Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 170: Uncontrollable Love

Chapter 170? Uncontrollable love

In addition to hating him for not arguing, the main reason why Ming Benxianzun was angry was because of his extreme regret for forming the elixir into a death elixir. Looking at his pitiful appearance, thinking of his character, he realized that he had done such a thing. The indifferent look was probably not to prevent himself from worrying too much about him. Through the mistake of forging the golden elixir, Ming Benxianzun had a deeper understanding of his temperament. Thinking of this, his expression softened and his remaining anger turned into Another sigh. When his cultivation reached his level, there were not many things that could make him sigh one after another. This shows how great Xunyi's losses were this time.

Xun Yi didn't dare to look so relaxed anymore, with a bit of anguish on his brows. When Immortal Mingben calmed down, he whispered, "Uh... I still have something to report, junior."

"Say it." Immortal Mingben's tone has become kind.

Xunyi took out a jade slip, placed it on his forehead, rubbed a memory, and presented it with both hands.

Immortal Master Mingben took it and looked at it. The jade slip recorded the scene of Ning Xin leaving and returning before she decided to break the pill. .??.

"What's wrong?" he asked confused.

Xunyi said solemnly, "Can't you see it too? This junior was unconscious at the time, but he clearly remembers seeing a shadow behind the young sect leader. I can't distinguish its specific appearance, and I don't remember when it disappeared. I showed this memory to Xiyang, and he said that he couldn't see any shadows, but it was clearly in my memory, so why couldn't it be printed out? Could it be that I was hallucinating at that time? "

Ming Benxianzun looked at the jade slip carefully again, and said in a deep voice, "There is indeed no shadow. The mysterious realm I was in when forming the golden elixir is difficult for me to understand. Is this an illusion or is there something real? I dare not Concluded, besides Xiyang, have you told anyone else?"

Xun Yi said, "Because I thought this was strange and was afraid that they would be upset if they knew about it, I only told one person in Xiyang."

Immortal Mingben nodded and said, "Very good, your concerns are very true. This matter should not be made public, and you don't have to worry about it. According to my guess, it is your hallucination."

Xunyi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I'll be relieved." Naturally, he had full faith in the judgment of the great supernatural power.

Immortal Mingben warned him again, advised him to practice diligently, and told him that the theory of "death pill" was just

If he was angry, whether he could conceive a Nascent Soul would depend on his destiny. After saying this, he left.

Before he came, he planned to let Ning Xin come back after talking to Xun Yi, but what he heard about the phantom made him change his mind. He said it was an illusion to appease Xun Yi. In fact, he was very confused. of. Xun Yi thought this was strange, because he thought that someone whose whereabouts could be seen by him would not be that high, and would not be able to sneak through the protective circle and enter Jiangxia Island silently. Ming Benxianzun knew very well that people in the Xuan Realm would temporarily possess extraordinary perceptual abilities. Most people in the Xuan Realm have no consciousness, so they have no way of experiencing this ability. Xun Yi woke up halfway, and he It is difficult to say that what he saw was really an illusion. If it were true, it would mean that there was really a great supernatural power present at that time who could enter and exit the magic circle he had set up at will. If so, it would be difficult to rest assured if he did not understand the other party's intentions.

After checking in secret for more than a month, I realized that I had found nothing. I thought that even if a great supernatural power with a higher level of cultivation than me came by, I would not stay here for so long in boredom. I must have left long ago, so Feeling relieved, Ning Xin returned to the cave and left the island again.

When Ning Xin saw Xun Yi again, her eyes were obviously different from before. After experiencing the test of life and death, she naturally felt much closer to Xun Yi.

In this regard, Xunyi could only complain secretly and wanted to use seclusion to practice to escape, but his heart could not calm down. Previously, he was full of energy because he was looking forward to the formation of the pill. Now looking forward to the next stage of the middle stage of the formation of the pill, it is said to be out of reach. Naturally Once you relax, those thoughts that have been suppressed in your heart will inevitably surface.

Once the long-suppressed emotions burst out, it was difficult to suppress them again. The thought of going back to see Master grew in his heart like weeds, so much so that when he opened and closed his eyes, all he thought about was this matter, and he could not resolve it at all. .

After two months of hard work, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and went to Jiangxiao's cave while Ning Xin was in retreat.

Jiang Xiao never invited anyone into his cave, so when he saw Xun Yi coming uninvited, he felt an ominous feeling in his heart.


After chatting for a few words, Xunyi handed her a jade slip with a guilty look on his face.

Holding the jade slip, Jiangxiao's heart was pounding in panic. When she found out that the content inside was exactly what she didn't want to see, even though she was mentally prepared, she still felt it was unbearable and she bit it tightly. Lips.

Looking at Jiangxiao with her pale face and frowning eyes staring at the cases, Xunyi lowered his head in shame and whispered, "If you don't help me, I will die sooner or later."

After a long time, Jiang Xiao asked, "Now, can you tell me the truth? Why do you have to go back?"

Xun Yi said with difficulty, "Why bother asking again."

This answer was tantamount to an admission. Jiangxiao smiled bitterly and said, "I've given up. I'm just cheating. How should I explain it to her?"

"Just say that I was put under a death curse by a great supernatural power. I have to help him complete something to break the death curse. If there is a soul search first, she will most likely believe it. Just tell the truth about Gongsun."

Jiangxiao heard that his tone was wrong, narrowed her eyes and said, "What do you mean? I can tell you that if we want to leave, we will leave together. Do you think I will let you and Gongsun leave alone?"

Xun Yi looked at her deeply and said, "Don't force me. If you have to follow me, I will never leave. I would rather suffer here until I die. Instead of waiting until I have half a breath before giving up, why not just be happy now and don't give up?" Let me suffer."

Hearing what he said, it was clear that he had thought it over carefully. Jiangxiao couldn't help but feel anxious and panicked, and said emotionally, "Don't force us. Before, you were a highly skilled person, and you were responsible for risking your life for us." , Now that we are no longer a burden, naturally we cannot let you go out alone, otherwise who would you be? "

Xun Yi said, "I'm the only one here. I have Gongsun. Returning to Nanjingzhou is no more dangerous than crossing the South China Sea. It's rare to have such a good place to practice. You and Xiyang are here." Practice well, we will come back after taking care of our own affairs. Besides, you, the young master of Jiangxia Palace, disappeared for no reason, and Xianzun and Ning Xin cannot explain it to Nanhai Xiujie. "

"I don't care! Anyway, we have to leave together!" Jiang Xiao said harshly.

Looking for changes

Ku advised, "I swear I'll come back after taking care of things over there. Stop being so angry. You'll only make things difficult for me. Are you going to make me vomit blood again?"

Jiangxiao's eyes were red and she choked, "Don't you understand my heart? How can I practice with peace of mind if I stay here?"

Xunyi sighed bitterly and was silent for a while before saying, "Be obedient, I will definitely come back."

Jiangxiao looked at each other with tears in her eyes and said, "It would be great if you could not go back."

Xunyi shook his head with a grimace, "I really didn't plan to go back some time ago. What I said to you at that time was not a lie, but... alas..."

Jiangxiao stared at the cases in front of her with straight eyes, a pair of tears falling down every time she blinked. After a full cup of tea, she said expressionlessly, "If you can let Xiyang stay, I will Without embarrassment for you, you must not leave me here alone.”

Xunyi said softly, "He has agreed."

"What?" Jiang Xiao looked at him in disbelief.

Xunyi nodded and said, "Call them here. Since we have to leave, we can't delay. If Ning Xin finds out, there might be trouble."

"Don't call me Gongsun, I'll ask Xiyang first." Jiangxiao immediately sent a spiritual thought to Xiyang.

Xiyang came soon and was confused when he saw the two of them.

Jiang Xiao asked with a stern face, "He said that you agreed to let him and Gongsun return to Nanjingzhou alone. Is this true?"

Xiyang's face turned extremely ugly when he heard this, and he stared at Xun Yi.

Xunyi glanced at him guiltily and then lowered his head.

Jiangxiao asked nervously, "Do you agree or not?"

Xiyang did not answer her, but said to Xun Yi in a deep voice, "Seeing that you have been living well in the past few years, I thought everything was fine. Xun Yi, you are really ruthless to us. If you don't take action, Gongsun won't." He would take such a big risk. If he dies, it will be your fault. "

Xun Yi shook his head at him, took the jade slip that Jiang Xiao had placed on the table, erased the previous content, entered another piece of spiritual thought, and handed it to him.

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