“You have to look after the city’s junior high batsmen!”

“They are completely different from Ming Chuan, who is only one strong Yang Shunchen!”

In the audience, Miyuki said to Shibuya and Sawamura.

“The city … Is the junior high school really so powerful? ”

Sawamura asked in a low voice to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled and replied, “They have entered Koshien in the spring of this year, and Qingdao has not entered it once in five years.” ”

Sawamura was shocked: “So powerful!? ”

Even if his baseball knowledge is scarce.

But I also know what Koshien means.

So after listening to Lin Tian’s introduction, Zecun suddenly froze.

“What about the strength of Yakushi High School?”

Turning back, Sawamura continued to ask.

“A super attacking team that hasn’t played a single tap so far!”

Chris held his notebook and stood behind Sawamura: “In the first round, they opened a very gap in five innings, so they ended the game early. ”

“Since the change of coach last spring, the strength of the team has improved significantly!”


“Although the scoring ability in excellent form should not be underestimated…”

“But in terms of comprehensive strength, it is still the third year of the city university that is better, right?”

Sawamura suddenly said, “Understood…”



The city of the third high launched a fierce attack.

Consecutive hits and a four-run home run went straight to get them three points!

Then he relied on the passing mistake of third baseman Boomirai City of Yakushi High School and continued to score 1 point!

Finally hit it with a beautiful outfield!

The two men returned to home run and scored two more points!

Unfortunately, the batsmen were eliminated, so the offensive ended here!


“It’s 6 points at the beginning?”

Sawamura was shocked: “The attack of the city’s third high school is also too fierce!” ”

Miyuki chuckled, “Their batting lineup is comparable to ours!” ”

“Isn’t it natural that there is such a performance?”

Juna Isashiki: “It seems that this game is a performance show of the city’s junior high school!” ”

That is the moment when this sentence falls.

Yakushi High School’s 4-stick blast hit the city and hit a home run straight away.


The whole place was silent!

Everyone didn’t expect that the Medicine Master High School, which had been losing points, would erupt with such a terrifying attack power!


“Really fake…”

Miyuki’s eyes widened in disbelief.


“Is this really a first-year player’s swing…”

Chris was also shocked, and his expression instantly became dignified.


With a home run from Thunderbolt City.

The momentum of the scene instantly fell to the Yakushi High School.

The score, which had been pulled apart, quickly caught up.

By the time of the sixth inning.

The score between the two sides was 11-8, with the city taking a three-high lead.


The gap of only 3 points does not make the third year of the city high at ease!

In particular, the medicine man scored another 1 point in the attack, narrowing the point difference to 2 points!

The probability of overtaking is higher!

And just when this game is in a state of anxiety!

Game 7!

Boom Ray accidentally hit the ball on the body of Shinaka, the ace pitcher of the city’s junior high school!

Super fast ball speed, let Zhenzhong instantly lie down on the ground!

Although at this time, he endured severe pain, passed the ball to first base, and eliminated the city of Thunderbolt…


Ace pitcher’s injury ends!

Let the city’s junior high school lose the suppression of the medicine high school!

This also allowed Yakushi High School to catch up little by little in the next few rounds!

At last!

In the second half of the ninth inning, he reversed the score with a hit, defeating the city’s junior high!


“I didn’t expect…”

“The third year of the city will be suppressed in the attack…”

Akiko Owada looked at the scoreboard stunned.

“The starting pitchers all hit hits, not a single hit!”

Minefushi said in a deep voice: “The whole game came down, 17 hits, 13 points.” ”

“Although there was an accident that Masachu was injured, he finally subdued the spring Koshien team with a bat.”

“The winner in this group is either the junior high school in the city or the group at Seido High School!”

“There is a terrible dark horse!!”



“Where is our team’s bus?”

At one of the exits of the stadium, Sawamura asked, frowning.

“This side?”

Descending Gu Xiao pointed to the left.

“It’s this side!”

Kominato Haruchi pointed to the right.

Looked at.

Sawamura decisively chose to believe in Kominato Haruhi.

Because compared with the valley, Kominato Spring City is obviously more reliable.

As for why the three of them broke away from the team…

Mainly when I left the court, I went to the bathroom together…

And after the three of them had walked for a while.


A violent waving sound was heard.

Sawamura: “Eh? It’s the car… Chelei City! ”

Xiao Mina: “His surname is Boom! ”

Descending Valley: “Just after the game started practicing air swinging?” ”


“100 more!”

“Let the body remember the feeling of hitting the ball today!”

The medicine man coach sat next to him and said to the city of Boomlei, “After the swing is over, I want to run back!” ”


“If you look closely, you feel that the swing is more ferocious!”

Xiao Ju listened to the sharp whistling caused by the waving of the stick and exclaimed, “Obviously, his physique is not very large…”

“How many bats did he swing in order to master this power-type swinging technique?!”


“Today’s pitchers are very oppressive!”

“There are many kinds of scrappy pitchers in the country, right?”

After a wave of thunder, he suddenly stopped and said.


“I also want to…”

“I want to fight more!”

“I want to beat all the pitchers in the country!!”

“Shoot them all the balls, shoot them all!!!”

“Oh oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh!!!!!!!!”

Talking and talking.

Boom Thunder City suddenly let out a deafening strange laugh with excitement.

A trio of eavesdroppers.

Almost reflexively, cover your ears.

No way!

It was so noisy!


Medicine Instructor Boom Lei Zang plucked his ears and said with a chuckle, “You want to go to the professional world to mix rice and eat, Lei City…”

“Just go to the profession!”

“I can play against pitchers every day!”

“But that’s later!”

“In short…”

“You’ve already defeated Koshien pitcher Manaka!”

“In the next Western Tokyo tournament, the pitcher who is qualified to be your opponent is…”

“Lin Tian of Qingdao!”

“Chenggong Ming of Daocheng Industry!”

“It’s just the two of them!”

“Defeat Seido and Inagi, and then go to Koshien to make a comeback!”

“So you can become a star player in the high school league!”

“Then in the draft two years from now, you’ll be able to earn a lot of signing money!”

“My debt will be paid off!”


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