“Change pitchers?”


“Isn’t that valley just getting into shape?”

“What does Qingdao think?”

The audience didn’t understand Kataoka’s approach.

Even the supporters of Qingdao felt confused.

Although they know that Kataoka often does some strange things.

But I didn’t expect it!

Kataoka would actually let a very good pitcher off the field!

“Descending Valley only threw one round and went down?”

Akiko Owada subconsciously exclaimed.

“I was also surprised by this substitution!”

Minefushio was also shocked by Kataoka’s operation.


Medicine Player Seat.

Boom Coach’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“I actually let the valley go down so quickly!”

“Hey, hey!”

“This is the second round of attacks!”

“That bastard is so cautious in order to keep our batter in check!”

The other team members also frowned.

It was hard to adapt to Shibuya’s pitching.

I thought I would get some points in the second round of attack.

Didn’t expect that!

Qingdao didn’t even give them a chance!




Lin Tian, who stayed in the middle field, was also surprised.

Because from the usual practice, it can be seen that in addition to him, Kataoka’s most valued pitcher is Shibuya Xiao.

But that’s normal.

After all, although Sawamura has potential at this stage, this potential has not yet become a strength.


After leading by a big score in Seido….

Kataoka should change his mind, that is, not to change the downward valley in the fourth inning, but to let the downward valley continue to vote!

Anyway, even if the style of the pitcher is thoroughly explored, such a large point difference, do not worry about being overtaken!


Fight the distracted pharmacist!

It is also a very good grind for the valley!


Kataoka changed pitchers…

This made Lin Tian a little confused…

“Does the coach value Sawamura more than I thought?”




Sawamura stood in the rest area, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.

“That’s right!”

“Take a deep breath!”

“Don’t panic!”

“Don’t have too much psychological burden! We’re still ahead of the curve! ”

The Qingdao Aid Group in the audience loudly reminded them with loudspeakers.

“First grade left pitcher?”

“That guy shot very well in the game against Mingchuan!”

“Left Pitcher vs Left Hitter, is he the secret weapon to block Boom City?”

The audience who has watched Seido vs Mingchuan is looking forward to Sawamura’s performance.

The audience who had not seen it analyzed the purpose of the Aodo sending him to the scene from Sawamura’s usual hands.


On the pitch.

Pitcher Hill.

Sawamura raised his left hand and held out his index finger as always!

“I’ll keep letting them fight out!”

“Defensive please…”

Perhaps nervous, Sawamura suddenly stuck.

But with a very thick skin, he did not care at all, but continued:

“I think it’s better to concentrate on dealing with the fighters!”

“How’s it going?”

“And there are no runners on the base!”

Hear that.

As Sawamura’s ‘brother’, Kurato felt embarrassed for Sawamura: “Everyone knows this kind of thing! ”

“There’s no need to say it again!”

“Stupid! You seem even more idiotic like this! ”

And the Qingdao aid group saw that Zecun was so nervous, and they also shouted and reminded:

“Sawamura! Take another deep breath!! ”

“Don’t worry!!!”

“We have a great advantage!!!”

Sawamura responded loudly, “No!!!” ”

Aodo Relief Team: “Don’t! Do it again! We’re panicked like you!!! ”


“It’s awesome!”

“I even told everyone around me what I thought!”

Staying in the batting area, Thunderbolt City, looked at Sawamura with admiration.

The words came out.

Instantly frightened Coach Bomb of Yakushi High School and others.

Coach Boom shouted even more hurriedly, “Lei Shi, what do you admire him for!!!” ”

“That makes you look like an idiot!!!!!!”

But Boom Thunder City didn’t listen to a word.

In his mind, he was thinking about how to imitate Sawamura next time.

“Ordinary imitation can’t work, no personal style!”

“I have to think of a more unique approach!”



“Descending Valley suppressed the Yakushi’s first round of attack lineup perfectly.”

“The next second round of attacks…”

“You shouldn’t be worse than him, right?”

Miyuki asked with a chuckle.

“Of course!”

As soon as he heard the two words of Descending Valley, Sawamura’s morale was high!


“Mingchuan’s batter is constantly being solved by this pitcher.”

“His possession of the ball doesn’t look great either.”

“The ball speed is not very fast.”

“But why can’t it be played well?”

Coach Boom was lying back in his chair with his eyes narrowed: “I’m afraid his pitching is very characteristic!” ”

Sanada laughed and said, “Displacement ball?” He and I seem to be a type of pitcher? ”

Coach Boom chuckled, “His ball has your seniority!” ”

“He’s just a normal feature ball!”

“As for this characteristic ball, it can be used as a pitcher weapon…”

“Or is it a defective product…”

“Ray City!”

“Let’s identify it!”



Boom Thunder City laughed and stood up in the batting area.

“I’d love to play the high-speed ball again.”

“But from the moment I watched the video, I was always curious about this guy!”


“In addition to this pitcher, Aodo has two pitchers!”

“Being able to play all kinds of pitches in a game…”

“This team!”

“It’s so much fun!”

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