The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 40—Slaughter

“Original Emperor ~ Help!”

With for a moment, a scream filled with horror, but Shirley was hit by a gravel when she fled, fell to the ground, and Dalyola was in front of her eyes, if it was a moment of delay This beauty is probably going to be trampled by Dalyola.

“Shirley…” Leon heard that the facial expression suddenly changed. Although he was arrogant and cold, he was still very good. After seeing Shirley TRUE, he naturally showed a worrying color. The strength of Da Liola, he can see clearly, his ice magic is easily broken, he is now, I am afraid to die…

Now, he has not been awakened by Gray, and he has not come to realize it, so now he does not have the noble qualities of sacrificing himself to save others.

And this hesitant moment of expression, is also a moment to let Shirley face despair: “I… I am really… the Emperor of the Zero… give up?…”

Watching the foot on the foot, Shirley is in the absence of God, waiting for the advent of death…

But when the foot was only two meters away from her, she saw a flash in front of her face. Sun Wukong was already facing her, appeared in front of her, lifted with one hand, and easily held Daoliola. The foot that stepped on.

That picture made Ulu their eyes wide open at each and every one, unbelievable, but it was Daoliola! He even held the foot on the foot with one hand, what kind of terrible level did his power terror have?

“Sure enough… very powerful!!” Ulutia watched Sun Wukong’s back, his eyes sparkling with reverence.

It’s the helplessness of Elvisa’s 1: “This guy is always like this. If the other person is a man, he’s afraid he won’t even bother to take a look…”

Shion, watching some shyness of Shirley, Sun Wukong smiled slightly: “Hurry out of here, Next is a violent scene…” said, with a light hand, a light poured on Shirley’s feet, letting the injury instantly recovery.

“You…why want to save me? Am I not your enemy?” Shirley watched Sun Wukong, a puzzled face.

“Enemy? Are we not friends?” Sun Wukong looked seriously at Shirley.

“Peng…friend?” Shirley stayed, she remembered it. She had said this before Sun Wukong. At the time, she thought that Sun Wukong just called 1 to play her and said to play.

Shirley’s watched Sun Wukong: “You… are you serious?”

“Crap, I am Sun Wukong never joking about this kind of thing. Since we are already friends, I naturally have the obligation to protect you. This guy should be the main culprit that ruins your hometown? I will do it for you now. Fix it well, go to Ai Rusha, there is nothing to protect her…”

“Oh…oh…” Shirley watched Sun Wukong, nodded, hurriedly got up and ran over to Elasha…

And Sun Wukong, in Ulu’s stunned eyes, lifted the huge body of Daoliora directly to one hand, and then slammed it on the ground like a stick, accompanied by miserable Calling, the earth is shaking, gravel is flying…

Gray ‘咕咚’, swallowed a mouthful of water, a look of shock: “Goku big brother… really a monster… that… that’s Dalyola…”

“Sure enough, there are people outside, there are days outside the sky, it is my knowledge… Is it too short?…” Ulu is also a daze.

And Urutia is a face-watching Sun Wukong, the appearance of Dai Liola…

After Dai Liola was slammed by Sun Wukong, it was like a ball, and it was like a ball. It was just a minute of time, and it was already a bad time. He was only half-life. Ground, low voice, hoes and pleading for mercy…

This scene, even more to see Gray, they are stunned, this Da Liola was actually beaten to beg for mercy? The Demon in this legend was scared by Sun Wukong…

Sun Wukong could ignore the embarrassment of Daoliola, but how many towns were destroyed, and Shirley’s parents were killed. How could Sun Wukong forgive it?

Sun Wukong kicked out, this foot, already added some strength, I saw a ‘嘭’, Da Liola that huge in the body after flying to the sky for dozens of meters, exploded, even a trace The residue has never been left behind.

In this way, Dalyola, who made them extremely fearful, was ruthlessly killed by Sun Wukong!

“How is it possible… how can Daoliola be killed like this… Isn’t it the strongest magic beast?” Leon couldn’t seem to accept the end of Dalyola’s murder, and looked at Ulu: “But not critical, I just beat you was fine!”

Saying, once again, the ice-making magic, ice making, big cockroach, ice making, white tiger, ice making, ice dragon, three huge and prestigious ice-making animals rushed to Ulu at the same time…

When Urutia saw it, he was so angry that he just wanted to start, but he was stopped by Ulu: “He is also my child. If you go the wrong way, you should correct it by me…” The fists meet, and with the emergence of a huge magical array, Ulu is also low-sounding: “Absolutely zero!!”

The sound just fell, and I heard the sound of ‘kā kā’. The three ice-making animals that rushed out and Lyon were frozen by a huge ice, forming a beautiful huge iceberg! It makes the surrounding cold surging, especially cold.

Shirley and Ai Lusha both shuddered involuntarily.

“This person is very powerful…” Ai Lusha watched Ulu, and 1 showed a hint of surprise.

“Alright!” Sun Wukong smiled: “Her strength is not much different from the top ten holy magic guides.” Said, the shoulder of a landlord Shirley, said: “Go, things have been solved, We should go back and get paid!”

“The Emperor of the Zero…” Shirley turned to look at the past and talked about it.

“I still have a fart, and people don’t want you. If you mix with your brother, you will cover you.” Sun Wukong twisted Shirley’s head and looked at Urutia: “We Go back to the village first, and wait for your mother to solve the problem here, then bring her to see me!”

“Yes, Goku!” Urutia answered with a compliment.

“I have already surpassed Ulu for what I said, but now I have been stunned by Ulu. You are really arrogant…” Gray watched the chilled Leon, grinning with disdain.

“Gray, I haven’t seen you for many years, you have all grown up…” Ulu looked away at Gray, with a soft smile on his face.

“Ur… Ulu…” Gray immediately became a little nervous.

“What Ulu, you want to call Master!” Ulu’s unwelcome pat on the head of Gray’s head…

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