“It’s now!!”

See Yang Shunchen make a pitching posture.

Lin Tian’s legs, which had already accumulated strength, slammed into the ground and rushed out like a supercar.

At the same time.

Ryosuke Kominato poses for a touch.

“Forced scoring again?!”

Yang Shunchen’s eyes narrowed.

The moment he threw the ball, he immediately rushed forward.


“Is it because your attention was distracted by Lin Tian?”

“The trajectory of this ball is obviously much more ordinary than before!”

Ryosuke Kominato keenly observed that Yang Shunchen’s pitching had dropped a lot.


Immediately change the touch to hit.

Then from top to bottom, slash hard to the right.

When —

The baseball was hit, crashed into the ground to the right of the Uchino, and then bounced high.


The Qingdao crowd shouted out in excitement.


Yang Shunchen ran to the bottom of the baseball and found that the height of the baseball bounced was beyond the dust.

If you force the jump to intercept, it is likely that Lin Tian will run back to home base smoothly because he can’t get hit.

But if you don’t jump…

Then you need to wait for the baseball to fall before you can pick it up…


Baseball is still climbing up!

It seems that it will take a while for the distance to fall!


“Don’t jump?”

Yang Shunchen’s brain cells burned wildly, calculating the advantages and disadvantages of the two.



When Yang Shunchen was entangled!

Baseball has flown to a higher position!

This time, even if you jump, you can’t catch it 100%!


Can only wait…

At this time, Lin Tian was madly burning his physical strength and desperately rushing to the home base!


When Lin Tian ran to the strike zone!

The baseball finally fell and was caught by Yang Shunchen!

“One step slower…”

Yang Shunchen glanced at Lin Tian’s position and reluctantly passed the ball to first base.

“Safe on the base!”

“Blue Road gets 1 point!”

The referee announced loudly.

The next moment.

The voice of the first base referee followed.

“Hit the player out!”

But Yang Shunchen did not dare to relax at all.


The next batter is Aodo’s talented catcher Miyuki Kazuya!


After Miyuki, it is Tetsuya Sekijo, the captain of the Seido!


Definitely can’t let Miyukichi also go to the base!


There is a high probability that Ming Chuan will continue to lose points!


A little later.

Face the sixth goal thrown by Yang Shunchen.

Miyukichi also forcibly hit the field.

But the landing point is good, but Mingchuan’s players are also enough to fight, and they confiscate Miyuki’s security call.

“Nice pick-up!”


Teammates praised.

“Nice catch!”

The same is true of Yang Shunchen.

Because there is no teammate’s desperation, Miyuki can most likely rush to second base.

Although the second base runner is not as threatening as the third base runner.

But next came Tetsuya Yuki, who had both artillery and technology.


This catch can be regarded as avoiding Akikawa from continuing to lose points.


“Good value for money”

“Encouraged by Shunchen’s wonderful pitching, everyone’s momentum did not weaken in the slightest, and they all performed very well!”

Coach Mingchuan nodded in relief.

Then some expectations arose in my mind.

“If this situation can continue to the end…”

“We will definitely have a chance to flip!”


Game 4.


At the time when the people of the Green Road were about to play.

The sun in the sky has become more and more fiery.


“The temperature is getting higher and higher…”

Miyuki felt the rising temperature and felt some worry in her heart.

“I was not suitable for the high temperature of the valley, and I spent a lot of balls before, and my physical strength dropped significantly…”

“This round…”

“Maybe it’s going to be harder than it was before…”

It’s not just Miyuki.

Kataoka noticed it too.

He thought for a moment and asked Chris, “How many balls are there?” ”

Chris looked at the notebook and said, “It’s already over 60!” ”

“According to this situation, Descending Valley may break 100 goals in the fifth set.”

“And the temperature is rising.”

“This hot weather is very unfriendly to the valley from Hokkaido.”


Minister Oda’s eyes lit up.

“Although it is only the 4th inning, our lead is not large. ”

“At this time, it is better to quickly use relay pitchers.”

“Like Kawakami!”

“He must be able to suppress the opposite!”

Minister Ota is a [Kawakami Fuki] and will firmly recommend Kawakami no matter what the competition.

But Coach Kataoka is obviously not so easy to be fooled.


I didn’t even pay attention to Minister Ota’s thoughts…



The first half of the fourth inning had already begun.

Face the high-speed pitching of Xiao Shitani.

Mingchuan’s batsman posed in a striking pose.

And so it goes.

After Shi Guxiao finished pitching, he would subconsciously run forward.

No way.

Although there is no one on the base.

But if you don’t make up the position, even if it is a stabbing, the opponent has the possibility of going to base.


“They don’t just want to increase the number of pitches that go down the valley.”

“I also want to make his heart waver, in order to weaken his physical strength.”

Miyuki’s face became extremely serious, “Are these guys planning to completely crush the valley?” ”


Mingchuan seating area.

Yang Shunchen looked at the valley that kept running down the pitcher’s hill and nodded with satisfaction.

“It’s a bit unethical to do that.”

“But if a weak school wants to defeat a strong school, it must do whatever it takes.”

“The sooner the valley will be forced down!”

“The sooner our turnaround opportunity will come!”



The baseball rushes into the bad ball area!


After being affected by the shock!

Gu Xiao’s movements became stiff, making it difficult to throw a good ball!


“Every time the opponent strikes a striking pose.”

“The defenders have to rush forward.”

Akiko Owada frowned, “Although this tactic is commonplace, it is for pitchers.” ”

“Once the number of times is too much, it is also very uncomfortable.”

Mine Fujio: “Akikawa should want to completely force the valley down!” ”

“Otherwise they wouldn’t have a chance to flip the table!”


“As long as one person is on the base in this game, the valley will be replaced!”

Coach Kataoka suddenly said, “The players of the city’s senior high school are probably watching this game as well.” ”

“We can’t let Descending Valley continue to expose his weaknesses…”

Chris nodded understandingly, “Indeed! ”

“If Descending Valley is defeated in the first few rounds, then the other schools will know what to do with Descending Valley!”

“At that time…”

“Even if you let the valley play, it will be difficult to make a difference!”

Minister Ota hurriedly said, “Then send Chuan up!” ”

“Although it is a little early to let Kawakami appear at this time, it can only let him get on it!”

Coach Kataoka calmly refused, “No, I plan to let Lin Tian go up and suppress the other party’s arrogance!” ”

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