Green Road Players’ Seat.

There was also a silence.


Not a low silence!

It was the silence that was shocked by Lin Tian!

A good moment passed.

Chris came back to his senses.

He smiled and admired, “Lin Tian’s defensive range is even wider than we imagined.” ”

“In previous matches.”

“Lin Tian has already demonstrated his super ability to assist in defending the left field and the right field.”

“And this time!”

“Even near the second base, he can catch it quickly, this maneuverability is too strong!”

Kataoka nodded in agreement, “Indeed! ”

Takashima smiled, “Lin Tian’s existence is like placing an impassable wall in the wilderness!” ”

“It is difficult for anyone to break through the ‘high wall’ barrier!”



“It’s dangerous!”

“Xiao Rong was almost beaten up!”

“Thanks to Lin Tian’s defense!”

“Speaking of Lin Tian, he is so powerful, he can obviously take the kill, but he has to choose a more risky double kill, but he is really successful!”

Sawamura’s friends couldn’t help but let out exclamations.


On the pitch.

With the Immortal Springs the third fighter ascended to the strike zone.

The game continues to begin.



Just as Sawamura was about to throw the ball.

Surprised to find that the 3 baseball team members of Xianquan actually chose to change the fight to touch.

Sawamura subconsciously used a lot of force to throw the ball in the bad ball area.


In case of possible rolling of the earth.

Sawamura immediately ran down the pitcher mound after throwing the ball.

“No one on the base even used a shock?!”

Miyuki frowned slightly, “Is this an attempt to drain Sawamura’s physical strength?” ”

“Or do you want to disrupt the rhythm of Sawamura with the help of the shock, so as to find the opportunity to strike?”

That’s when he thought so.

The second ball thrown by Sawamura was again thrown into the bad ball area because the batter posed as a striker.

“Don’t care about the beaters!”

“Just focus all your energy on pitching!”

Miyuki said as he passed the ball back to Sawamura.


Sawamura nodded.


Agreed decisively…

But when it comes to actually pitching, it’s still hard to do…

More critically!

I don’t know if it’s hand slipping!

Or because of the interference of the hit player’s touch posture!

Or is it pure ball control too poor?

In a word!

In the third pitch!

Sawamura accidentally threw himself in the middle!

“Great opportunity!”

Sensen’s 3 sticks look happy.

He didn’t expect Sawamura to make such a mistake.


3 basemen did not hesitate to swing the bat!


Accompanied by a crisp and pleasant hitting sound!

A baseball whizzed over Sawamura’s head!

But the batsman’s face is not very good-looking, because he did not catch the best hitting point!


“Obviously it’s the ball in the middle!”

“And it’s so slow, I didn’t even play well!”

What the batter didn’t know, however.

It’s not that he didn’t play well, but Sawamura’s ball comes with a displacement effect!

That’s why!

Only then did he not even play the ‘straight ball in the red’!


“Why hit the ball so high?”

Coach Pelican’s brow furrowed deeply.


What he didn’t expect!

Even though the ball flew high, it looked very defensive!

However, Ryosuke Kominato slowed down one step, causing him to be unable to pick up the kill, causing the ball to fall to the ground!

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!”

“Worn through!!!!”

“Fantastic place to stay!!!”

“Nice fight!!!”

The sluggish momentum of the Immortal Spring Academy was swept away in an instant.

“Good luck…”

Coach Pelican was relieved, and his frown calmed down.


“Twice in a row!”

Chris frowned, “Obviously, with Ryosuke’s ability, it can be easily prevented, why do you make mistakes one after another?” ”

Kataoka clasped his hands to his chest, and his eyes also flashed with puzzlement.


Takashima suddenly exclaimed!

“Lin Tian grabbed the ball!”


Everyone turned their heads and looked!


When the ball bounces from the ground to knee height …

A baseball glove suddenly appears in front of the baseball!


The baseball ‘took the initiative’ into the gloves.

But the next moment!

Taken out by Lin Tian’s other hand!

And pass to first base crisply!


In the direction of Lin Tian, the Yucheng standing with a lunge only needed to raise his gloves, and he didn’t need to move, and he caught the baseball.

And his other foot, of course, stepped on the barrier bag.

As for Sensen’s 3 basemen?

At this time, there are still seven or eight meters away from the barrier bag!


The first base referee did not hesitate to announce the result!

“The fighter is out!”

So far!

Sensen’s 1 stick, 2 sticks, 3 sticks have been eliminated!


The attack and defense of both sides need to be exchanged!


“How come there’s that little devil everywhere!”

The blood pressure that the Pelican Feeding Coach had just dropped had soared as soon as he rubbed it.


Twice a full time!

Their two hits!

Du Te was ruined by Lin Tian’s bastard!

This stinky little devil!!!

How can it be so difficult!!!!!


“Wow!!!, wow wow wo

“Another precise complement!!!!!”

“Xianquan’s coach is probably going to be killed by anger!?”

“That is to say, there is another hit that is about to appear, and as a result, it is strangled by Lin Tian again, and whoever it is will be angry!!!”

“Good poor fairy spring…”

The audience let out exclamations one after another.


“Lin Tian’s replenishment is so timely!”

As a journalist, Akiko Owada has watched many baseball games.

But even so!

Seeing Lin Tian’s performance just now, he was still amazed!

“He’s fast!”

“This is the main factor in the success of the fill!”

Feng Fujio shook the fan: “But more importantly, his consciousness is very strong!” ”

“If you pay attention, you will find that Lin Tian was activated before the Immortal Spring hit the ball!”

“As if…”

“He already knew the opponent’s hitting point in advance!”

“As fast as a cheetah…”

“Extremely accurate foreknowledge…”

“Unless the ball really lands too far, such as the sideline and the inside field on the left and right, it should be difficult to break through Lin Tian’s defense!”

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