Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 169: On what has been lost

Chapter 169: Discussing the losses

When Xunyi woke up, he found that he was in a strange cave. In an instant, everything Jie Jindan had experienced came to mind.

"Ning Xin!" He shouted, and this call was also transmitted to all directions in the form of spiritual consciousness. After using his spiritual consciousness to identify that he was still on Jiangxia Island, he flew towards Ning Xin's cave.

"Ning Xin!"

"Ning Xin!!"

"Ning Xin!!!"

An urgent spiritual thought was transmitted into Ning Xin's cave, but there was no response. Xunyi's legs became weak, and he knelt down in front of Ning Xin's cave with a plop, and then stopped moving like a wood carving and clay sculpture, staring. His big eyes were filled with endless sorrow and regret.

He regretted his undeserved carelessness, and at the same time, he truly felt that it was not worth it for Ning Xin. He only lived to go back and see his master again, and then go to Puyunzhou to fulfill the promise he made to Zhengtianjun, and they would end up together. It must have been very dangerous for Brother Dan to break into Puyunzhou alone. He had already prepared for death. It was certainly not worth it for Ning Xin to use her flowery life to save his remaining life in just a few days. He couldn't bear this kind of kindness, nor was he willing to bear it.

"You bastard, you're just forming a pill, why are you so restless?! It's not a pity to die for a useless idiot like you, but you have implicated Xin'er. I can't wait to crush you to death right away!" Immortal Mingben appeared in front of him In front of him, he stared at him with an angry expression.

Xun Yi didn't want to explain. He closed his eyes, his face turned ashen, and said sadly, "You can do it. If you can catch her on the road to hell, you can repay this great kindness."

"Don't talk nonsense. Sister Xin'er is alive and well." Jiangxiao, who hurried over, happened to hear the conversation between the two. He was afraid that Xunyi would offend Immortal Mingben, so he hurriedly stopped him.

"What did you say?" Xun Yi was afraid that he had heard something wrong and stared at Jiang Xiao with his heart in his throat.

Jiang Xiao timidly glanced at the Immortal Lord Ming and said, "Sister Xin'er is fine. She was taken to the island where she lives for recuperation by the Immortal Lord."

"Really?" Xunyi stood up suddenly, his head spinning with ecstasy.


Xiyang, who was already standing next to Jiangxiao, nodded quickly and said, "It's true."

"Hmph!" Ming Benxian snorted respectfully. He couldn't be so polite to Jiangxiao, so he wouldn't be so polite to Xiyang. A burst of anger immediately came to him, and he shouted sternly, "What is true?" ? What do you know?! Not to mention that she is at the critical moment when her Nascent Soul is about to mature. Even if she is forced to do so under normal circumstances, her inner elixir will be greatly damaged, and it will easily affect her. ? He glared at Xun Yi and said fiercely, "If you cause her to be unable to become a baby, I will never forgive you!"

Xiyang Nuonuo didn't dare to say anything. He was willing to accept the scolding on behalf of his brothers or Jiangxiao. Xun Yi couldn't suppress the joy in his heart. His eyes were full of joy and he nodded to Mingbenxianzun. His behavior made Mingbenxianzun more and more angry. He slapped him casually and walked away angrily. .

Although the Immortal Lord tried his best to restrain himself, he still used a little more force in his anger. The unprepared Xun Yi was thrown straight towards a stone wall more than a thousand feet away. The reason why he was thrown towards The stone wall at such a distance was to give him the time to unfold his body-protecting divine light, so that he could strike harder and vent a little more evil energy.

Xunyi's body-protecting divine light indeed unfolded in time. This time, the ground shook, rocks flew, and a big hole appeared in the stone wall. When Xiyang and the others rushed over, they saw that he had fainted and his blood was Sprayed all over the floor.

Although Jiangxiao felt extremely distressed, she didn't blame the Immortal Ming very much. It was appropriate to let others vent their anger after such a commotion.

A smile broke out on Xunyi's face immediately after he woke up, and he said happily, "That's great, that's great."

Everyone sent him back to his new cave, talking about what happened the day before yesterday with lingering fear, and all praised Ning Xin. Only then did Xunyi realize that two days had passed.

Speaking of Ming Benxianzun, he was able to come to save the lives of two people at the critical moment.

, everyone thought that the two people should not die, but they didn’t know that this immortal had come a few days ago. Because he saw Ning Xin in retreat, he didn’t alert them. They happened to see two people sneaking around. After wandering around for a while, he left. He then followed them all the way, wanting to find out what the purpose of these two people was. The most important thing was to see if they were sent to find out information. Because they were not far away, they were able to receive the spiritual message from Ning Xin and arrived in time to save the two of them.

Looking at it this way, the theory that the two of them had good fortune and great destiny is greatly discounted. It would be more appropriate to say that they had such a disaster.

Turning around, Xunyi called Jiangxiao to visit Ning Xin together. When they arrived more than a hundred miles away from the small island, Xunyi was knocked away by a powerful force and almost vomited blood again. He had to Let Jiang Xiao go and explain why he accidentally triggered the process of forming the pill, hoping to calm down the anger of Immortal Mingben.

After hearing this, Immortal Ming Ben still did not let Xun Yi come over. After that, Xun Yi came to visit every day. After being beaten hundreds of miles away, he went back silently. At first, Jiangxiao followed him every day. Later, Immortal Ming Ben seemed to Because he was tired of the fight, he simply set up a ban to keep Xun Yi away from him. Jiangxiao stopped accompanying him every day and only went to see Ning Xin every other day.

A month later, after confirming that Ning Xin was not greatly affected, the anger in Ming Benxianzun's heart disappeared. Before Xun Yi could go again, he arrived at Xun Yi's cave.

Seeing the Immortal Lord arriving, Xunyi bowed respectfully, then stood aside with his hands lowered.

Immortal Lord Mingben looked very calm. After sitting down, he looked at Xun Yi and let out a sigh, with a look of regret in his eyes.

Xunyi asked cautiously, "Are you lamenting for the younger generation?"

Ming Benxianzun said, "Of course it's for you, boy. Do you know what you have lost due to your foolish actions?"

Xun Yi said in confusion, "Junior, the golden elixir has been completed. I only gained what I gained but didn't lose anything?"

"You have lost so much that even I can't help but feel sorry for you. Do you know that you

Is the golden elixir produced twice as large as that of ordinary people? "

Xun Yi smiled and said, "Yes, this junior also feels that the golden elixir formed is larger than what I heard before, but I don't dare to confirm it. I feel relieved when you say so."

Immortal Lord Mingben sighed again, "Silly boy, not only are you bigger, but the color is also very unusual. You had a chance to form the legendary elixir. In that case, you would have stepped into the immortal world with one foot. You will definitely be able to ascend in this life.”

Xun Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "In the final analysis, I'm not that lucky. I can't thank you enough for being able to save this little life. If I didn't get the elixir, I didn't get it."

Ming Benxianzun looked at him for a while and said in a deep voice, "It's best if you can think broadly. You have to think broadly about the next thing. Because of your unnecessary actions, Xin'er and I rescued each other one after another and made a fortune." The elixir should be completely natural, so two interferences will definitely have an impact. In addition, your spiritual wisdom has been awakened during this period. It is hard to say whether you will be able to conceive a Nascent Soul in the future. If it is a death elixir, your cultivation will be limited in this life. It ends at the late stage of pill formation.”

"It doesn't matter. I don't think I can reach the late stage of pill formation. Hehe, I can understand this."

Ming Benxianzun didn't expect that he would have such a nonchalant attitude after hearing the bad news. He couldn't help being stunned, and then he became angry. He could see that this ungrateful thing really didn't take this matter seriously. Something happened.

Seeing his stern face, Xunyi thought he was worried about himself. He stupidly said with a sincere face, "I'm really open-minded. It's true, I can't reach the late stage of pill formation."

"You have the nerve to say that you don't want to make progress!" Ming Benxianzun shouted angrily. He was really angry. Not to mention that it would be difficult for such a person to support Ning Xin for a lifetime, just not cherishing such a high talent is enough. It’s hard to watch. Seeing Xunyi trembled with fright, Immortal Lord Mingben couldn't help but continued to curse, "Look what your kid has done?! Formalizing the elixir into a death elixir, where can you find another one in the world?" A fool like you!"

Xun Yi Nuonuo kept shouting, but he lowered his head and did not dare to speak out.

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