The high-pressure ban is not conducive to the students' sense of belonging to the special training camp, so after dinner, the students got a moment of leisure time.

Some people were meditating to absorb fresh air, some people were taking the opportunity to rest and adjust their physical condition, only the unlucky Qian Chengjin was running around the camp.

Fifty laps, this was Bai Weiwei's punishment for him.

In fact, the little fat man was able to fall asleep with the refreshing fragrance, maybe it has something to do with the fact that Zhang Xibao scared him so much that he didn't dare to sleep the night before...

Therefore, Zhang Xibao accompanied Qian Chengjin to complete the 50 laps, which moved Qian Chengjin greatly.

"Brother Bao, you are so kind to me!" Qian Chengjin wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled innocently.

Zhang Xibao patted the little fat man on the shoulder: "Do you believe Brother Bao?"

Qian Chengjin was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied: "Yes, of course!"

"Well, from now on, you have to run fifty laps every day after dinner!"

Seeing Qian Chengjin's dismayed face, Zhang Xibao hit the rails while it was hot: "Didn't you always want to grow up, listen to Brother Bao, insist on running for three months, and reduce your body fat, then Brother Bao will give you some advice according to your physique." Make moves, Brother Bao is not joking when he said that three months will make you reborn!"

Qian Chengjin clenched his fists: "Okay, I'll listen to Brother Bao!"

Zhang Xibao took Qian Chengjin to do a few sets of moves. How Zhang Xibao practiced Zhang Xibao back then, Zhang Xibao practiced Qian Chengjin.

When Qian Chengjin was almost finished learning, Zhang Xibao asked him to practice by himself, while Zhang Xibao sat on the futon while exhaling and supervising Qian Chengjin's exercise.

The students' tents are all single rooms, so Zhang Xibao doesn't have to worry about attracting the attention of others when he breaks through the level.

The next day, the special training officially started.

Bai Weiwei distributed a three-month special training plan to the students.

The plan is broadly:

In the morning, Zhang Laodao taught the students the knowledge about clearing Qi and various spells.

In the afternoon, Bai Weiwei and Wei Huohu taught the use of cold and hot weapons, fighting skills, team combat and other knowledge.

The fifty students were formally divided into ten groups, and Zhang Xibao was specially appointed by Bai Weiwei as the group leader.

Thanks to Zhang Xibao, Qian Chengjin and his third brother Qian Guangming were also in the group.

Every time before class, Zhang Xibao has to take a set of lists to roll the roll.

"Ye Qingyan!"


"Ye Ziyun!"


Zhang Xibao looked at the two students surnamed Ye, and found that they were a man and a woman, with similar eyebrows and eyes, they seemed to be brothers and sisters.

"From the Ye family?" Zhang Xibao asked.

The two nodded modestly.

Only the Ye family, one of the four great families in the imperial capital, dared to be called the Ye family. It seemed that these two people were somewhat related to Ye Changan.

Zhang Xibao continued to roll the roll.

"Qian Chengjin!"


"This, Qian Guangming? Qiantu is bright, the name is quite unique!"

Zhang Xibao looked at Qian Sanshao with a smile.

Qian Sanshao snorted unconvinced.

Zhang Xibao chuckled, didn't care, and continued to roll the roll. Anyway, Zhang Xibao was pressing down on one group, and no one could afford to turn over the waves.

In the morning, Zhang Laodao talked for a long time about absorbing fresh air.

Regarding these, Zhang Xibao has already learned, and the clean energy reserve is not a problem for him at all.

There are two ways to expand the reserves of Qingqi. The first is to absorb the Qingqi from heaven and earth without spending any money at all, and the second is to eat precious pills such as Huaqing Dan with krypton gold.

Counting the "Huaqing Pill" yesterday, Zhang Xibao had already eaten three of them, plus the pills he had eaten before, this caused Zhang Xibao's Qing Qi reserve to exceed everyone else by a large margin.

After obtaining the authority of the Tongtian Treasure House, Zhang Xibao dug out ten more "Refinement Huaqi Pills". Forty small servings, bottled for emergencies.

In the afternoon class, it was the turn of Bai Weiwei, a irascible woman, and she ordered members of the Black Dragon Society to bring dozens of big black boxes.

Bai Weiwei ordered: "One box per person, open it!"

The students curiously opened the box and found that there were thermal weapons of different models inside.

A member of the second team excitedly picked up the black pistol, slapped it handsomely, pretended to have fired a shot, and blew the non-existent gunpowder smoke from the muzzle.

He bragged to the girl next to him and said, "I used to play with this a lot! When the special training is over, I will take you..."


Before he finished blowing a sentence of Niubi, the man got a big mouth.

Without waiting for him to react.


Scored twice, but also a big mouth.


The third big mouth followed up again.


That classmate's left cheek swelled rapidly, he squinted his eyes, and only then did he see that Bai Weiwei was staring at him with icy eyes.

"Did I tell you to pick it up?"

"It's fine for you to pick it up, but dare to hook the trigger and circle it?"

"How dare you blow with your mouth!"

Bai Weiwei glanced at the people in the second group, and said mercilessly: "All members of the second group, run a hundred laps around the camp after class!"

Immediately, the members of the second group gloating at his misfortune glared at that person. This guy probably won't be able to run away after a beating after class.

"Classes begin!"

Bai Weiwei also had a black equipment box in front of her. She picked up a pitch-black pistol and showed it to everyone: "Now, pick up the Moya Type 6 pistol in front of you. While you observe, I will explain."

"Moya Type 6 pistol, the sixth-generation pistol developed by the Blue Dragon Society. The purpose of the research is that the bullets of ordinary firearms cannot break the skin of alien animals."

"Before the aura is revived, rifle bullets can run from the animal's neck to the buttocks, but after the aura is revived, these firearms will not work at all. You must be wondering why some huge strange beasts are not crushed by their own bones and internal organs What about it? That's because they know how to use Qing Qi, just like supernatural beings, and it is Qing Qi that turns the fur and flesh of alien beasts into precious materials."

"The material of Moya is also refined from foreign ore, and it is extremely strong. The barrel of Moya is engraved with ancient scriptures, which can match the pattern on the bullet. The only medicine left in the bullet is to push the bullet into the barrel. function, and then the talisman is activated, pushing the bullet through the skin of the beast..."

Zhang Xibao picked up the Moya pistol to examine it carefully. It was shaped like a Sand Eagle, but with a longer handle, slender bullets, and a larger ammunition capacity. The magazine could hold twenty rounds of ammunition.

"Report, how's the recoil?" Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and asked.

Bai Weiwei replied: "After a while, you will know when you shoot live ammunition..."

Afterwards, Bai Weiwei explained the structure of the firearm. The structure is very delicate and simple, which is the principle of firing with the complete talisman formed by the barrel and the wall of the bullet.

Rifles and sniper rifles work the same way as pistols.

The special training camp seemed to be counterproductive to this group of students. Nearly half of the students had never touched firearms, but Bai Weiwei ordered them to shoot live ammunition.

Bai Weiwei said: "Time does not allow you to grow up slowly, just live ammunition, even if you are fed with bullets, you will be fed to become sharpshooters!"

The scene that Zhang Xibao imagined holding a gun and shooting it did not appear directly. Bai Weiwei first let everyone try to fire a shot to feel the recoil and other specific conditions.

"You are not allowed to plug your ears, are you bitches?!"

"When facing the enemy, you still stuff your ears with something? You don't even know that the enemy wiped your neck!"

In this way, under Bai Weiwei's roar, fifty students gradually became proficient in the operation of firearms...

For Zhang Xibao, recoil, what is that thing?

Once, Bai Weiwei even asked Zhang Xibao to test fire the Huo Tongue 3 multi-barreled rotary machine gun, a terrifying weapon with a rate of 10,000 rounds per minute, a real big guy with blue flames!

Zhang Xibao laughed wildly and beat the target into crumbs, his two legs seemed to be rooted, and they were as stable as a fortress.

Afterwards, Qian Chengjin told Zhang Xibao that he laughed like a combination of mental illness and abnormality.

Zhang Xibao spread his hands and said, "I don't know why, when the gun barrel is spinning, the corners of my mouth can't help but go up..."

In addition, there are tail fire tiger fighting and cold weapon battles.

Tail Huohu is not as irritable as Bai Weiwei, he just keeps silent and "abuses" his classmates over and over again, and some of his classmates even developed mild PTSD.

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