“Reminiscent of the blazing blue sky of midsummer.”

“The players seats of Seido and Daocheng have each sent their own team members.”

The narrator arranged by the organizer enthusiastically explained: “Take the summer two consecutive hegemons as the goal!” Inaga Industrial, the champion of the Western Tokyo area last year! ”

“Want to be ashamed of last year’s snow! After six years, it has once again hit Koshien Seido High School! ”

“Both are nationally renowned baseball giants!”

“Who will win this game?”

On the pitch.

Yuki Castle of Seido and Harada of Inaga.

Facing his opponent, he roared at the same time: “Let’s go!” ”

The respective team members: “Oh oh oh oh oh!!!! ”

Morale roared in response.

Both sides rushed to home run as fast as they could.


Inari Lineup: 1 Stick: Left Outfield. Carlos 2 Sticks: Guerrilla. White River 3 Basemen: Third Baseman. Yoshizawa 4 Sticks: The Catcher. Harada 5 base: Pitcher Seimiya 6 base: First baseman. Hill 7 Baseman: Second Baseman. Hirai 8 Stick: Left Outfield. Sanskrit

9 Sticks: Right Outfield. Fujikawa…

Seido Lineup: 1 Stick: Nakamino. Lin Tian 2 Basemen. Minato 3 Sticks: Catch 22 Hands. Miyuki 4 Baseball: First Baseman. Yuki Castle 5 Sticks: Right Outfield. Isashiki 6 Basemen: Third Baseman. Zengzi 7 Sticks: Guerrilla. Position 8 bars: left field. White State 9 Baseball: Pitcher. Descending valley

“When the players in Seido and Daocheng rushed out of the players’ bench with great momentum.”

“The audience in the stands applauded from the bottom of their hearts.”

“It’s a tribute to the team that has advanced all the way to the present.”

“At the same time, it is also expressing the anticipation of this game.”

“So, what kind of final will this be?”

With the voice of the narrator sounded again.

The emotions of the audience were also mobilized.

Each of them is screaming for help for the team they support. And the players on the field.

They lined up on either side of the home base.


With the referee’s order.

The players of Seido and Inaga immediately bowed to each other.

“Please advise!!!”

“Please advise!!!”

The coaching teams of both sides also took off their hats and bowed to each other in front of the players’ seats. So far!

The race is officially on!

“First half of the first inning!”

“Daocheng Industry in charge of defense!”

“The contestants are focused on the pitcher mounds to encourage each other!”

“And then…”

The narrator shouted passionately: “This is the one standing on the pitcher’s mound!” ”

“In this competition, the second-year ace who has not lost a point has become a palace ring!”

“And the ball that picked up the second-grade ace was!”

“Master and 4th Baseman, Harada of the third grade”

“It is worth mentioning that 4 of the 9 members of the start-up team are second-year students, which is the characteristic of Daocheng Industry this year!”


With the words of the narrator.

The audience’s understanding of Daocheng Industry is also gradually deepening.

At the same time, I also knew how awesome Inari’s pitchers and lineups were. In front of the green road rest area.

Kataoka had the players gather in a half-circle.

Then he said, “Unless there is no way back, don’t shoot the tricky ball!” ”

“Don’t be afraid to be struck three times, aim at your target ball and swing the baton!”

“The temperature is high now!”

“As the number of balls increases, even if it is Cheng Gongming, the chance of losing a shot will inevitably increase!”

Lin Tian and the others nodded, “Understood!!!” ”

Press gallery.

Akiko Owada stared in the direction of Aodo, “How exactly is Aodo going to attack the ace Chenggong that has maintained a record of 0 points lost so far?” ”

“This will be the biggest attraction of this game!”

Feng Fujio nodded, “In the face of Inagaki with an absolute ace, it is really difficult for Aomichi to score.” ”

“So at this time, it depends on whether Lin Tian can open up the situation as usual.”


“Game 1!”

“First half!”

“Seido High School Attack!”

“The first stick, Nakawai Field Forest Heaven!”

Accompanied by the sound of the radio.

Lin Tian took the metal rod and walked from the contestant’s seat to the strike area.

“Boom him big!”

“Blow him up!!”

“Lin Tian! Lin Tian! ”

“Look closely!!”

Lin Tian had not yet waved his stick, and the audience had already shouted enthusiastically. And the Qingdao Aid Group sang the Aid Song as always.

“Lin Tian?”

Narumiya’s eyes narrowed slightly.

In his mind, Lin Tian’s performance in the main game came up uncontrollably. Have to say!

A batter like Lin Tian, who will definitely hit without a guarantee, is indeed very strong!

It is not an exaggeration to call it a “national top fighter”!


“I’m not one of those rookie pitchers you’ve met before!”

Cheng Gong snorted coldly.

The right hand wearing baseball gloves and holding the left hand holding the ball slowly raised above the head.

“You won’t empty the record, I’ll smash it!!!”

Think so.

Narumiya used all his strength to throw the ball out.

“Straight ball at low angles outside!”

“The speed is about 147 kilometers per hour!”

Almost at the first time, Lin Tian judged the incoming ball through the experience of “world-class short play”. Let’s be honest.

This kind of ball is difficult for the player to hit.

Because the outer corner kick was originally far away from the player, Cheng Gong Ming shot the outer low corner, which further increased the degree of drilling.

More critically!

The ball speed reached around 147!

For 99% of high school students, this ball speed has reached a point where they are hard to react to! But.

It’s a pity.

Lin Tian’s strike experience was several times stronger than those 1271% of high school students! And!

His response is world-class!

After many check-ins, the power has also reached the level of the national peak! After the three of them are combined!

Lin Tian could not only see the best time to swing the stick, but also grasp it steadily!

“Maintained a record of zero points for so long”

“It’s time to break it!!!”

When the ball is about to enter Harada’s gloves.

The bat that Lin Tian swung in advance was suddenly in it. And!

From Harada’s point of view!

The tip of the bat is just right for the baseball!


The solemnity that originally appeared because of Lin Tian’s appearance.

At this moment, the moment was overwhelmed by the panic. While!!!!!!!!!

Sure enough.

Harada soon heard an ultra-loud metal crash.

Then I saw that the baseball instantly flew from the top of Narimiya’s head to the high altitude of Nakawai Field. swish

The spectators around them looked up and their eyes moved with the baseball.

And watching the baseball fly for a distance and there is no sign of descent, everyone’s eyes can’t help but widen.

“The first…”

“The first goal…”

“Did the first ball go out…”

In the audience above the Aodo rest area, Takako Fujiwara opened her mouth in surprise and trembled uncontrollably.

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