“The more I try to conquer the butterfly ball.”

“It’s only going to be harder to hit it.”

Miyuki smiled and added something that Lin Tian hadn’t mentioned.

Then he added, “The team that has played against Sakurasawa so far. ”

“It is estimated that it is because of the rush to hit the middle, which leads to the defeat of all the strength before it can be exerted, right?” But…”

Butterfly balls are not invincible either…

Because it is impossible to predict the flight trajectory of the ball…..

So it’s no surprise that the ball will fly into the bad ball area…

For example, the first ball that Chang Xuming threw in the face of Inari 4 was to fly to the bad ball area! Of course……

Sometimes, when the Butterfly Ball is about to enter the glove, it will suddenly fly back from the bad ball area back to the good ball area! In a word!

Everything depends on the wind!

Where the wind blows, it will fly!

“You don’t need to swing too much!”

“Just hit it accurately!”

4 Baseball Masako Harada took a deep breath and swung the bat with as calm a mind as possible. However!

When it’s about to hit!

The ball suddenly turned!

The resulting flight path is completely different from what was expected! So much so that Harada Masakuni failed to hit the best position! When a sound.

The baseball landed quickly to the right of the pitcher’s mound, but when it bounced, it slowed down. Not long after the first time it bounced up, it fell again.

Two falls to the ground caused the baseball to slow down. And so it goes.

Sakurazawa’s second baseman quickly took over.

He passed the ball to the first baseman before Masako Harada reached first base.

“The fighter is out!”

The first base referee announced loudly.

“Elder Aya!”

“What a shame!”

“Are you 4 sticks like that?!”

Naruto Seimiya looked at Masakuni Harada, who had returned from failure, and laughed happily.

“Shut up!”

Harada roared in shame and anger.


“No way…..”

“Only I can avenge Elder Aya!”

Holding the bat, Narumiya walked confidently to the strike area.

Harada gritted his teeth and glanced at Narumiya Ming, “I want to beat him up!” ”


Although Naruto Naruto said it very domineeringly!

But really stand on the pitcher hill, in the face of Chang Xuming’s calm pitching, Cheng Gong Ming but three consecutive swings! But luckily!

Chang Xuming’s third pitch, because the flight path is too weird, caused the catcher to miss the connection! No!


It was the ball that went into the gloves, but bounced out! But this time!

Naruto Cheng was immersed in the sad mood of ‘he was empty’, resulting in not taking a step! Therefore!

After the Sakurasawa catcher picked up the ball, he took only one step and held the baseball and touched Naruto’s back!

“The fighter is out!”

The referee announced immediately. The 6th stick that followed!

Nor did he escape the result of being banned!

“The central line of Daocheng has also been eliminated one after another!?”

“That butterfly ball, it’s really powerful!!”

“Hmm! I feel that Sakurasawa has hope to compete with Inaghiro!! ”

The audience was excited and excited.

“That kind of ball is not easy to learn!”

Feng Fujio said in a deep voice, “Sakurazawa’s pitcher probably spent his entire high school time on [Butterfly Ball], which made him master its throwing method!” ”

“They can pass the hurdles all the way to the final four, definitely not by luck!”


“There is hope!”

“We can fight against Daocheng too!”

When Sakurasawa returned to the players’ seat, everyone was very excited. Two games in a row!

They didn’t let that championship alternate school score in two consecutive innings!

“Look at the ball!”

“Score first!!”

“Take advantage!!!”

Returning to their senses, Chang Xuming and the others walked to the side of the player’s seat and shouted cheers for the batsmen on the field.

But it didn’t work

Rely on high-speed straight balls, as well as eerie and unpredictable variation balls!

Naruto Seimiya easily let Sakurazawa’s 4 sticks, 5 sticks and 6 sticks all be out of the game!

“Better than pitching!”

“I can’t lose!”

“If you throw a ball, you will repay it with a pitch.”

“It’s really the style of the guy putting pressure on it.”

Miyuki smiled, “But Inagi can’t do anything about Sakurazawa’s butterfly balls.” ”

“What is going to happen to this game?”

Lin Tian said, “Sakurasawa will be defeated!” ”

Miyuki asked, curiously, “Why?” ”

Sitting next to Yukijo, Isashiki and the others also pricked up their ears, all wanting to hear what Lin Tian had to say.

“Their scoring ability is too weak!”

Lin Tian hugged his hands and said, “So as time goes by, Sakurasawa will gradually feel that it may be a delusional thing to want to score points from the hands of Naruto Naruto.” ”

“And this recognition will also make them more cautious in defense, and dare not make any mistakes!”

“But the irony is”

“The more you don’t want to make mistakes, the more likely you are to make mistakes because of excessive prudence.”

“The most important thing is!”

“Once there is a mistake!”

“Others will be more nervous!”

“Then the probability of a mistake will inevitably rise from 80% to 99%, and even to 100% is not impossible!”

Between words.

The game also played in the fourth inning. And then!

Just like Lin Tian said!

The third baseman who thought in his mind that he couldn’t lose a single point and couldn’t make a mistake after seeing two baseballs Shirakawa hit the ball.

I was very flustered.

Anxiously wanted to reach out and pick it up.

However, this haste made the action very stiff, resulting in the ball not being stopped in time.


The baseball bounced from the third baseman’s crotch to the left field!

“Passed between your legs!”

“Sakurasawa made a mistake for the first time!!!”

In the exclamation of the audience.

Daocheng’s 3 sticks stood on the strike zone. And then!

At the moment when Chang Xuming posed for the pitch! The White River at first base immediately rushed towards second base!

The butterfly ball flies very slowly, and by the time Sakurasawa catchers catch the ball, Shirakawa has reached second base! More critically!

When Chang Xuming threw the second ball!

“Not only did Shirakawa steal the base again, but Hideaki Yoshizawa, the 3rd stick of Inaga Castle, also hit the ball near the second base!”

“Second baseman!”

Chang Xuming immediately turned around to remind. But the second baseman who was already afraid of losing points. Being reminded of this by Chang Xuming, I was suddenly more nervous:

As a result, the ball that could have been easily caught was stunned to let the ball hit the edge of the glove and then bounce back! Wait until the second baseman picks up the ball!

3 stick Yoshizawa has reached first base! And the 2-stick White River ran to third base!

This is the next son!

It became nobody, and there were people on first and third bases! More critically!

This is Sakurazawa’s second mistake!

“Obviously it was so easy to prevent it, but it went wrong one after another. Kominato Haruhi was full of regret. ”

“But… Good location and nice staff”

Sawamura’s brow furrowed, “Why is the defense suddenly messed up?” ”

Miyuki’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Just like Lin Tian said, the more Sakurasawa doesn’t want to make mistakes, the more nervous he will be, causing the error rate to skyrocket!” ”

Lin Tian sighed, “Therefore, it is almost impossible for a weak team to defeat a strong team!” ”

“Because their fault tolerance rate is too low!”

“If you make a mistake, it will make the whole team collapse!”

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