
“This guy completely ignored me!”

Sawamura gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, raised his feet and thought about the theory.

“Ignore me too!”

Descending Gu Xiao agreed.

“Don’t be impulsive, don’t be impulsive!”

Kominato Haruhi hurriedly pulled Sawamura who seemed to be going to fight.

The other side.

Minister Ota stood at the front of the bus and asked, “Hey! Is it all here? ”

Lin Tian replied, “The three of them have not yet arrived.” ”

Minister Ota: “Sawa… Sawamura! How that boy is late again! ”

Lin Tian smiled and did not answer the call.

He turned his head to look at the outside of the field and said, “If there is no accident, Sawamura they should be angry with the coach of Yakushi High School, right?” ”



Blue Road A Stadium.

As soon as Sawamura and Shibuya returned, they were running around the field in a frenzy.

“Boom Thunder City—”

“I’m definitely not going to lose to that guy!!”


Both of them were stimulated by the words of the medicine coach!


All want to exercise themselves stronger!

Kurashi: “Those two guys are full of fighting spirit!” ”

Zengzi: “It seems that yesterday’s game was a great stimulus for them, but it is also, after all, the medicine man’s boy is also in the first grade!” ”

Miyuki: “They all said that they would just practice easily today, and they didn’t listen to what I said!” ”



After Lin Tian got up, he habitually checked in.

【Check-in is complete! 】

【Reward [National Level Cata]! 】


“New balls?”

“And it’s a Catariot?”

“If I remember correctly, Sanada at Yakushi High School is very good at Cata!”

“If you get used to the path of the ball now, it will be very difficult for Sanada’s ball to work again!”

Think of this.

Lin Tian quickly got dressed and went to wash up.

Then he took his gear to the baseball field.

When you arrive at the stadium.

Someone is already practicing.

“Captain, do you want to have a real combat training?!”

Lin Tian looked at Tetsuya Yuki in the strike area and asked with a smile.


Yuki frowned slightly, “You mean?” ”

Lin Tian smiled: “I vote, you fight!” ”

A glint of light flashed in Yuki’s eyes, “That’s a good idea!” I also don’t think the intensity of the practice is enough! ”

The third-year member who had previously been in charge of pitching the ball for Yuki fell to the side.

He worked so hard to feed the ball…

And so to speak…


Neither Lin Tian nor Jie Cheng cared about this member.

The two discussed it and went straight to the home run of the court.

Since it is actual combat training.

That formal venue is definitely a must.

“I’m going to start!”

Lin Tian stood on the pitcher hill and said to Yuki.

As for the ball?

When he came, Lin Tian pulled a basket and put it around.

“Come on!”

Yuki, who was standing on the right side of the strike zone, couldn’t wait for the opening.

Lin Tian was not speaking, he directly posed in the most standard pitching posture, and then waved his arms with full force.


It’s like a white laser beam shooting out!

Almost in the blink of an eye, he flew past Tetsuya Yuki!


The baseball slammed into the wall outside the boundary!

And Yukijo…

Empty the bat…

“Although I knew it beforehand soon!”

Tetsuya Yuki’s pupils shrunk: “But when I stood in the strike zone, I realized that the oppressive feeling of this high-speed ball is beyond imagination!” ”


Seeing that Jiecheng was stunned, Lin Tian shouted.


Tetsuya Yuki took a deep breath.

After adjusting your state, you say, “Continue!” ”

As the voice falls!

Yuki’s body suddenly erupted with a powerful red aura!

Even if Lin Tian stood on the pitcher’s mound, he could clearly feel it!

“It’s a pity…”

“This sense of oppression doesn’t work for me!”

After obtaining [World-Class Guts] and [World-Class Will].

Just the aura of the high school student level, the impact on Lin Tian is equal to zero!


Lin Tian shot a second high-speed straight ball towards the inner corner of the castle.

Because it is too tricky.

And the ball is fast.

This caused Tetsuya Yuki to swing again.

“Is the timing of swinging the stick slow again…”

Yuki frowned slightly, “It seems that next time we will continue to speed up!” ”

At the same time.

Lin Tian threw the third ball.


“The ball seems to be a little slower?”

Yuki was keenly aware of the change in the speed of the ball.

But the changes are too subtle.

So he didn’t think much about it either.

Only if Lin Tian used a little less strength.


What Yuki didn’t expect!

When the baseball flew to the home plate, it suddenly jumped into the outer corner!

The bat that caused Yuki to swing didn’t hit the ball again!


“This is…”

Yuki’s pupils shrank sharply.


Lin Tian smiled, “My new stunt!” ”

Yuki’s eyes widened in amazement, “You mastered the Cataball?” ”

Lin Tian: “Well, just learned.” ”

“By the way, the real ace pitcher at Yakushi High School, that No. 18, he can also get a shot.”

“But he’s slower than me, just close to 140 per hour.”

“So I thought!”

“If the captain and the others can get used to my pitching, I think I can easily deal with Sanada of the Medicine Man!”

Jiecheng suddenly said, “I said why you suddenly asked me for actual combat training, it turned out to be this reason.” ”

“That’s right!”

“That No. 18 player, did he really master the ball of Catte?”

Although Jiecheng was willing to believe Lin Tian.

But this kind of thing, after all, involves the team’s victory or defeat.


It has to be determined again.


Lin Tian nodded.

Yuki: “When the others come to the stadium, they have to train with them!” ”

Lin Tian: “I am always welcome!” ”


After a brief chat.

The two went on to start pitching/hitting training.

A little later.

The other main forces of the First Army gradually arrived.


“Lin Tian mastered the Catalan !!!”

“When did you learn it!?”

“It’s too sudden!”

“Weapons are abundant enough, and now you have learned a new type of ball?!”

“Hiss – I feel sorry for Shibuya and Sawamura!!”

“With you there, they will never be able to grab the ace position!!”

Same with Yukijo.

After the others saw Lin Tian’s new ball species, they were also deeply shocked.

Wait until you come back.

To deal with Sanada.

Everyone also joined the actual combat training.

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