
“This is the audience seat above the Daocheng rest area…..”

The entrance to a certain stand, the green plum bamboo horse of Sawamura. Ruo Cai said with a troubled face.

“What does it matter?”

Grandpa Sawamura shook the fan and said without any concern, “This side can see the players’ seat of the Qingdao more clearly, and the position is perfect!” ”

Sawamura’s father cried and laughed, “But there are enemies of Qingdao all around!” ”

Grandpa Sawamura said domineeringly, “Isn’t that nice?” Just to appreciate their frustrated expressions! ”

Ruo Cai panicked, “Grandpa, this kind of talk can’t be so loud!” ”

…… Course backstage.

Captain Seido. Tetsuya Yukijo. Captain Inari. Masako Harada.

The two were under the supervision of the refereeing team.

In the way of “flipping a coin”, the first attack of the game is determined.


The referee looked at the coin upwards.

Then he said, “According to the result.” ”

“The first attacker is Seido High School.”

“And Daocheng Industry is a backward attack.”

“I look forward to you staging a wonderful duel that does not live up to the fame of the final and leaves no regrets!”

Yuki and Harada answered at the same time, “Yes! ”


Yuki and Harada return to their respective teams and lead everyone into the stadium from different entrances in a full momentum.

“Oh oh oh—”

“Here we are the players of the Green Road!”

“Inaga is also here!!”

“Lin Tian!!! Lin Tian!!! ”

“Yukijo!!! Miyuki!!! ”

“Chenggong!!! Daocheng!!! ”

In the midst of various responses, Aodo and Inari walked to their respective players’ seats.

“There are so many spectators in the stands!”

Kominato Haruhi looked around, full of expectations, looking forward to the opportunity to perform.


Sawamura took a deep breath.

Kominato Haruhi’s pupils shrunk, and he reflexively covered his ears. The next moment.

Sure enough, Sawamura’s angry shouts appeared.

“We’re going to win!!!!!!!”

Up close.

Yukijo, Kurashi, and the others were almost deaf when they were directly yelled to their ears.


“Don’t shout so loudly in your ear!!!”

Kuraguchi gritted his teeth and squeezed Sawamura’s face and shouted angrily.

“If you’re not careful…”

Sawamura who was choked, a vague opening.

“The weaker the dog, the more he likes to bark!”

Ryosuke Kominato stood next to Sawamura with his hands behind his back and said with a smile. Words fall.

A knife slashed at Sawamura’s head.

“Give me some attention!” A sucker!!! ”

Isashiki couldn’t help but yell at Sawamura.

“Sure enough, there is a village in the village, and the atmosphere has always been very lively!”

Lin Tian smiled and stood silently eating melon.

Although he couldn’t do such a cheeky behavior as Sawamura, it didn’t prevent him from appreciating Sawamura doing so. Because every time Sawamura’s strange behavior.

It always makes the team more vibrant.

Anyway, for Lin Tian, he liked this atmosphere very much. The other side.

Miyuki is telling the valley to descend.

“The temperature is very high.”

“But don’t drink too much water.”

“Otherwise the body won’t be able to move.” Descending Valley nodded obediently. ”

Inari Contestants’ Seat.

Cheng Gong Ming yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Harada Masako looked at Qingdao and said without turning his head, “It seems that you didn’t sleep well last night.” ”

“When I woke up in the morning, I yawned all the time.”

Cheng Gongming smiled lightly, “No problem, don’t look sad!” ”

“I was just so excited at the thought of how I was going to hit them!”

Talk room.

Naruto Seimiya stared at Miyuki Kazuya, the Aodo player.

Inside: “Ichiya, this is the game you yearn for…”

Two years ago.

Carlos of the Seongnam Junior Baseball Team. Marukama Junior Baseball Team’s White River.

Takahira Junior Baseball Team’s Yamaoka and Yabe.

Under the co-ordination of Narumiya Ming, it was decided to enter Daocheng together. But.

In the list of Naruto’s co-optation. Miyuki is also an indispensable member.

“Ichiya, if you join, then my ideal team is done.”

In one of the parks, Narumiya looked at Miyuki and said…

The corners of Miyuki’s mouth tilted slightly: “Haha! What an honor! ”

Bai He: “I don’t care who the catcher is, but Cheng Palace wants you.” ”

Narumiya: “You also received an invitation from Daocheng, right?” Let’s form the strongest team together! ”

“If these people form a team, it is not a dream to dominate the whole country!”

Carlos then spoke: “Inagi Industrial has a national friend coach with a lot of achievements, the equipment is also the most complete in Tokyo, and the environment is impeccable!” ”

Bai He added, “The most important thing is that you don’t have to be an enemy of the palace, of course you will agree, right?” Miyuki Kazuya…..”

Miyuki: “….”

After a moment of silence, Miyuki refused.

“I’m sorry, I can’t promise you.”

“Before I was in Daocheng, I had already received an invitation from Qingdao.”

When Shan Gang heard this, a green tendon appeared on his forehead: “Huh? You actually refused? ”

Cheng Gong raised an eyebrow, “Qing Dao…”

“Since the original coach resigned, that school has not been in Koshien once!”

“Don’t you think that Coach Kataoka is still too young compared to the record of Coach Kuniho?”

Miyuki scratched his head, “No, that’s not what I care about…”

“And didn’t your team gather so many masters?”

“I would rather talk to your coach than to team up with you!”

Shan Gang hated the roar of iron and steel: “Are you stupid? ”

Narumiya: “Finally I will ask you again…”

But halfway through the conversation, Miyuki interrupted, “Sorry, I can’t go!” ”

Narumiya was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, “I appreciate that you can refuse my invitation!” ”


“Don’t blame me for regrets!”

“Being able to compete in the final should be what you yearn for the most, right?”


“If you lose, don’t regret your decision!”

Narumiya stood up sharply and walked to the court with his teammates. When both teams reach home run and perform a pre-game ceremony!

National High School Baseball Player Rights Contest! Western Tokyo Area Qualifiers!

It’s officially kicked off!

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