"Let me be healthy..."

Zhang Laodao walked slowly, and stretched out his hand to touch Zhang Xibao's forehead.

This action made Zhang Xibao nervous for a while, as if his vest was about to be ripped off.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he couldn't refuse, so he frantically sent signals to Shu Ling.

Among the monks of the old school, spying on other people's clear energy reserves was a taboo, but Zhang Laodao, as a teacher, did not bring this matter to himself and Zhang Xibao.

He just wanted to see if Zhang Xibao's clean energy reserves were really that big.

Zhang Laodao spread out a wisp of divine consciousness, reached out his hand and pointed at the center of Zhang Xibao's eyebrows.

Shuling quit!

To Shu Ling, Zhang Laodao's behavior is no different from breaking into a private house!

Shuling doesn't want privacy?

Shu Ling directly activated "Swordman 3.0", and passed on Zhang Laodao's spiritual consciousness to the eighth floor of the Demon King's Castle.

The eighth floor of Demon King Fort is the floor guarded by General Heijia, whose combat power is second only to the Demon King set by Zhan Nian.

In the optimized "Swordman 3.0" version, Zhang Xibao managed to hit the fourth floor, but Shu Ling threw Zhang Laodao's spiritual consciousness to the eighth floor!

"Let me see how much clean gas you have in reserve?"

Da da da……

There was a faint sound of horseshoes.

Zhang Laodao opened his eyes and saw a pair of horse hooves kicking towards his head.


In reality, Zhang Laodao, who closed his eyes to investigate, suddenly opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

"Why did I get ejected!"

Zhang Laodao felt a phantom pain in his head, and the fresh air in his body was surging.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't dare to make a sound, not knowing what happened.

Only Zhang Xibao had a weird face, thinking that the spirit of the book is too damaged...

Unwilling to give up, Zhang Laodao took a deep breath, suppressed the turbulent breath in his chest, and directed a wisp of spiritual consciousness towards Zhang Xibao's head.

Excited, right? !

After scoring twice, Shu Ling once again passed Zhang Laodao's spiritual consciousness to the eighth floor of the Demon King's Castle.

The opening plot of the eighth floor has been set up by Zhan Nian. No matter who enters here, they will inevitably be kicked by the horse first.

If you can avoid this hoof, only those who play the game are qualified to fight against the black armor general.

Da da da……

It was the familiar sound of horseshoes again.

This time, Zhang Laodao learned a lot from a pitfall, and when he heard the sound of horseshoes, his consciousness quickly rolled aside.


It's a pity that just as he opened his eyes, what he saw was a black gun point.


The real Zhang Laodao bounced out suddenly, sat down on the ground, and looked at Zhang Xibao in horror.

"Ah, this..."

The students' eyes widened in shock, with a feeling of ignorance.

"Senior Zhang, are you okay?"

Bai Weiwei hurried over to help Zhang Laodao.

Zhang Laodao stood up, brushed the dirt on his buttocks, and waved his hands as if nothing had happened: "I'm fine!"

Zhang Laodao looked at Zhang Xibao, and said, "Ahem... that Zhang Xibao, right? I'm in the tent after class, I have something to ask you."

All the students looked at Zhang Xibao with envy, thinking that Master Zhang might be trying to teach the best people a little bit, right?

Zhang Xibao felt uneasy, thinking that Mr. Zhang might want to take revenge on me, right?

Zhang Laodao sat back on the futon and pressed his hands: "Ahem... let's continue teaching!"

"The part of guiding the clear qi into the body has been taught. All you have to do is go down and practice a lot. Next is the time to answer questions. If you have any doubts, please ask them all!"

Zhang Xibao felt that Zhang Laodao's eyes always fell on him from time to time, which made him shudder.

The last time I felt this furry was when Ye Changan pinched his little hand...


A classmate raised his hand and asked, "Under the same level, are the new school supernatural powers or the old school supernatural powers more powerful?"

"good question."

"Since you have such doubts, let me answer them."

"Comparing the new school and the old school of the same level of abilities, from the perspective of specialization, the new school's abilities are powerful, but from the perspective of overall strength, the old school's abilities are higher."

Zhang Laodao stretched out his palm, and a ball of flames rose. He pointed to the tail fire tiger again, and explained: "Compare the old Taoist me and the tail fire tiger. We are of the same rank, and the tail fire tiger belongs to the fire department. For those who are capable, his flames are much more powerful than mine, but in life and death struggles, he is not as good as me."

Zhang Laodao dispersed the flames, water polo, thunder ball, wind mass and other miracles appeared one after another in the palm of his hand.

"Because I am an old man, I am more proficient in the use of Qingqi. I not only have flames, but also wind, thunder, water and other strange methods to help me fight against the enemy."

"In a nutshell, the abilities of the new school of abilities are powerful but monotonous, while the abilities of the old school of abilities are relatively insufficient but diverse."

After Zhang Laodao finished answering, the students showed thoughtful expressions, and some people sighed: "If there is a supernatural person who has eaten the strange treasure seed and has a unique supernatural power, and also cultivates clear energy, wouldn't it be invincible at the same level? ! "

Zhang Xibao smiled, amused, isn't this talking about me?

Keke, low key, low key...

Another student raised his hand to signal: "Report, under ideal conditions, is there any possibility of winning against the enemy by leapfrogging?"


Zhang Laodao stroked his palm lightly: "The battlefield is changing rapidly, who said that the ground rank cannot die in the hands of Xuan Jie?"

"The level of combat power is just a reference. If you rely too much on it, you will die miserably on the battlefield in the future!"

Zhang Laodao said seriously to the students: "What you just said is the ideal state, even if it is not the ideal state, a mysterious-level ability user holding a heaven-level special treasure can still suppress and kill an earth-level ability user! It will affect the battle situation There are various factors, and you must never be careless against the enemy in the future!"

"Okay, old man, I've said enough, let's end today's class, go down and digest it slowly!"

Zhang Laodao stood up from the futon, glanced at Zhang Xibao, waved his hand, and beckoned Zhang Xibao to follow him.

Pills, pills, pills!

Dozens of pairs of eyes fell on him, Zhang Xibao stood up bravely, thinking that if Zhang Laodao messed with him later, he would just run away on Phoenix?

After walking for tens of meters, Zhang Xibao followed Zhang Laodao's buttocks and entered the old Taoist's exclusive tent with his head down.

"Please sit down."

Zhang Laodao pointed to the futon on the ground.


Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, sat on the futon, and wanted to see what kind of medicine Zhang Laodao sold in his gourd.

Zhang Laodao twisted a piece of incense with his fingers, inserted the incense into the altar, and then sat on the futon opposite Zhang Xibao.

"I didn't mean to offend just now, please don't blame me, senior!"

Zhang Laodao cupped his hands towards Zhang Xibao, making Zhang Xibao a little confused.

How did I become a senior me!

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to speak, a person flew out from between his eyebrows, making him even more confused.

Wearing a red war robe, holding a black long sword, wearing a crown of thorns plagiarized from the Internet on his head, with a face of Zhan Nian...

Isn't this the Great Demon King on the ninth floor of the Demon King Castle in "Swordman 3.0"?


The demon king appeared, dressed in cool equipment, and with a monstrous aura, Zhang Laodao's eyes widened in shock. Only Zhang Xibao knew that only the face of the demon king was real, and everything else was fake...


The moment the Demon King appeared, he flew back to Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness.

The reason why it appeared was because the book spirit was playing tricks!

This is just an unconscious avatar of Zhan Nian, with an online game template on his body, just like the armor in the game "One knife 999, it's the brother who came to cut me", but the sword energy on his body still bluffed Zhang Laodao .


Zhang Xibao cleared his throat and waved his hands: "No problem!"

Seeing the tense Zhang Laodao relax a little bit, Zhang Xibao sighed in his heart, since he has already pretended, let's pretend to the end...

One wrong step, one wrong step, things started to develop in an outrageous direction!

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