Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 190 The Past Of Dong Qinglong

"Senior Zhang, don't be nervous, my master has already left."

After deliberating for a moment, Zhang Xibao broke the silence.


Zhang Laodao asked: "You said that senior just now is your master?"

"Yes, he said that he is my guardian, so he should be regarded as my master!" Zhang Xibao continued to fool around.


Zhang Laodao shook his head, he didn't know what he remembered, his eyes were dim.

He took out a can of spiritual tea, brewed it, swept his sleeves, and the tea cup fell in front of Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up.


Zhang Laodao has two tricks!

Zhang Laodao continued to ask: "Your is he called by his title?"

Zhang Xibao took a sip of spiritual tea, the tea was too hot, so he stuck out his tongue, and he replied: "Zhan Nian!"

Changing from a sword spirit to a master inexplicably, Zhang Xibao thought to himself that it was too cheap, it was because of the fact that he had grown up for nothing!

"Zhan Nian..." Zhang Laodao searched for the name in his mind, but found nothing.

Coupled with the fact that Zhang Xibao's consciousness just flew away from his divine consciousness, Zhang Laodao is 80% sure that Zhan Nian is Gu Xiu who appeared after the recovery of spiritual energy.

"Zhang Xibao, can you tell me more about your master? For example, how did you know each other, and what does your master think of Daxia?"

After discovering a monk suspected of being an ancient cultivator, Zhang Laodao must first confirm one thing, that is, whether he is harmful to Daxia. If so, he should be arrested as soon as possible and thrown into the underground superhuman prison!

Zhang Xibao drank Guangling tea, took another cup of teapot for himself, and started to talk nonsense: "My master said that I am intelligent, gifted, and handsome, so I want to be my guardian, and my master only cares about cultivation. Don't care about things at all, he said it's not good to fight!"

Do you want to be shameless? Hearing Zhang Xibao boasting himself, Zhang Laodao was speechless, but he caught the second half of what Zhang Xibao said.

Is it quiet and inactive? It seems that the monk Zhan Nian has some similarities with the old Daoist's philosophy!

"Yes, yes, it's not good to fight!" Zhang Laodao nodded in agreement.

After drinking spirit tea for a while, Zhang Laodao took out a Huaqing Pill and handed it to Zhang Xibao: "This treasure is called Huaqing Pill, which can increase the energy reserves of supernatural beings. Your master must not look down on this treasure pill." , take this grain and eat it."

Zhang Xibao took the snow-white Huaqing Pill and put it away, and said with a smile: "Daozhang Zhang, you are so stingy... Oh no, you are too polite!"


Zhang Laodao waved his hand to end the chat.

"Zhang Xibao, I'm very optimistic about you!"

Before leaving the tent, Zhang Laodao patted Zhang Xibao on the shoulder and said some inexplicable words.

Zhang Xibao went back to his tent, swallowed the granule of Huaqing Pill, and began to sit on the futon to meditate, absorbing the fresh air of Haocang Island.

On Zhang Laodao's side, he called Bai Weiwei and Weihuohu to the tent.

The three sat cross-legged on the ground.

Bai Weiwei asked curiously: "Senior Zhang, do you have anything to say for calling us here?"

Zhang Laodao nodded, and briefly told the two about Zhang Xibao, Wei Huohu and Bai Weiwei's faces were full of surprise.

"It's no wonder Zhang Xibao is such an excellent kid, so there's a boss behind him!" Bai Weiwei widened her eyes and sighed.

"No, it must be Zhang Xibao's talent that attracted that senior named Zhan Nian, so he accepted Zhang Xibao as his apprentice."

Tail Huohu shook his head and gave his own deduction: "You have seen Zhang Xibao's school records. He is just an orphan from a poor family. If he is not talented, how could he attract such a senior? Don't confuse the cause and effect here. .”

Bai Weiwei nodded in agreement: "It should be like this."

"Senior Zhang, what do you think?"

The two looked towards Zhang Laodao.

Zhang Laodao held his teacup and took a sip: "At present, it seems that this Guxiu named Zhan Nian doesn't like to show up in front of people. If it wasn't for the old Daoist's spiritual consciousness that inspired the spiritual consciousness he left on Zhang Xibao today, he wouldn't either. will be exposed."

"Let's send a secret message to the Black Dragon Society. Temporarily position this person as neutral. This matter should only be investigated secretly, so as not to arouse this Gu Xiu's resentment."

Bai Weiwei and Wei Huohu took Zhang Laodao's words seriously.

Chatting, chatting, the three of them talked about Zhang Xibao again.

Both Bai Weiwei and Weihuohu said that Zhang Xibao would be a star in the future.

Zhang Laodao shook his head.

"I see, this Zhang Xibao can grow into a supernatural being like Qinglong in the future!"

Bai Weiwei and Weihuohu didn't understand why Zhang Laodao had such a high opinion of Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Laodao stroked his beard and asked the two people: "You don't know, his experience is very similar to that kid Qinglong's rise to fame!"

Hearing Zhang Laodao talking about her immediate boss, Bai Weiwei became gossip-inducing. Although Wei Huohu looked unwilling to listen, he still pricked up his ears.

"Then let me tell you the story of the rise of the Azure Dragon..."

Zhang Laodao stared at the tea, and said slowly:

"Tian 1 in the prison of supernatural beings, do you know? The most terrifying supernatural being, Gu Xiu, who appeared after his aura recovered, is... Qinglong's master!"

Bai Weiwei and Wei Huohu looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other's eyes, but they didn't make a sound, and continued to listen to Zhang Laodao's narration.

"After the revival of the spirit energy, the monks who mainly focus on clearing the air can be said to be like fish in water, and the ones who benefit the most are the monks who are called ancient cultivators. These people practice ancient spells, and they are all innate. Talented people, before their aura is revived, they can rely on the barren heaven and earth to create all kinds of miracles!"

"Tianyi is an ancient Xiu. He took in an orphan and treated the orphan like a father. He taught the orphan how to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and taught him various spells. The orphan gradually grew up. In the mind of the orphan, Tianyi is his dearest father, and this orphan is your Lord Qinglong..."

"What happened next?" Bai Weiwei couldn't help asking.

"Later, the orphan discovered some abnormalities..."

Zhang Laodao's expression became serious: "Before the spiritual energy revived, the fresh air between the heaven and the earth was as barren as the land that had been dry for ten years. How did 1 use all kinds of magical spells like a god-man that day? You must know how to use The premise of the technique is to have enough clean energy reserves, why does Tian 1 have so much clear energy reserves?"

"How did he do it?"

Bai Weiwei had a bad premonition, she thought that what happened next would probably be the fuse that led to Master Qinglong's break with Master.

"Before the spiritual energy recovers, there will always be children in this world who are born with full spiritual energy, and there will be a lot of clear energy in their bodies..."

"It's too slow to practice clear energy bit by bit, so Tianyi's stored clear energy is plundered from those children! As for those children whose clear energy has been taken away, they will be stupid at least, or dead at worst!"

"Fuck!" Tail Fire Tiger was so angry that he couldn't help cursing.

"This is the real reason why Qinglong turned against Master!"

Zhang Laodao continued: "Later, the spiritual energy recovered, and Qinglong's rank quickly climbed to the Tian rank in a short period of time. He defeated his master and suppressed Tian 1 in the underground of the Five Dragons Association!"

"Actually, the supernatural prison of the Five Dragons was originally built for Tianyi alone!"

Zhang Laodao shook his head: "This is also the reason why some ancient cultivators are unwilling to show up. They don't want to abide by the rules set by the Five Dragons Association, and they are also afraid of the strength of Qinglong, so they hide and practice among all living beings."

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