“If it’s Lin Tian.”

“It’s a really good choice.”

Chris said with a smile.


Minister Ota opened his mouth and tried to say something for Kawakami.


Whether it’s the speed of the ball, or the change, or the possession…

Lin Tian is deservedly the first in the team!


Minister Ota didn’t know what words to use to make Kataoka abandon Lin Tian and choose Kawakami…


I can only silently shut my mouth and stay aside.



Akikawa batter on the field.

Still using the shock posture to force Gu Xiao to finish throwing the ball, he had to run forward.


Descending Gu Xiao is also very angry!

Obviously I was tired, but I let the ball fly into the good ball area!

And this good ball!

It just happened to be the 3rd good ball!

So Akikawa’s first fighter was eliminated!


“After all, just a first-year pitcher…”

The corners of Yang Shunchen’s mouth were slightly cocked: “Fighting like this at this time will only make yourself kill yourself faster…”



“A must!”

“Cast to the end!”

Shizuya gritted his teeth and poured power into his arm, then threw it violently.


“1 good ball!”


“1 bad ball!”

“3 bad balls!”

“3 good balls!”

“Hit the player out!”

A high speed straight ball of mixed quality.

Reluctantly eliminated Akikawa’s second batter.


“Good job!”

“Keep up the good work!”

Miyuki nodded in relief.

“If this game can survive, there will still be a chance to play in the next game!”


It’s 2 good balls and 3 bad balls again!

But unfortunately…

This time the valley falls…

The 6th straight ball thrown was a bad ball…

“4 bad balls!”

“Escort to the base!”

The referee announced immediately.

“Can’t even the fast finger ball make him relax?”

Miyuki’s brow furrowed slightly.

“What a pity!”

“Obviously, two outs were counted, but at this time they threw 4 bad balls…”

“And the state of the valley has deteriorated!”

“Well, his bad ball rate has been going up…”

The audience exchanged words and ears.

Everyone looked at the look of the valley and there was some concern.


From the Aodo seating area came the voice of Coach Kataoka.

“Request pause!”

“I’m going to change pitchers!”

The words came out.

It surprised the audience.

“It’s only the fourth innings!”

“Do you change pitchers so quickly?”

“It’s too early!”

Mingchuan High School is a look of joy.

“Great! Finally pushed that fastball pitcher down! ”

“Who’s next?”

“Is that side pitcher?” Or the trump card? ”

“No… Ace is still defending in the middle field! Presumably not him! ”


It didn’t take long.

Voices came from the live broadcast.


“Seido High School Replacement Players!”

“Playing in place of the 9th baseball Drop Valley is…”

“1st stick!”

“Pitcher Lin Tian!”


Supporters of Seido High School were stunned and then ecstatic.

“Lin Tian has appeared!!”

“Sleeper! This is not to give Mingchuan a way to live! ”

“Mingchuan is finished!”

“I heard that Lin Tian’s ball speed is even faster than that of the valley!” And the possession is far more than the valley! ”

The audience began to talk excitedly.

If the seats are not too small, it is estimated that some people will not be able to help but jump up.


“Descend the valley.”

“Give me the ball.”

Lin Tian trotted to the pitcher’s mound and said to the valley with his head bowed.

“Whew… Whew…”

Descending Valley gasped, without opening his mouth or making any movements.

“This is the coach’s command, go down!”

Yuki City came over.

“What’s going on? Hurry up and change people! ”

The second-base referee saw the green road grinding and rubbing, and couldn’t help but step forward to remind him.

“You’re too willful!” Do you dare not listen to the coach’s instructions!? ”

Ryosuke Kominato slashed a knife at Shibuya’s head.

“Hurry up and give me a rest!”

Kurashi lifted his right foot and symbolically kicked at the bend of Descending Valley’s leg.

“I can understand how you don’t want to go down.”

Lin Tian said lightly, “But do you have the strength to be willful?” ”

When Miyuki and the others heard this, they were all shocked.

They didn’t expect that Lin Tian, who had always been a gentle character, would actually say such a thing.

“The premise of willfulness is that you play well enough!”

“But from the moment you played, you have been creating frequent crises!”

“If it’s not your teammates who are strong enough, or if it is not that Captain Miyuki guides you to throw good balls in various ways.”

“You lost an unknown number of points long ago!”

Lin Tian said coldly.


Kurashi inhaled a cold breath: “This is to say that the strength of the valley is worthless…”

Lin Tian continued, “What qualifications do you have to be willful after creating so many crises? ”

“By the way, remind you.”

“If you continue to be so willful in the game.”

“Even if you have high potential, it will make the coach disgusted!”

“To put it simply, in the future games, the coach will not necessarily let you play!”

In fact.

Lin Tian was completely scaremongering Gu Xiao.

Because coaches are pitchers when they are students.

Therefore, he could understand Descending Valley Xiao’s mood better than anyone, and naturally he would not be disgusted with Descending Valley.

As for why Lin Tian deceived Gu Xiao so much…

Mainly I want to let Xiao Shizuya remember this moment deeply…

That’s all!

Descending Gu Xiao will have more motivation to exercise ball control!

After all……

The fundamental factor that Descending Gu Xiao was replaced by was…….

Shot 4 bad balls, sent Mingchuan’s batter to base…

If the ball is good!

Then this 4 bad balls will definitely not appear again!


Lin Tian is also good for the valley Xiaohao!

Of course……

Whether Gu Xiao could think of this, Lin Tian didn’t know…

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