On the pitch.

Because of the successive mistakes. Sakurasawa High School called a pause.

Everyone gathered at the pitcher hill to encourage each other and ease the previous tense atmosphere. But……

The next 4 sticks of Masako Harada!

But it was a single hit that blew the ball out of the field walls! This home run…

Instantly shattered Sakurasawa had just mustered up energy! What’s worse…

The next 5 sticks to play Naruto played the field hit! The same goes for the 6 and 7 sticks that follow!

The continuous field hits made Daocheng Industry’s score suddenly change from 0 to 5. And!

And that’s not the end!

By the time Sakurasawa High School managed to get enough of 3 eliminations, Inaghiro’s score in the 4th inning had changed from 5 to 8!

In the 5th inning, Inari attacked slightly weaker, but also scored 3 points! So far!

The point difference between the two sides has reached 11 points!

If Sakurasawa High School doesn’t score two points in the second half of the 5th inning, the game will end early! But…… Don’t say 2 points, even if it is 1 point…

For Sakurazawa, it is a distant goal… Really!

When the fifth inning is over!

Sakurasawa still didn’t get 1 point! So……

The race is over!

11-0, Daocheng Industry advanced to the final!

“Sure enough, I still lost.”

Lin Tian sighed.

“After all, the gap in strength between the two sides is too obvious.”

Miyuki said with a light smile.

“The winning side can go to Koshien and let them taste the taste of losing in the final!”

Isashiki snorted.

“The walls that stood in front of us last summer are getting taller and stronger at the same time!”

Miyuki stood up and smiled, “But our attack power is far more than last year!” ”

“And after having Lin Tian, our defensive power is no worse than theirs, even worse!”

“In this year’s final, Seido will win!”

Western Tokyo Contest!

Is the king Daocheng Industry winning the championship?

Or do you want to be ashamed of last year’s snow and win after six years of sprinting to Koshien High School? Decide who is the final of the Western Tokyo representative!

It’s almost time to kick off!

Green Road.

Baseball field.

After watching the game in Daocheng, everyone returned to training. Apparently!

No one wants to miss any chance to improve themselves! Because……

Match with Inari…….

Once they lose, the third grader will be directly withdrawn… Meantime!

You will also lose the opportunity to expose! But what if you enter Koshien?

Then the farther you go, the more professional baseball clubs will pay attention!

Therefore, students who want to become professional players will have a deeper obsession with Koshien than others! For example, Yukijo!

It is this obsession!

Let Yuki train very hard in normal times! Qingxinliao.

In the canteen.

All are already seated.

The TV set at the front shows the video of the game between Inaga and Sakurazawa. Chris explains: “In this game. ”

“Narumiya only threw 4 shifters, 3 fork balls, and only 7 skateballs.”

“After all, it is still a straight ball.”

Isashiki frowned, “Although Sakurazawa’s batting lineup is weak. ”

“But this kind of ball matching strategy is obviously to prevent us from stealing intelligence.”

Chris nodded.

Then he continued: “In addition to what I just said, Naruto Naruto also threw a diagonal ball that flew to the chest of the right hitter!” ”

“This large-angle diagonal straight ball, the effect is very good!”

Sawamura was stunned, “Yes…. Diagonal…..”

“How do I feel as if I’ve heard it somewhere?”

Lin Tian said helplessly: “The decisive goal you eliminated from Maki, that is, a straight ball with a large angle diagonal, referred to as a diagonal ball.” ”

“Sawamura, you have to use your brain when you pitch.”

“For example, if the ball is very effective against the enemy, then write it down and practice it privately!”

“That way, when you get to the court, you can have more weapons to deal with your opponents!”

“And the better you play, the more opportunities the coach will give you to play!”

Sawamura was shocked to hear that a corner kick could increase playing chances.

He hurriedly said, “After the meeting, I will go to see the video immediately!” ”

“I’ll definitely get that weapon in my hands!”

The other side.

Ryosuke Kominato smiled and asked, “So, in the face of Narimiya’s pitching, what is the opinion of the only person who played a second-base homer last year?” ”

As soon as these words came out.

“The second- and third-grade team members all looked at Tetsuya Yuki.”

….. Yuki groaned for a moment before saying, “Our team has the first and second bats that can interfere with the opponent.” ”

There are also players who can hit the ball according to the situation on the field.

“Above all!”

“Everyone can swing the stick accurately!”

“Today, we will definitely be able to burst into the palace!”


Xiao Mina, Cangzhi and others will all smile.

Lin Tian smiled, “Sure! ”

“But I hope he doesn’t protect me!”

Chris chuckled, “Daocheng Industry has their pride, so it will certainly not protect you!” ”

But in the next instant after this sentence is finished.

In Chris’s mind, Lin Tian’s terrifying blow performance unconsciously appeared.

Suddenly, he said, “But if you show super strike ability at the beginning.”

“I think that when I meet you later, I guess I will still choose to escort you?”

I have been standing by and watching everyone exchange Takashima Rei, and I agree with it. Since none of Qingdao’s previous opponents had reached the level of Daocheng Industry.

Therefore, even if Daocheng Industry knew that Lin Tian’s blow performance was very strong, it would still be dismissive. Because Naruto and those pitchers are completely different levels.


Like Chris said.

If Cheng Gongming could not suppress Lin Tian, and was repeatedly scored.


In order to win, Daocheng Industry will absolutely put down their pride and choose Jingyuan, Lin Tian! After all!

Compared to maintaining pride!

Or the entrance ticket to Koshien is more important!

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