After Miyuki.

It’s Tetsuya Yukijo.

He accumulated a lot of anger and exploded at this moment.


Hit the baseball straight up into the left field!


Fall heavily from high altitude to the ground in the left field!

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!”

“Left fielder’s super far hit!”

“So handsome! Rush straight to second base!! ”

“Nice blow!!!”

Compared with the excitement of the audience, Yuki was very dissatisfied.

Because the homerun of the heart did not appear.



In a roar, Junji Isashiki, who appeared as a five-baser, swung the bat hard.

When —

A soft sound.

The baseball was hit in front of him and bounced slightly.

“This ball is so hard!”

The first baseman of the medicine man ran and complained.


Isashiki hurriedly threw away the bat and immediately rushed to first base.

The second base of the city is also rushing to the third base.

Although he knew that the probability of Isaki Jun’s base was not high.

But as long as Isashiki is not blocked, the possibility of going to the base is still there.


The first baseman of the medicine man made no mistakes, he picked up the ball and immediately passed to the first base.

The pharmacist pitcher who made up the position in time caught the incoming ball accurately.

As soon as his right foot stepped on the baseball bag, Isashiki, who rushed to first base, was eliminated.

Until then.

Aomichi already has two elimination numbers (Kominato and Miyuki).


Offensive and defensive exchange!


The first half of the third inning.

Yakushi High School Offense.

The first hitman.

The seventh stick Watanabe Tatsuya.

His strength is obviously not as good as the previous batsmen.

Facing Shibuyuki’s high-speed straight ball, he played a first-run flat flying ball and was caught and blocked by Yukijo.

Then there was the eighth stick, the guerrilla Kobayashi.

Although before the people of Boom Thunder City and others entered the medicine man, the stick served was the center of the line.

But there was no joining of Thunderbolt City and others.

Yakushi High School is a round-robin school.


Kobayashi’s blow wasn’t much better.

Just listen to the ‘Dang’ sound!

A baseball hit by Kobayashi and soars high behind the home plate!


Miyuki got up instantly!

Then look up at the baseball!

Mentally estimate where you will fall and adjust the speed of your run!

A step or two later!

Miyuki suddenly sat on his side and slid out!


Just before sliding against the wall, the baseball fell into the gloves!



It was Miyuki who put the glove where the baseball would fall!

In a word!

The eighth stick of Yakushi High School was taken out by Miyuki!

As for the next ninth baseball field…

The ending was even more tragic, and he was directly thrown out by the three vibrations of the valley!

“Pretty shot!!”

“Good !!!!”

“I’ll keep it up later!!”

The Qingdao Aid Group shouted encouragement.


At the same time.

In a game hall.

The players of the city’s junior high school are playing with the doll machine.

“Oh ~ ~ catch the catch!”

“It’s a bit of a short stay”

“Ahhh!! Mistakes, what a broken machine!! ”


Look at Hirakawa, who is shouting because of his failure.

The teammate next to him suddenly said, “What are we doing?” ”

Hirakawa was stunned, “Huh? What did you say? ”

Teammate: “I said, what the hell are we doing in a place like this…..”

Another person: “Originally, this time…”

“It should be a match against the guys in the green road…”

As soon as these words came out.

Hirakawa, who was playing, and the others paused.

Unconsciously, I remembered the game with Yakushi High School.


“Let’s see…”

After a long time, someone suddenly made a sound.

“What to see?”

Hiragawa turned his head to look at the man.

“Go see the match between Seido and Yakushi…”

“Huh? See what they do? Their wins and losses have nothing to do with us! ”

“Of course it matters! We need to see the true strength of the medicine man who defeated us, and see how Qingdao met the medicine man! If I don’t confirm it with my own eyes, I can’t let go! ”

“You baseball idiot… Go for yourself! I would never go! ”


Civic Stadium.

Green Road vs Medicine Man.

The second half of the third inning.

Seido High School Offense.

“6th stick!”

“Third baseman!”

“Zengzi Thorough!”

As the radio went down, Soko stepped onto the pitch.

“Is this guy again?”

Coach Huan frowned slightly: “Although it is a little early, there is no way.” ”

“If Sanada is not allowed to play, I am afraid that the game will end early!”

Think of this.

Coach Boom walked out of the rest area, pointed at the medicine catcher and shouted, “Watanabe! ”

See the coach’s gestures.

Watanabe nodded understandingly.


He told the referee about changing pitchers.

It didn’t take long.

On the radio at the scene, there was a notice that the pharmacist had changed the players.


“Second half of the third inning!”

“Yakushi High School Replacement Contestants!”

“Playing in place of pitcher Mino is…”

“Pitcher Sanada!”

At the same time as the radio sounded, Sanada, who was already warming up in the cowshed, trotted into the stadium.

“Hug… Sorry…”

Mino was full of guilt, “I wanted to keep insisting…”

Sanada laughed and said, “What are you talking about! ”

“You don’t dodge and confront the other side’s strong man head-on!”

“This act gave me a lot of courage!”

“Don’t worry about the previous things, go back and have a good rest!”

Speaking of the end.

Sanada stepped forward and patted Mino on the shoulder.

“Well, then please!”

Mino nodded seriously, then ran back to the racecourse.

“Please! Sanada!! ”

“Suppress them with your balls!!!”

“But also control the rhythm! Don’t waste too much energy!! ”

The long-sluggish Yakushi Contestants Bench has been rejuvenated with Sanada’s debut!

“Sanada, it doesn’t matter if your opponent hits me with the ball!”

Boom Thunder City said confidently, “I will definitely catch it!” ”

Sanada helplessly stalled, “You’re too dangerous there, I won’t let the ball fly to you!” ”

“After all, you are too easy to make mistakes!”

Coach Boom followed up with a shout, “Thunder City! Don’t drag Sanada backwards! ”

“Be sure to see the situation clearly, confirm it and then pass it on, after all, your brain is not very good!”

The other players were all embarrassed: “Coach, isn’t it okay to say this?” ”

Thunderbolt roared, “Shut up! Stinky Daddy! A bad brain is not inherited by you! I can’t help it! ”

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