Game 5.


Seido High School Offense.

The first player to play was 8 Basesawamura.

As for where did Kominato Haruhi go?

He was replaced after completing the blow in place of Sakai!

Instead, Sawamura boarded the pitch as a pitcher!


Sawamura also inherited the 8 sticks that originally belonged to Sakai!


Izawamura’s strike ability…




Just listen to the three pure strong winds!

Just know that Sawamura’s three consecutive swings are empty!

Some might say!

Since the strike dish, why not strike?

Let’s be honest!

Kataoka actually considered this strategy!

But the problem is…

Sawamura’s tackle can make the ball land in a theoretically better position…

Kozawa Village is too slow!

Even if the landing point of the touch is good, it is difficult to get on the base!

In layman’s terms!

The fundamental factor restricting this tactic is the speed of Sawamura!

Since the shock can’t make Sawamura on the base…

Nature still makes Sawamura swing the stick at full strength to have a better chance of getting on the base!

Of course!

Say yes there is a chance!

In fact, it is also a very small chance!

In a word!

Kataoka never had hope for Sawamura’s blow!

So when I saw Sawamura wave the air three times, I didn’t care too much!


This was followed by 9 baseball White States.

Because I have become accustomed to Yosuke Maki’s straight balls and curved balls.

So even though Maki was back in shape, he still hit the ball out.

Although the landing point is not good.

But it’s not particularly bad.

At least the White State was on the base, although it was very reluctant, almost blocked out.

Followed by!

The Qingdao Aid Group sang the Aid Song again!


Everybody knows!

Coming soon is Aodo ace Lin Tian!


Xianquan Academy has also adopted the same old-fashioned escort tactics!

“What an envy”

Bai Zhou didn’t have any emotions on the surface, but inside he was still very emotional.

He just went the extra mile!

Only barely hit a first-run homer!

What about the Kelin Days?

Nothing needs to be done!

It was guaranteed to first base!


There’s nothing to be jealous of.

After all!

Lin Tian can have this treatment!

It also relies on super blows again and again!


“It’s the guarantee again!”

“How many times has this been?”

“Is Xianquan so afraid of Lin Tian?”

“They have also entered the final four!!!”

Sawamura’s friends were all stunned.

They didn’t expect Xian Quan to be so resolute, and every time they encountered Lin Tian, they adopted this strategy.


From the perspective of Sensen’s response!

It can also indirectly prove how terrifying Lin Tian’s blow really is!

The only thing they regret is…

Can’t watch Lin Tian’s terrifying blow in this game!


After Lin Tian.

2-stick Ryosuke Kominato who appears.

Contributed a first-run homer.


White State moved from second to third base.

Lin Tian advanced from first base to second base.


It’s 3 sticks Miyuki Kazuya!

Suddenly, the looks of the people in the Immortal Spring were very ugly!


This can be seen from Miyuki’s previous hits!

As long as there are people on the base!

Then Miyuki’s shooting percentage will skyrocket!


The curved ball of real wood…

It seems to have been adapted by Qingdao…

So to speak!

This moment is the super crisis of the fairy spring!

Once hit with a two-run homer, Seido can get 2 points!

The difference between the two sides!

It will also change from 8 points to 10 points that can end the game early!


Whether it’s a pelican feeding instructor!

Or pitcher Yosuke Maki!

Or some other team member!

Now the mood has become extremely tense!

And nervous…

It also means that the probability of the error rate is greatly increased…


The second ball thrown by Maki!

It’s too nervous, resulting in the straight ball thrown, very good to play!

And Miyuki didn’t waste this opportunity!

He reflexively swung his bat and slammed the ball into the left field!


There are some problems due to the angle of shot!

After the ball flew out, it landed in the left field position, closer to the third baseman!


Back at home run in White State!

The third baseman has run over to pick up the ball!

But this time!

Lin Tian had already rushed out of third base, and ran out of a third of the distance!


After hearing the third-base instructor shout ‘Sensen has picked up the ball’!

Lin Tian paid no attention and continued to rush to the home base as fast as he could!

It’s worth mentioning!

Sensen’s tooth catcher is the same as when he faced Ryosuke Kominato before!

When you don’t get the ball!

Blocked the running line again!


Place the left calf horizontally on the side of the home board facing third base.

From Lin Tian’s point of view!

There is almost no room for barriers!

“Even if it’s the old rules!”

“Is this also an illegal blockade?”

In fact!

For the position of the catcher, Lin Tian is very respectful!

Because the catchers are really hard and dangerous!

Not only is he entangled in catching a high-speed ball every day, but he will also be wiped with a baseball headshot every three to five minutes, and he will be hit by a baserunner at every turn!!!

For example, in a professional baseball league of one year!

One of the catchers was seriously injured by a runner and was carried out on a stretcher on the spot!!!!!


If there is a catcher who does something illegal to seal the barrier!

For example, the whole person blocks the home base, so that the runner cannot touch the base to score!

That Lin Tian will not have half a point of respect!

Even disgusted with such people!


Or that sentence!

Since the referee did not have a foul when the toothcatcher did this!

That means!

Lin Tian at this time!

The tooth catcher must be knocked away!


He simply doesn’t have the space to touch the bases to score!


“Ryosuke Kominato is very kind!”

“Even if you take the ‘collision’ approach, I still don’t want you to be hurt by this stupidity!”

“But I’m different!”

“Face the beasts that break the rules!”

“I’m only going to take the extremely murderous approach!”


“Blocking home run doesn’t count as a foul!”

“That collision with home base, of course, is also within the scope of the rules!”

In Lin Tian’s view.

Ryosuke Kominato was still too kind.

If Ryosuke Kominato is making a collision.

Directly highlight the studs of the spikes, and the tooth catcher will definitely flash away immediately.

After all, although the catcher’s protective gear covers a wide area, there are still many omissions.

And these places…

Once you are stabbed by a runner who rushes over with a spike, you will definitely be injured!

Sure enough!

When Lin Tian took the slippery barrier and aimed the spikes on the soles of his shoes at the tooth catcher, he knocked them over!

The tooth catcher was instantly instigated!

Place your left calf across the home plate and put it away immediately!


He was so frightened that he stood up!

“It’s a pity…”

Lin Tian sighed in his heart, he also wanted to experience what it was like to bump into it.

Unfortunately, the tooth catcher did not give this opportunity.

And seeing that the tooth catchers had all let the barrier bag out, Lin Tian could no longer create a collision.

Because of deliberately injuring the opponent.

Not only does it not conform to Lin Tian’s three views, but it also violates the rules, and there is even a possibility of being banned.


Lin Tian could only turn his ankle slightly regretfully, changing the direction of the stud to another place.

It is worth mentioning.

At this time, the tooth catcher has already received the ball.

However, due to his sudden standing up, it opened the distance between him holding the ball and killing Lin Tian.

And Lin Tian also took advantage of this time.

Slide to home run and touch the home run board with your left hand.

【Seido score +2】







PS: The baseball shoes of the drill A players have studs!!!!!

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