“Sanada Shunpei!”

“Strong pitching with an inside corner!”

“Don’t rely on three strikes, rely on throwing to the other side, and then use defense to get the batter out…”

“In a sense, he is the same type as Sawamura…”

Miyuki’s face was solemn: “Elder Zengzi, this pitcher should not have reached the best state when he first came on the court!” ”

“This opportunity to beat him must not be wasted!”


Pitcher mound.

Sanada Shunhei threw non-slip powder.

Then hold the ball in your right hand and put it in your gloves.

“7 points behind…”

“Located in the batting area is the 6th stick Zengzi Toru…”

“In the last round of hits, he blasted out a home run…”

The voice of the heart falls.

Sanada’s eyes flashed with excitement.

“My task is to kill the momentum of this team!”

“I have to say that this is very difficult, but the more difficult it is, the more exciting it is!”

The left foot is elevated.

Step forward violently.

The right hand, which has finished charging, holds the ball and throws it violently.


The baseball shoots at the catcher’s glove!

And just as you enter home run, suddenly turn to the top right!

Sudden change!

Let the increase through the time to dodge!

Boom —

After the turn, the baseball, when Zengzi Tuo was difficult to react, directly hit the protective gear of Zengzi To’s left elbow!

The huge impact force made Zengzi Chuan fall backwards!

Fortunately, Zengzi Tong found the balance of the body in time, which avoided the situation of wrestling!

“Touch the ball!”

“Escort to the base!”

The referee immediately shouted.

In baseball, once a tentacle ball appears, it is the same as the four bad balls.

You don’t need to hit a hit, you can go straight to first base.

“Where the hell is that pitcher!?”

Sawamura roared angrily, “Fortunately, it just hit the protective gear!” ”

Keisuke Miyauchi who was warmed up in the cowshed rolled his eyes: “Everyone is qualified to say this, but you are the least qualified!” ”

Kanemaru who was sitting in the audience at the back of the cowshed shouted unhappily, “Sawamura, you still have the face to say such things!” ”

“When I was practicing the inner corner with you, your ball had hit me countless times!!”

Maeen next to Kanemaru nodded, “Sawamura, you are really not qualified to say this!” ”


“His jet ball is so sharp.”

“Although I knew I wanted to hide, I couldn’t react in time…”

“But fortunately, only the elbow brace was hit, but the injury was avoided…”

Masuko removed the wrist brace, threw the metal rod aside, and trotted to first base.

Why trott.

It’s because I want to give my teammates time to think about dealing with Sanada.

Anyway it’s a guarantee.

No matter how slow you run, no one will say.

Of course!

Running slowly is running slowly, but don’t go too far to ‘go’ to first base!

“Although it was a tentacle ball, the result was still very good!!”

“Now no one is out, there is someone in first base!”

“You must get more points in this round!!”

“Come on, everyone!!”

Seeing that Zengzi was not injured, the supporters of Seido continued to cheer for Seido.



After throwing the tentacle ball.

Sanada, who took off his hat and apologized at the first time.

Put the cap on your head again and look at the next batter.

“Although someone is on the base.”

“But the next fighters are easy to deal with, and you don’t need to worry too much.”

Just as Sanada expected!

With a jet ball that rushes towards the chest of the right-hitting hitter and a tricky inner corner!

Although 7 baseball positions and 8 baseball Baizhou hit the ball, they did not land on the ground.

So it was easily eliminated by the pharmacist high school.

This is followed by the 9-stick Drop Valley.

Due to the home run before the valley was dropped.

So Sanada also took out twelve points of energy, and even used the long-hidden ace – Kate ball!

As expected!

Face the valley of the Catalan ball!

Directly hit a garbage drop point!

Then it was quickly caught by the Yakushi’s Interior Fielder and passed to the first baseman!


As the baseball enters the first baseman’s gloves, Descending Valley is banned!

“He’s sure he can get a ball!”

Staring carefully at Sanada’s Miyuki pupils shrank sharply.

Cangzhi frowned and said, “Didn’t Descending Valley participate in Lin Tian’s actual combat training?” Faced with Catte the ball did not hit a hit? ”

Yuki hugged his chest with both hands: “Although the ball is the same, but before entering the home base, the ball speed and straight ball are similar, and it is indeed difficult to judge.” ”

Isashiki snorted, “It seems that although that person’s Kate ball is slower than Lin Tian’s, it is not so easy to deal with.” ”


The other side.

The medicine man’s bench erupted in fierce cheers.

“Uh-oh oh oh!!!”

“Finally zero points lost!!”

“Great!! Eliminate three people in a row!!! ”

“Sanada! Cast beautifully!!! ”

When the players on the field returned to the players’ seat, they also praised Sanada one after another.


The first half of the fourth inning.

Yakushi High School Offense.

“First stick!”

“Third baseman blasts Thunder City!”

As the radio went down, Coach Kataoka stepped out of the rest area and shouted Oyuki.

Miyuki nodded.

Immediately conveyed the coach’s order to the referee.


The radio sounded again.


“First half of the fourth inning!”

“Seido High School Replacement Pitcher!”

“Playing in place of pitcher Lower Valley is…”

“Pitcher Sawamura!”

In a flash.

Everyone at Yakushi High School was dumbfounded.

Especially Boom Coach.

He’s all ready to hit the ball out of the valley with Thunderbolt City hitting the home run.

As a result you told me!

The valley is going to be replaced?!


This is also too messy!

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