Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 193 Shit, Big Brother Bao

Whoa whoa whoa whoa~

The cries of the spirit ape kept coming and going.

Occasionally, shadows flit across the tall tree crowns.

The students went in nervously in a defensive formation.

"Mom, ghost!"

A member of the third group on the flank of the team yelled loudly.

Something escaped from the shadowy canopy.

Bai Weiwei questioned the terrified student: "What did you see?"

The classmate covered his chest and replied in horror: "I saw a colorful monster!"

Bai Weiwei murmured to herself: "The iron-winged eagle, the only threat on Hao Cang Island, has been killed. Is there any unknown beast?"

"Everyone, be vigilant and report immediately if there is any situation!"

Bai Weiwei took the lead and continued to move forward.

Baojian in Zhang Xibao's mind didn't respond at all, so he knew that the thing just now must be the work of the spirit ape.

After advancing for a while, Bai Weiwei raised an arm, and the team stopped.

There was a fist-sized rock at my feet, Bai Weiwei picked it up with her toes, and the rock flew out.


A net made of rattan emerged from the fallen leaves and weeds, and suddenly went empty.

"This doesn't look like a trap set by a supernatural person, but rather like a spirit ape. Are their intelligence already so high?"

Bai Weiwei was a little shocked. She remembered that the last time she led a team into Hao Cang Island, these big monkeys would only hit people with stones and Juling peaches. How long has passed since they all set traps!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa!

The trap didn't work, and a spirit ape hiding behind a tree screamed and ran away.

If the trap caught the prey, the spirit ape might jump out immediately and carry the prey away with its huge body and great strength.

Zhang Xibao sucked his teeth, thinking to himself why this matter is so like the style of the leader of the spirit ape?

"Retreat in defensive formation!"

Bai Weiwei originally wanted to take this opportunity to train soldiers and rescue the captured superhuman.

But the situation is different now, the spiritual intelligence of the apes is beyond her original imagination, they actually set traps!

It's better to let the students retreat first, and call the members of the Black Dragon Society outside the foreign land to come in and save them.

The team changed formation, the leader of the team became the tail, and Bai Weiwei, who led the team, became the last person.



A nearly three-meter monster blocked the team's way.

"Ahhh, it's... a monster!"

The frightened classmate just now yelled: "It was just now!"

Zhang Xibao looked up and smiled.

What kind of monster is this? It is clearly the old familiar ape, the leader of the spirit ape!

The leader of the spirit ape wore a mask carved out of wood. The mask was painted with colorful and scary patterns, and the edge of the mask was decorated with many colorful bird feathers.

From a distance, the leader of the spirit ape with a colorful mask looks like a terrifying shaman.

What surprised Zhang Xibao was that this guy was actually wearing a pair of canvas underwear!

Does the leader of the spirit ape already understand what shame is?


Fortunately, this guy's iconic action of beating his chest has not changed.

As if there was a signal, huge spirit apes appeared in the canopy of the tree, shaking the branches to build momentum for their boss, and they even held crude weapons such as spears, stone axes, and stone hammers in their hands!

Although the students held Moya in their hands, the huge spirit apes were jumping, jumping and shouting, and they were holding cold weapons in their hands. At least in terms of momentum, they were far beyond the student team.

"Are we entering the bandit's den?" Someone looked at the densely packed group of spirit apes on the top of the tree and couldn't help but say something.

"No, this code is Rise of the Planet of the Apes!"

Someone looked at the spirit ape holding the weapon in horror, swallowed, and said, "Looking at the situation, I'm not surprised they talk!"

The spirit apes didn't take the initiative to attack, and the students just held Moya vigilantly, waiting for Bai Weiwei to issue orders.

Although the number of spirit apes exceeds one hundred, well-trained students can rely on Moya to break out of the encirclement, but if there is a real fight, there will definitely be a lot of casualties on both sides.




The roar of the leader of the spirit ape came out from behind the mask, and the aura on his body rushed towards the students as if it were real.

Hearing the Daxia language that the leader of the spirit ape was not proficient in, Zhang Xibao had such an expression as expected.

The intelligence of the spirit apes is not low, and they feed on the Juling Peach, which increases longevity and wisdom. When Zhang Xibao left, he left a few bottles of pills for the leader of the spirit ape. Now this guy's strength may not break through the mysterious level A has reached the ground level.

The most important thing is that after the gate of the foreign land on Hao Cang Island was opened, the supernatural beings who entered the foreign land to explore unconsciously brought culture into the foreign land, which had an impact on this group of clever spirit apes.

Bai Weiwei was a little panicked. She originally thought that the strength of the spirit ape was at the first level of the mysterious rank, but suddenly a spirit ape that appeared to be of the ground rank was really scary, and these spirit apes could use tools...

Could it be that the spirit apes on Haocang Island will become a scourge like the demon monkeys in Yan Mogu?

No, it may be more terrifying than the magic monkey!



The leader of the spirit apes waved his hand, some of the spirit apes got out of the way, and a hole appeared in the encirclement.

"In a defensive formation, retreat!"

Bai Weiwei looked at the leader of the spirit ape vigilantly, thinking that she must report the information to the Black Dragon Society and take precautions in advance, lest the spirit ape group expand wildly and become a big pest on Haocang Island.


Zhang Xibao raised his hand suddenly.

Bai Weiwei's thoughts were interrupted, she looked at Zhang Xibao and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the branch next to him, Bai Weiwei looked in the direction of Zhang Xibao's finger, and found the unlucky supernatural being held by the spirit ape.

The supernatural being was tied upside down with all four hooves tied upside down, and a huge juling peach was stuffed in his mouth, his saliva was dripping down, he couldn't speak, he could only make a slight whining sound... …

Bai Weiwei shook her head: "I can only take you out first, the Black Dragon will find a way to rescue this guy later..."

The team retreated without saying a word, and the leader of the spirit ape stared at the team behind the mask.

Zhang Xibao picked up a stone and flicked it lightly with his index finger.


The stone hit the wooden mask of the leader of the spirit ape, making a loud bang.

The leader of the spirit ape was instantly attracted by Zhang Xibao, and his eyes fell on Zhang Xibao. When he saw Zhang Xibao winking in the team, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Fuck...Brother Bao!"


The leader of the spirit ape jumped suddenly, blocking the marching team.

Bai Weiwei's eyelids twitched, feeling that the leader of the spirit ape was going to backtrack.


The big slap of the leader of the spirit ape stretched out.



The students looked at each other in blank dismay.

What do you mean?

The leader of the spirit ape emphasized again: "Hostage!"

"Could it be that Spirit Ape wants to take hostages before letting us go?" Zhang Xibao pretended to be confused, and muttered in a voice that the students could hear.

"It's over, it's over, I'm afraid this big monkey has taken a fancy to the female classmates in our team, just like the movie King Kong, he wants to keep a girl as Mrs. Yazhai!"

One sentence instantly aroused panic among the female students in the team.

Bai Weiwei sternly shouted: "Anyone who talks nonsense should be punished!"

Zhang Xibao lowered his voice and said, "Sister Bai, let me change back to that superhuman, I'm sure I can escape from the spirit ape!"


Bai Weiwei shook her head: "It's dangerous, and you are much more important than that supernatural being, you can't change it!"

"If you don't change, everyone will be unable to escape. You also know my strength. Under the three-fold increase of Tyrant Body Yin, if I want to escape, this group of spirit apes will definitely not be able to catch me!"

Without waiting for Bai Weiwei to refuse, Zhang Xibao volunteered to stand up: "If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, I'll come!"

The leader of the spirit ape gave the younger brother a wink, threw the superhuman to Bai Weiwei and the others, picked up Zhang Xibao and ran into the depths of the forest.


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