodded to signal the classmate to ask a question.

"Report, I used to use talismans and other things when I didn't have a clear energy reserve before!"

Zhang Laodao motioned the man to put down his arm, and explained: "The talisman is a one-time rare treasure that has already fixed the qi on the talisman paper. As long as the right method is used, ordinary people can also activate it. Do you understand when I say this?"

The man suddenly realized and nodded.

Zhang Laodao continued: "I will talk about the talismans later, let's continue to talk about clearing the breath."

"Supernatural beings have various supernatural powers. The supernatural treasure seeds are extremely precious. They can activate the supernatural powers in ordinary people and give them the right to use supernatural powers. So how can people who have never eaten supernatural treasure seeds become supernatural beings?" Woolen cloth?"

"First of all, you must have the qualifications to practice clear qi, which is why you were screened at the beginning, and secondly, you must be able to cultivate clear qi. Your body is not only a storage tool for clear qi, but also a tool for using it. The following is how to Cultivate clear energy..."

"Beginners, you must first have a correct sitting posture...all look at me!"

All fifty pairs of eyes looked towards Zhang Laodao.

Zhang Laodao put on a five-hearted posture, and the students imitated the example and began to assume the old-fashioned sitting posture.

"Put your hands on your lap, keep your chest open, don't stretch your shoulders too straight, and relax your shoulders, so that you can proceed to the next step of meditation..."

Zhang Laodao reminded several students of their wrong sitting postures, and continued: "Meditation is the preparation for absorbing fresh air into the body. Now close your eyes and relax your breathing..."

Fifty students closed their eyes one after another and began to breathe.

"The magic circle around the square can condense clean energy. This Haocang Island is simply a blessed place with an astonishing amount of clear energy. You students are really blessed..."

"Empty yourself and feel the fresh air like the tide..."

After Zhang Laodao said this sentence, he fell silent, and the time passed by every minute.

As soon as Zhang Xibao emptied himself, he couldn't help but want to return to "Swordman 3.0" to suffer abuse.

There was a snoring sound in his ear, Zhang Xibao didn't dare to open his eyes, even if he didn't open his eyes, he knew who was snoring, and beside him was Qian Chengjin...


Bai Weiwei kicked Qian Chengjin to the ground, and stepped on one foot.

Zhang Laodao already has black lines all over his face, which means that he is acting as a substitute teacher. If Qian Chengjin was his disciple and grandson, he would have gone up there with a big stick.

Qian Chengjin opened his eyes in horror, and found that Bai Weiwei was looking down at him.

"I told you to relax and meditate, not to sleep here!"

"Run fifty laps around camp after class!"

Bai Weiwei announced Qian Chengjin's punishment, exited the square, and the class continued.

"Meditation is the preparation before absorbing the fresh air. The meridians and acupoints map have been sent to your mind. Imagine that the fresh air enters the acupoints along the meridians and travels in the body."

"Clear air is like water, meridians are water pipes, and acupoints are buckets. Different people with different abilities can store different amounts of clean energy, just like some people can store a bucket of water, while others can store a tank of water, and some people can even store a pond. Water, whoever stores more clean energy will be more likely to survive the battle!"

"Recite the mantra and look inside your body. You people are all talented people who have already developed clear energy. Feel if your clear energy reserve is a bucket of water or a tank of water!"

Zhang Xibao began to recite the mantra, while emptying his mind, he could clearly see himself sitting cross-legged in the dark, without clear facial features, only glowing meridians and acupoints, this should be the inner vision that Zhang Laodao said.

"Come and let me see how much clean energy I have?"

Zhang Xibao continued to perceive, his consciousness seemed to flow through the meridians along with the fresh air, and then it reached the end, and at the end was a pond.

"Why is it so small..."

Zhang Laodao suddenly slapped his hands, and the slap brought everyone back to reality in an instant.

"I see the fresh air flowing in the square, and I believe that many students have seen their own clean air reserves."

Zhang Laodao casually pointed to a classmate: "How much is your reserve?"

The classmate made an OK gesture and hesitated to say, "Egg size?"

"Well, it's not that big."

Zhang Laodao pointed to another person, and that person replied: "The size of a basketball."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Zhang Laodao nodded and pointed to the short boy named Qin Yun. Qin Yun smiled and replied, "The stew pot at noon is so big!"

Everyone can see how big the stew pot is at noon. This Qin Yun is an old Versailles.

Zhang Laodao glanced at him appreciatively, and said yes twice.

In the end, Zhang Laodao pointed to Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao was the champion of the Great Xia, and Zhang Laodao was no stranger to him.

Zhang Xibao replied: "How big is the pond?"

Zhang Laodao:? ? ?

classmates:? ? ?

"How big is the pond?" Zhang Laodao asked.

Zhang Xibao didn't think of an adjective. He scratched his head and looked at the square, making gestures: "Larger than the square?"

Zhang Laodao and the students present had expressions of "I don't believe it, don't lie to me".

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