The Yata Mirror, also known as the Mirror of Shinsuketsu, is the royal spirit of Amaterasu, the highest god in Shintoism. It is enshrined in Ise Jingu Shrine, the ancestor of Japanese shrines.

Once, Amaterasu and his younger brother Susanoo caused trouble in Takamagahara. Amaterasu was so angry and frightened that he hid in Amano Iwato.

Suddenly, without her, the God of the Sun, both Takamagahara and Weihara were plunged into darkness. But the eight million gods were very frightened, so they made eight-tatami mirrors from the Tianjian stone on the Tianan River and the iron from the Tianjin Mountain, hung them on the Zhenxian tree, and sang and danced outside together, making the chickens and dogs in Gaotian uneasy.

Amaterasu is very puzzled. I am living in seclusion here and the world is plunged into darkness. Why is Tianyu still singing and dancing despite being betrayed, while eight million gods are also laughing loudly?"Tianyu Shou Ming replied:"A god more noble than you has come, so we are singing and dancing happily."

As he said that, he turned the Yata Mirror to Amaterasu. The mirror reflected a figure exactly like hers, and Amaterasu couldn't help but be stunned. While Amaterasu was stunned, the Amaterasu hidden by the door The powerful male god pulled her out of Aman Iwato

"Yata Mirror......, mirror......"Li Hao kept in touch with information about the Yata Mirror, silently chanting in his mouth. The Yata Mirror, even though it is one of the three most sacred tools of Japan, is still a mirror after all. And mirrors are inseparable from the concept of reflection

"——Boom!"Suddenly, in the cloudless sky, a bright light flashed and a roar exploded. Immediately afterwards, a thunder streaked across the sky and fell directly to the ground.

Li Hao, who had just walked out of the door, The power of the spell poured into the eight-tata mirror, and the entire ancient bronze mirror shone with light. The mirror reflected a golden light, which shone on the falling thunder. Suddenly, an incredible scene appeared, and the thunder suddenly appeared. It was bent, forcibly changed its direction, and returned to the sky.

"Sure enough, just as I expected!"Li Hao smiled happily. Having such a powerful magical tool is undoubtedly even more powerful.

"As expected of my wise and mighty king, he figured out the function of the Yata Mirror so quickly. Erica said with a smile.

"Even if you compliment me like this, I won't be happy!"Li Hao casually took back the Yata Mirror and said with a smile.

What does it mean to be unhappy? The smile on his face is not concealed at all. This is typical of saying no, but the body is very honest. Erica can naturally see it. He came out, but he had no intention of exposing it at all. Instead, he smiled sweetly, leaned towards Li Hao affectionately, and said smoothly:"Wang, this is not a compliment, but it is the fact!"

Liliana looked embarrassed, hesitating and speechless. She was not good at flattering her. She was unwilling to give up and glared at Erica angrily. What a shame, you damn vixen, for saying such embarrassing things. No shame

"Um."Li Hao nodded seriously and said in a deep voice:"That's true.

Liliana's eyes twitched, and she couldn't help but secretly glance at the cheeky Li Hao, and muttered in her heart: Wang, can't you be humble? If

Li Hao knew Liliana's inner thoughts, he would definitely tilt his head with a smile. The head said innocently, what is modesty? Can you eat it?.............................

It's noon on the vertical day.

A beautiful figure rushed into the house in a panic and walked straight into the living room. Immediately, the eyes of Li Hao and others in the hall were attracted.

"Witch Yuan, don’t you think you are too rude? Erica frowned and said with great dissatisfaction:"King, you are magnanimous and allow you to enter freely." But you can't ignore etiquette and disturb the king wantonly!"

"Huhu......"Mariya Yuri didn't respond, she was breathing heavily. He looked like he had just experienced some strenuous exercise, his forehead was dripping with sweat, his face was rosy, and he was out of breath.

"Yo yo......"Seeing this, Li Hao didn't show any worry on his face, he smiled playfully and said:"If you come to me in such a hurry, something big must have happened, right? Hehehe......, I’m quite curious!"

"big......,grown ups......"Finally regaining his breath, Wanli Gu Yuri suppressed his discomfort and said with a pleading tone:"Please......, please save, save......"

"What to save? Make it clear and I will consider whether to take action."Li Hao said with a frivolous smile.

"Sir, please save Kyoto!"Wanli Gu Yuri shouted in a hoarse voice.

"Kyoto?!"Li Hao raised his brows and grabbed the remote control beside him. After opening the TV series, he turned directly to Kyoto Radio.

In an instant, a screen popped up with some text on the screen.

The screen displayed: , the overwhelming black flames eroded Kyoto. The unparalleled terrifying flames seemed to be able to burn everything they touched, almost swallowing up half of the city.

"This is......., God’s natural gas pipeline burst!"Looking at the matching content displayed on the text above, Li Hao couldn't help but complain. When natural gas burns, is the flame black? Don't be ridiculous! This is undoubtedly the government's response to the ignorant people.

And this is shocking It goes without saying that the disaster that we fear must be caused by the gods. Anyone in the magic world can tell at a glance that such a powerful natural disaster cannot be reached by magic, and only the power of power can cause it. of

——The god of disobedience!! Erica and Liliana looked at each other, with serious expressions on their faces. Athena stared at the picture on the screen, with a slightly interested expression on her delicate face.

"Sir, Kyoto is now being ravaged by disobedient people, please show mercy and save the innocent people!"Wanli Gu Yuri said pleadingly. The only ones who can fight against the gods are the God-killers!

"The descending god of disobedience is given earth life?! You know it very well!"Li Haodao

"Because, adding earth life is called out."Wanli Gu Yuri said with a bitter look on his face.........................Please collect, subscribe, and automatically.................................

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