Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 195 You Are So Cute, How Could I Hurt You?

"Zhang Xibao was captured by the spirit ape!"

When Bai Weiwei led the students back to the camp, she immediately called Tail Huohu and Zhang Laodao.

The three of them didn't stop for a moment, and rushed towards Juling Taolin.

Bai Weiwei led the way in front, with Wei Huohu and Zhang Laodao behind.

"The leader of the group of spirit apes is suspected to be of the lower rank, with high spiritual intelligence, and the number of the group is more than a hundred. We will withdraw after we rescue Zhang Xibao. The matter of the spirit apes and beasts will be discussed in the long run..."

While hurrying, Bai Weiwei briefly introduced the situation.

Zhang Laodao's Qizixian gourd can take over the spirit ape group, but it does not comply with the regulations of the Foreign Land Administration if the matter is not investigated clearly.

Wei Huohu and Zhang Laodao agreed with Bai Weiwei's statement.

When approaching the spirit ape group, the three of them ran into the forest where Zhang Xibao had previously sparred with the leader of the spirit ape.

The forest is full of devastation.

Bai Weiwei's heart tightened, and she guessed: "Could it be that Zhang Xibao has already clashed with the spirit ape?"

Tail Fire Tiger squatted down to check the broken trees, and came to a conclusion: "These traces of destruction include punches and scratches, human footprints, and spirit ape footprints. It is likely that Zhang Xibao fought with the leader of the spirit ape. One."

"The leader of that spirit ape is an earth-level leader. It seems that Zhang Xibao is more or less ominous. Alas, do I want to let the old man watch a talented person fall in front of his eyes?" Zhang Laodao shook his head and sighed.

"Seeing is believing, don't jump to conclusions, let's go, sneak to the Spirit Ape Tribe..." Tailed Huohu took a deep breath and walked towards the tribe first, which showed that his heart was not at peace.

The three quietly sneaked into the spirit ape tribe deep in the forest.

Zhang Xibao's side.

Zhang Xibao and the leader of the spirit ape finalized their plan to make a fortune, and took a lot of Juling peach pits as special products.

After thinking about it, he took out another part of the peach pit and held it in his hand.

"Okay, it's time for me to go, wait for my good news!" Zhang Xibao walked out of the wooden house and walked to the ground.

"Send it to you!"

The leader of the spirit ape slapped his thigh, followed behind Zhang Xibao, put his big hands on Zhang Xibao's shoulders, and planned to send Zhang Xibao out of the Taolin.

Then the three people who came to rescue Zhang Xibao met Zhang Xibao and the others...

Bai Weiwei and the others hid in the dark, staring dumbfounded at Zhang Xibao and the leader of the spirit ape walking away shoulder to shoulder.

All three had incredulous looks in their eyes.

"what's the situation?"

Wei Huohu was stunned, just now he was worried to death, but now it seems that his sad emotions are completely wasted.

Bai Weiwei rolled her eyes: "How would I know!"

"If you don't ask, you will know?"

Zhang Laodao pointed to the leader of the spirit ape who turned to leave, and then pointed to Zhang Xibao who was walking out alone.

When Zhang Xibao heard the movement, he turned his head and saw the three people who looked suspicious.

"What's the situation, Zhang Xibao?" Bai Weiwei raised Liu Yemei and asked.

Zhang Xibao asked the three of them to look at the Juling Peach Pit in their hands, and explained: "The spirit apes were too enthusiastic and brought me some souvenirs. In fact, they didn't have any malicious intentions. It was those supernatural beings who fired first. It only aroused the spirit ape's anger after injuring a spirit ape."

Zhang Xibao slowly explained the cause of the incident to the three of them, and then one of them grabbed a handful of peach pits and said, "Eat, try them all, it's a good thing to increase wisdom and longevity. Purpose……"

The four walked out, peeling and eating peach pits.

"You mean that the spirit apes want to sell Juling Peach Cores to humans? These big monkeys have really grown up and learned how to do business. I don't know who they learned from..." Bai Weiwei curled her lips.

"This is a good thing! Spirit apes have been occupying the peach forest for a long time, making it difficult to develop the peach forest. Now that they are actively selling peach pits, the output of the foreign land in Beishi has become more abundant!" Tail Fire Tiger nodded.

Zhang Laodao shook his head, and said worriedly: "The spiritual intelligence of the apes is beyond imagination, if you do business with them, sell them medicines and supplies, I'm afraid they will become pests on Haocang Island! "

Hearing what Zhang Laodao said, Zhang Xibao couldn't help it anymore, thinking that this is not blocking my way of making money, he opened his mouth to say good things for the spirit apes: "Zhang Daochang doesn't have to worry about this."

The three of them looked at Zhang Xibao, because Zhang Xibao knew the situation of the Spirit Ape tribe best, and they also wanted to hear what Zhang Xibao had to say.

Zhang Xibao talked eloquently: "Although the spirit apes have high intelligence, their birth rate is extremely low, so there is no need to worry about them becoming harmful beasts. At the same time, the spirit apes are not as violent as other strange beasts. They are a kind of peace-loving people." Intelligent beast."

"What Zhang Xibao said makes sense."

Wei Huohu agrees with Zhang Xibao's words. He understands the situation in Beishi better than Bai Weiwei and Zhang Laodao. He added: "Since the opening of Hao Cang Island's foreign land, the spirit apes have only driven away the supernatural beings who stole the fruit, and have not Any superhuman will die at the hands of the spirit ape."

In the end, the three of them made up their minds, and Bai Weiwei kept everyone's suggestions in mind, and said, "After I go back, I will immediately write a report and submit it to the Beishi Alien Administration Bureau. This matter is very important, and it is best to put it on the agenda as soon as possible."

Zhang Xibao returned to the special training camp safely, and the students all looked at him with admiration.

Previously Zhang Xibao's excellence caused some people to be jealous, but now most people have recognized Zhang Xibao's status, because his behavior of sacrificing his life moved everyone, and several girls looked at Zhang Xibao with lights in their eyes.

Since Zhang Xibao's behavior had brought positive effects to the special training camp, Bai Weiwei and the others followed the trend and did not explain this to the students, because they could never say that Zhang Xibao, who sacrificed his life for righteousness, ate and drank a lot in the Spirit Ape Tribe , and was finally sent out by the leader of the spirit ape, and also gave a bunch of special products...

"Brother Bao, you really are like this!"

Qian Chengjin gave Zhang Xibao a thumbs up.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Okay, okay, stop flattering, the person you're shooting is really comfortable!"

Qian Chengjin held up three fingers and swore: "I'm not flattering, I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart!"

"If you can tell me, just say more?"

Zhang Xibao signaled Qian Chengjin to continue, Qian Chengjin repeated a few words, such as admiration for Zhang Xibao like a torrent of water, and Zhang Xibao straightened his forehead.

"Stop it, stop it..."

Zhang Xibao took out a large handful of Juling Peach Pit and handed it to Qian Chengjin: "Juling Peach Pit, eat more..."

Qian Chengjin took the peach pit curiously, and asked, "Brother Bao, what effect does this thing have?"

Zhang Xibao took a look at the little fat man: "Take care of your eyes, live a long life..."

Qian Chengjin only heard the second word, and couldn't wait to peel off one and ate one.

"Oh, it smells so good!"

Qian Chengjin was originally a glutton, but now that he tasted the Juling Peach Pit, he couldn't help but ask, "Brother Bao, this food is delicious, do you still have it? I want to buy it!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, and he slapped his head, thinking right, isn't Qian Chengjin, a local rich man, the best buyer of spirit-juling peach seeds?

Qian Chengjin's family is rich and can eat a lot of juling peach pits.

Master Bao sold a batch of the live broadcast and let the Qian family eat the next batch, so as not to attract the attention of interested people.

And if the little fat man was allowed to make this deal from it, wouldn't his status in the Qian family just go up?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xibao looked at Qian Chengjin and smiled slightly.

Qian Chengjin was chomping on Juling Peach Pit, but when he saw Zhang Xibao's weird smile, he choked up.

"Baby... Brother Bao, what is that expression on your face? It's the same as your expression when you were playing with a multi-barreled machine gun... I'm scared!"

Zhang Xibao pinched the little fat man's face, and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, you are so cute, how could I hurt you? It's just that I have a big deal to entrust to you...

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