The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 41—S Level Task Completion

After returning to the village, because it was daytime, the people here have restored the appearance of half-man and half-devil. Before Sun Wukong opened, the village chief Moka has already taken the lead: “Where did you go early in the morning? Did the movements come out of you? When will you destroy the moon? If it is not commissioned, we will not pay the commission!”

“Destroy the moon? Who can complete this kind of commission?” Shirley looked at the village chief Moka with a look of horror.

“Even if can be done, I won’t do it, there is no moon, but it’s a very annoying thing…” Sun Wukong watching Moka, faintly said: “trouble We have solved it for you, now let you “Recovering memory…” Sun Wukong said, looking up at the sky and looking at it, bending a finger, a strong wind shot, I saw a ‘ka-cha’, the whole sky was to shatter, and then the new sun shone …

“The sky turned to shatter?!! How come…” Shirley’s eyes widened with surprise.

“Goku…this… what’s going on?” Ai Lusha was also surprised.

“In fact, only this small island is covered by a film of evil spirits. It is a gas-like thing triggered by the drops of the moon. After crystallization, a film is formed in the sky, so the moon at night looks purple. By the influence of this film, your memory is confused, and you think that you have been cursed by the moon to become the Demon-like appearance. In fact, you are like this…”

“Hey?! Goku adults…you…you mean…he…they were…” Shirley listened, and suddenly she was afraid of hiding her face behind Sun Wukong.

“Yes, they were originally TRUE’s Demon…” Sun Wukong nodded lightly.

“Mom! This world really has Demon…” Shirley watched the group of villagers with horror, and hugged Sun Wukong from behind.

“Hey! Don’t take the opportunity to eat tofu…” Ai Lusha opened Shirley with a look of discomfort and watched the villagers, nodding their heads seriously: “So, TRUE’s Demon? Also in other words They have not been cursed, and we have not completed the commission…”

“Oh… I was told by you… It seems like… It seems like this is the case…” The village chief Moka himself was shocked by his face. He said, “The film is broken, the memory seems to begin to straighten out… although still Some confusion…”

“I… I remembered it… it turned out… we are really Demon… we are not cursed…”

“It’s really good… It’s really right to entrust the task to you, the wizards…” Suddenly a voice came, a man emerged from a dark corner and walked forward, watching Sun Wukong, they were one The face is grateful.

“Popo …” seems to come, Moka and others are shocked, because in their memory, Popo is dead.

“You… you are not already…”

“Just pierce the level of xiong mouth, we can’t die… haha~~”

“Popo! It’s really good that you didn’t die!” Mokton, the village chief, hung on Popo’s body like a child, clinging to him and crying…

“It’s finally back to normal, Dad!”

Everyone saw this, and they all sent a happy smile from the heart…

“Hey! Things have been solved, and the commission has been given, and a lot of time has been delayed. We have to go back…” Sun Wukong reminded him in due course.

The village chief Mokalima shouted: “The moon has not been destroyed, and we have not been cursed. In this way, you have not completed the commission! Want to entrust the gold, destroy the moon first!”

Sun Wukong looked at him plainly: “You mean, let me be busy?”

When Elrosha saw this, she was shocked: “That, although it is a bit of an embarrassment, but I have to pay the commission, otherwise it will be very trouble, relative to you…”

“Oh… well… okay…” The village chief Moka was also scared by Sun Wukong’s calm eyes. He didn’t dare to swear by the slightest: “Popo, the mission is your commission, you are preparing for the mission.” Entrust the gold to pay…”

“Oh… well… ok…” Popo wiped the cold sweat in front of his forehead. He was also scared of the dead souls. The Sun Wukong seems to be the most terrible existence. A plain sentence can make People feel the looming death, he dares to sneak, immediately glanced at the villagers, and shouted: “That, trouble everyone, this task has to pay for everyone to join together, I can not get it alone…”

“Should! It should be!”

The villagers were very good at talking, didn’t push, they went home to get the money…

“Goku, isn’t that good?” Ai Rusa looked at, and she couldn’t bear it.

“What’s wrong, we helped them solve the trouble, they paid, it should be…” Sun Wukong looked dull: “I know, can let me personally help them, it is their honor.”

It didn’t take long for the villagers to raise enough money. Popo handed it to Sun Wukong with a pack of gold, silver and bronze. “You don’t have much human currency. These gold, silver and bronzes don’t know enough to pay the S-level commission. ?”

Sun Wukong glanced at it and said: “Not enough, but forget it, Ela, take it.”

“Hey~good…” Ai Lusha looked at Popo with a bit of regret, and took the bag of gold and silver. If it wasn’t for Sun Wukong, she would not accept the reward for this task. After all, they did not officially take the S-level task, nor did they complete the task in the TRUE sense.

But Sun Wukong has spoken, she obviously won’t go against it, and if Sun Wukong is upset, he may directly destroy the whole island. Elasha can’t see the scene, don’t doubt, she is 100% Hundreds believe that this kind of thing Sun Wukong does not blink.

“farewell/goodbye! If there are any tasks in the future, even if you come to the fairy tail, no matter what task, as long as you get paid, we can do it for you!” Sun Wukong watching the villagers, smiled.

“This is nature, everyone is slow, if you have time, can come here to play…”

The villagers also waved goodbye and looked very hot 1. After all, Sun Wukong helped them recover the chaotic memories. And they also know that Sun Wukong’s compensation is far from enough to pay the S-level commission. Sun Wukong wants them to pay the commission, which is not important, just just don’t want to go back empty-handed. These villagers naturally understand this.

After leaving the village, Sun Wukong met Urutia and Gray in the middle of the road. Obviously, the trivia of Leon has been solved…

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