After playing with the eight-foot magatama for a while, Athena quickly ran out of interest and gave the eight-foot magatama to Li Hao.

"how? Did you see any clue? Athena."Li Hao took back the eight-foot magatama handed over by Athena and said inquiringly.

"No!"Athena didn't hide anything, she said bluntly

"sizzling~~~, my lovely little maid, aren’t you the goddess who claims to be in charge of heaven’s wisdom?"Li Hao stared at Athena intently, deliberately put on a look of contempt, pursed his lips, and said with a frivolous smile.

Being ridiculed by Li Hao in a frivolous tone, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Athena's pretty face, and she said angrily Said:"This is a divine tool from the Far East, and this is my first contact with it, so......"

"Yes Yes Yes!"Li Hao said perfunctorily with a playful smile."Even the gods may not be able to grasp the unknown. I understand this and there is no need to explain!"

"snort!"Athena snorted and pouted her mouth slightly to express her dissatisfaction.

Seeing Athena's cute expression, Li Hao grinned. Athena is becoming more and more humane. In a short time, she will become just like ordinary people. If people ignore her divine aura, she will be treated as a lovely human girl.

Especially, Athena will definitely be treated as a divine girl when she speaks with a unique tone. Treating a middle school girl will be a big bonus in the realm of cuteness. It has to be said that no matter which dimension the human race is in, it can be said to be a miraculous race, and it can assimilate many extraordinary races.

Erica and Liliana brought back information about the eight-foot magatama and the eight-foot mirror.

Li Hao happened to have the eight-foot magatama in hand, so he took the lead in browsing the information about the eight-foot magatama.

Pronunciation: Magatama, where the pronunciation of MA is considered to have a good reputation but not to contend with the world, and NA (GA) means good luck and blessing from the gods.

Together, it can be considered to be great, representing the light and glory of the sun and the moon.

It means being blessed by the great god Amaterasu.

According to legend, when the emperor sent his son Wu Zun to conquer the Eastern Kingdom, Wei Ji was worried about his nephew's safety, so he gave him the eight-foot magatama to protect him. When he returned to Yamato after completing the mission, his uncle wanted to protect him. After seizing the throne, he said that Wu Zun was rebelling and wanted to kill him. When Wu Zun was trapped and died, he took out the eight-foot magatama stone and rubbed the stone to get out of the trap.

"In this way, the role of the eight-foot magatama is to be protected by the gods and stay away from disasters."Li Hao raised his eyebrows, and combined with many information about the Eight-foot Qiong Magatama, he roughly concluded that

"Um......, if Wang guessed correctly, this should be it! Erica nodded. She and Li Hao had almost the same idea.

"Athena, help me test this."Li Hao turned his head and said instructing Athena.

"Um!"Athena nodded lightly. In her petite body, a deep light emerged, which represented the power of death in Hades, spreading in all directions.

Seeing this, Erica and Liliana's expressions couldn't help but change. , quickly step away and stay away. The life force of ordinary people will be taken away instantly when they touch it. Even if they are great knights, they can't resist it for long.

At the same time, Li Hao poured the magic power into it. When the eight-foot magatama was poured into it, it seemed to be moisturized. The dazzling cyan brilliance of the small magatama suddenly blocked the eroding power of death. Especially, as Li Hao increased the infusion of mantra, the magatama was absorbed. The power has also increased, and the protection range has become wider.

If it is not enough, the eight-foot magatama consumes a lot of magic power, and I am afraid that only other magicians can provide it. , will definitely be sucked dry in an instant.

Li Hao somewhat understood that the power of the Eight-footed Magatama is not weak, it can even be said to be very strong, but the official history compilation committee does not seem to take it seriously. It is obviously too useless and can only be used. It should be used as a symbolic item rather than used.

"Okay, I already know it!"Li Hao nodded towards Athena.

Athena waved her hand carelessly and withdrew the power of death.

"It seems that it is exactly what I thought!"Li Hao said with a smile, very satisfied with the effect of the eight-foot magatama

"Congratulations, King, for mastering a powerful divine tool! Erica smiled and offered her congratulations.

"Congratulations, King! Liliana said in agreement.

"Um."Li Hao grinned and said:"Since the Eight-foot Qiong Magatama is so lazy, and the Tiancongyun Sword is also very good, I am looking forward to the Eight-foot Mirror that is as famous as these two magical tools!"..............................

Not long after, Fuyuma Amakasu, the agent of the Official History Compilation Committee, delivered the Yata Mirror to Li Hao.

After receiving the Yata Mirror presented by the Official History Compilation Committee, Li Hao had no intention of letting Amaka Touma stay and waved to him casually. The meaning was quite obvious, just to send him away and tell him to get out of here.

Gan Ke Dong Ma was not an idiot, and he did not dare to complain at all about Li Hao's rudeness. Especially, in today's situation.

Immediately, Amanji Dongma couldn't help but show joy on his face, and then he retreated. Speaking of which, he didn't even want to be around the Demon King, who seemed to be quite difficult to deal with. In his heart, he only felt that getting along with the moody devil was an unbearable thing. But now, it's finally over.

Fortunately, his mission has been completed. The Demon King accepted the eight-foot magatama and eight-foot mirror, which also showed that he was no longer looking for trouble in the official history compilation committee and forgave his crimes.

The eight-tatami mirror is not large in area. Li Hao opened his hand with one hand and could hold it tightly. The appearance is a very simple bronze mirror, with auspicious patterns such as pine, bamboo, plum, turtle and crane painted and engraved on the back. The mirror surface is extremely smooth and can clearly reflect people's figures.

"Yata Mirror......"Li Hao looked up and down and muttered silently. Just now, on the way Touma Amakasu delivered the Yata Mirror, he also read the information about the Yata Mirror.........................Please collect, subscribe, and automatically.................................

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